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Does Ramsey hold the ball........


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Does anyone here deny that Ramsey more than struggled last season in the face of undisguised blitzes? There were occasions where opposing D.C.s put 8 of their defenders right on the line and Pat was simply overwhelmed. Recievers not adjusting and garbage schemes are absolutely at fault as well but will a D.C. even do that to a seasoned vet that can beat the blitz for seven?

Will time holding a clip board and watching from the sidelines really hurt Ramsey? I don't think so, I say that he will learn a great deal from relaying in the plays. Nomenclature, seeing what Brunnel does in certain situations and time in the film room with knowledgeable coaches and a real NFL starting QB (not a shot at Ramsey, a shot at Mathews, Wuerfull and R. Johnson) will make him accell the next time he gears up under center.

I really think that Ramsey will explode as a result of all this, what does everyone else think?

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I agree, I expect Brunell to win the job in august, Ramsey will learn from him, and at sometime during the season, Ramsey will get in, likely due to injury and will procede to light up the scoreboards and take over the starting job from that point.

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I believe Ramsey has more talent than most of the the quaterbacks under Gibb's tenure (I would say he was more talented then all of them with the exception of Theisman).

I think that given a education by Gibbs, Burns, and Brunell, that Patrick will spend many years taking a trip to Honolulu at the end of the season. Should be fun to watch.

I really just hope that Ramsey understands that he is still young and has a lot to learn and also that because he is benched for one year does not mean that his chances to become a premier QB in the league are diminished but rather this situation is only going to help him in the long run.

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I agree with what pr11fan says.

From what we know of Ramsey now, he doesn't seem to have too much pride. That is the best thing for him right now. If he does end up being a back-up, without his pride in the way, he will learn a TREMENDOUS amount this season.

But, Brunell WILL NOT start EVERY game this season, and it is even MORE certain that he won't be taking EVERY single snap. If Ramsey learns as much as we think he will from watching a few games, our opponents will be in trouble.

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There were defintely times when Ramsey held the ball too long...a testament to his youth and his courage. These are the things that have to be worked out by playing....and I have confidence that with enough starts in a stable offense he will correct this problem.

Maybe this was one of the key factors in Gibbs pushing for the veteran QB, there were obviously parts of Ramsey's game he was not comfortable with when he looked at the game films. If so, than this means that Gibbs is not only aware of the problem....but also has helping Patrick fix it high ion his priority list.

That's a comforting thought to me...

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

Ramsey hasn't learned how to read defenses because he had a clown for a coach. He'll be fine once he learns when to get rid of the ball.

Steve Spurrier tought him to read defenses well. He also emphasized getting rid of the ball quick. It's in Ramsey's nature to hold the ball long.

Spurrier's biggest mistake was his pass protection schemes. I saw no problem with his tutelage of Ramsey.

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Originally posted by 3DaysLatr

Does anyone here deny that Ramsey more than struggled last season in the face of undisguised blitzes? There were occasions where opposing D.C.s put 8 of their defenders right on the line and Pat was simply overwhelmed. Recievers not adjusting and garbage schemes are absolutely at fault as well but will a D.C. even do that to a seasoned vet that can beat the blitz for seven?

Will time holding a clip board and watching from the sidelines really hurt Ramsey? I don't think so, I say that he will learn a great deal from relaying in the plays. Nomenclature, seeing what Brunnel does in certain situations and time in the film room with knowledgeable coaches and a real NFL starting QB (not a shot at Ramsey, a shot at Mathews, Wuerfull and R. Johnson) will make him accell the next time he gears up under center.

I really think that Ramsey will explode as a result of all this, what does everyone else think?

Actually, yes, I would deny that was the case at all.

The problem last year came as opposing defensive coordinators figured out how to force Spurrier's offense into set adjustments. Remember, Spurrier's offense is based on the old run and shoot theory of "he inside, go outside, he outside, go inside, he short, go deep, he deep, go short."

Spurrier's offense was based on the theory that there was ALWAYS the right play for the defense the opposition was running. And it was always the QBs job to try to get the team to that play. Once the first rotation of coaching tape when through the league, the offense was just stoned.


Because teams knew with certain looks, Spurrier's offense checked to plays that would work against it. But, well disguised, teams were able to cover those known checks and force the offense into confusion. Essentially taking away every throwing area. Spurrier did adapt a little as the year went on. He began adding drag routes to isolate his receivers against linebackers as an example.

But, for the most part, teams seemed to know not so much what we were running on any particular play, but rather, how to make us go to a play they would know. And as that happened, Ramsey began to struggle greatly as all QBs would. To Ramsey's credit, he didn't make a lot of "bad" throws in terms of getting intercepted. He did stay within the offense. He did go through his reads and attempt to make the best and safest throw possible most of the time.

With Gibbs, you'll find that Ramsey or Brunell will often drop back and only have two guys in a route against 6 or 7 defenders. And we'll hit on big plays despite it because the way Gibbs designs things is different and harder to get a read on than what Spurrier was doing.

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Ramsey has some pride due to him wanting to leave cause he could start possibly in Miami or San Diego, all those rumors. Also, I would rather have Ramsey take a sack holding the ball than throw an interception.

If Ramsey wins next year, so be it. If not, he'll only benefit.

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Originally posted by sonsofwashington

Man I wish we had Pennington! I'd give both our QB's for him.

that's a bold statement, i'b be interested to see you explain this one


i mean dam, pennington is good dont get me wrong.... but you'd trade brunell and ramsey for him?

no way is he worth 2 starters

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Originally posted by GorditoShawn

I believe Ramsey has more talent than most of the the quaterbacks under Gibb's tenure

hey lets not sell MB short here... i think MB has more talent then any QB that Gibbs had... so that arguement is mute when talking about if Ramsey or MB should start...

i fully expect MB to start the season... not sure if he will finish it but i think there is almost no way MB will not win the starting position unless he gets injuryed... Experience that MB has will outweigh the any fresh talent that Ramsey have at the start of the season...

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Originally posted by GorditoShawn:

I believe Ramsey has more talent than most of the the quaterbacks under Gibb's tenure (I would say he was more talented then all of them with the exception of Theisman).

Originally posted by RabidFan

"I believe Ramsey has more talent than most of the the quaterbacks under Gibb's tenure (I would say he was more talented then all of them with the exception of Theisman).

PLEASE nobody tell Theisman this or he'll never shut up.

Well, as the King would say, "Ah thank ya, ahhh thank ya vera much":laugh: :cool:

It's good to see my namesake is NOT hated by all Extremers:cheers:

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