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Tired of Gibbs?

Thinking Skins

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I kinda feel bad saying this, but I am really getting tired of all the hype right now. I can't say I'm not optimistic about Gibbs coming back, but I'm in more of a Lavar Arrington "wait and see" approach this year.

I mean every year we bicker and babble about how good our Redskins are, how we're going to win the division and go 10-6 and go to the Super Bowl in 2 years. Then every year, we sit and watch the Redskins come close and lose game after game.

Then when the offseason comes we repeat the procedure, signing players that are supposed to either cover up our weaknesses or make us into the greatest team again. But every year either a new fallacy arises or we find that we have not properly solved our previous ones.

I'm praying that everything goes right and I have a lot of faith in Gibbs, but whats up with the remarks like, "If Gibbs does it, it must be right" I mean, thats kinda whats annoying me. We said similar things 2 years ago. I remember ASF was going on a rampage talking about how we're ignoring the flaws in our team. I could say a very similar thing about this offseason.

Remember all the talk last year about how we had hired the perfect Defensive Coordinator. HOw he was gonna do miracuous things with our linebackers and how everything was gonna be so great.

Fast forward to this year: Everything thats wrong with our team, we just know Gibbs will fix it. Everything about our defense that has caused problems is automatically fixed. There will be no learning curve, there will be no anger from the players, everything's supposed to be GRRRRRREAT.

I just cant get that hype right now.

But then again, I could just be down about school.

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I think you're just down about school, bro.

If all you read are the "ya-freakin'-hoo, we're back!" threads, I suppose I can see where you'd have the feeling everyone thinks we're headed for the Super Bowl in 2004. But for every one of those, I've seen another expressing everything from cautious optimism to outright doom-and-gloom disgust.

As with most things, the truth probably lies somewhere between the two Extremes. :)

Take two cold drafts and call me in the morning, man.

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Originally posted by blakman211

I kinda feel bad saying this, but I am really getting tired of all the hype right now. I can't say I'm not optimistic about Gibbs coming back, but I'm in more of a Lavar Arrington "wait and see" approach this year.

Understand, to a certain extent, your cautious optomism, but even Lavar Arrington, on his recent Carson Dailey appearance, said that after attending mini-camp he now understands why Joe Gibbs is considered a legend.

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The big difference is in our coaching staff has over 70 years of NFL experience among them.

Last year combined our coaches had I think less than 10 years

experience. There in lies the difference. These guys have been through it all, seen it all. And now for the first time in over a decade we have clear concise plan. Gibbs will not waiver as other coaches have. He will stay the course and have you grinning and the Skins winning by midseason. :cheers:

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Whens the last time our Skins played well year in year out? When Gibbs was here, that fact is enough for me to be optimistic about the upcomming years. Also we lost so many close games last year and its not just cuz of our coaching staff but an amazing one like we have this year could have put us over the top in most of those games. We will win more of those close games this year.

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Blakman211 - You will be the first one who says "I knew we were were going to be winners" You are a sorry soul! Give me a break. Like we were going to win with Spurrier. Why do you bother to start a thread like this?

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Well, in a way, I can understand. I love reading articles about Gibbs and the new expectations for the team, but I am ready for training camp and the season! So I can understand - there is a point where some of the articles basically say the same thing.

I don't think it's a ridiculous post - I think, like many of us, he just wants to darn season to start! :-)

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Are you kidding me? I dont remember anyone saying we had hired the

perfect defensive coordinator last year....

give me a break...Tired of Gibbs...

I had tears in my eyes when he had his press conference...

you are in serious need of a drink and a BJ or something...

snap out of it son....

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Originally posted by blakman211

I kinda feel bad saying this, but I am really getting tired of all the hype right now. I can't say I'm not optimistic about Gibbs coming back, but I'm in more of a Lavar Arrington "wait and see" approach this year.

La Var is now saying he is "really excited," most recently having uttered those words on Carson Daly earlier this week. So if he can come around, I hope you will, too.

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not a riduculous post...just from a person who was too young to go through Gibbs/Bugel I. If there is one thing that the 'skins fans who were old enough (and arent too old to forget by now) is that the coaching staff makes every bit of difference. You ask all of the coaches in the NFL, the difference from team to team as far as talent is minimal except for certain skill positions

Those who are old enough are the ones from my viewing these posts are the ones who are the most optimistic about the upcoming year. I too am very optimistic...not SB bound yet, but not too far either

To the members of extremskins who only know of Gibbs through old NFL films highlight reels...I do not blame you for your skeptism. You have been burned badley from Norv,Marty and Spurrier regimes..trust us oldies...this is going to be a lot of fun!

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You need to step back and ignore the hype. Its not about the upcoming season. Its about resestablishing the tradition and quality of the Redskin franchise. No more quick fixes and hot coaching candidates. It doesn't matter if we make the playoffs next year. It doesn't really matter if we have a winning record. What matters is the emergence of a professional approach to building a team and properly executing on the gridiron. If that is accomplished, the Redskins will eventually be successful. Gibbs will make it happen. Go ahead and be cautious in your optimism beacause the "when" is still unknown, but the "if" is no longer an issue.

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Yes! the reason most of us are optimistic is because of Joe. Not only it being Joe Gibbs, but knowing that most of the piss-poor play that was coming from the team as an whole will certainly be eliminated.

No more constant Jumping offsides, Lb's playing outta position and playing roaming field:laugh: .

No more "I don't have the answers" from your head coach and basically your head coach and DC being totally clueless about making proper adjustments.

No more throwing the ball if it's not needed and causing turn-overs when you should've kept running the ball.

No more deeer in the headlight looks from your coach on the sideline.

No more poor game planning and not having players prepared.

No more getting totally smacked around by lesser opponents when your obviously the better team with much better talent. And I could go on and on.

Get our drift, it's all in the coaching and having your players prepared for war. That's where most of the optimism is coming from. Knowing Joe Gibbs and the staff on board is all about details and playing the proper chess game when it comes to football games.

See, you had to be there to understand our logic. You had to be part of the Redskin/Joe Gibbs era when Joe was coaching. Not only are we optimistic, but 90% of the football world agree with us fans totally. That Joe Gibbs instantly makes this football team a better football team by his presence and understanding of the game alone. He's not a hall-of-famer for no reason, he earned his reputation and his seat in canton.

Furthermore, I don't think none of us are guranteeing the Redskin will make it to the SuperBowl, or guranteeing they will make it to the playoffs. But what we are looking for is a better football team all-around on the playing field. A team that will be respected and disciplined in the areas where football teams should and suppose to be disciplined. I mean just the basic stuff that's been hindering us for many years since Joe left. EXAMPLE: Special Teams....

It wasn't only the coaching and poor play by players that pissed us off year-end and year-out. It was also the basic details that was missing on this Football Team ever since Joe left. Details that caused us losses in any given area doing any given year ever

since Joe's departure.

See, that's what most of us and every given person that ever watched Joe Gibb's coach understand. That Joe's going to put us in the best position possible to succeed every given Sunday and Monday. Opposed to his past predecessors putting us in any ackward position on any given Sunday to lose:doh: .

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Gibbs is not a miracle worker ...he cant fix everything in one offseason and yes there will be a learning curve. BUT Gibbs is a pro's pro...He will put in the work it takes to be successful and he will get the players do the same not by force like Marty but because Gibbs is a true leader of men. He will not let us down. He can't fail...He doesnt know how.


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Gibbs is not a miracle worker. We lost games when he was here previously and we'll lose our fair share this time around. That's parity and life in the NFL. In my opinion, Gibbs brought two things that have been sadly missing over the past decade.

(1) Professionalism: The entire organization displayed an aura of professionalism. There were bad plays at times called by the coaches and good plays executed very poorly by the team. But, the mistakes we made were not consistent game after game. This time around, we may have some stupid offside penalties early on, but they will not continue throughout the season. Same for not getting plays in soon enough, same for unnecessary time-outs, same for poor blocking schemes on special teams, same for not protecting the QB. I could go on and on but I trust you get the drift. The team will improve throughout the season. And, Gibbs' post-game press conference after the 12th or 13th game will not be a taped version of what he said after the first couple of games. As a fan, you will not be embarrased by what happens both on and off the field. Pride in being a fan of a truly professional organization will reappear.

(2) Adjustments: If we were only down 10-14 points at half-time, we were still in the game. Half-time adjustments will once again reappear. I believe the ability to make meaningful adjustments may be Gibbs' strongest suit. One of the things we'll be able to speculate about during a game is changes we'll see as Gibbs and his staff make adjustments. We'll lose games at times, however, we should be in most (all?) of them well into the fourth quarter. And, what this means is we'll steal a game now and then. Forget about worrying how we're gong to lose a game we should have won easily; it's far more enjoyable wondering if we're going to steal a game we probably should have lost.

Welcome back Gibbs and welcome back Pride in the Redskins.

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