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If he doesn't want to be here......


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i don't want to see Ramsey go either, but if he doesn't want to play for the Redskins, why not give Hasselbeck or even Gibran Hamdan a chance? i haven't heard Hasselbeck cry about Brunell coming in, and technically, he has about as much experience as Ramsey does. just a little bit less, but he showed some promise at times last season.

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Originally posted by nwogiant33

i don't want to see Ramsey go either, but if he doesn't want to play for the Redskins, why not give Hasselbeck [a chance]

Because he failed!!!! Miserably, I might add. 1-5, why can't we all just leave him alone?

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Ramsey doesn't really want to leave, he likes the area just fine and he knows full well that Gibbs is the best thing for his career (in terms of protection, development, and surrounding talent).

The problem is that Gibbs made Sexton look bad. He's exploiting a vulnerability (or mistake) made in the initial contract.

Ramsey was counting on his contract taking a $3 million bump in base after this year, and trimming a year from the contract.

Instead, what Sexton sees is that, the difference between what Ramsey makes on the bench for the next 3 years (less then a mil per year) and as a starter for the next 2 ( closer to $4 mil), is exactly the sum of Brunnel's contract if he retires after 3 years.

Gibbs found a way to carry a back-up QB for free, but that could only happen if he beats out Ramsey ... so he got someone capable of doing that.

I believe Gibbs will run an honest competition, and a player should never expect more. But Sexton has taken the position that his client is entitled to early developmental years at the team's expense ... and the sad part is, he handed the Redskins the financial means to do just that.

The contract just begged the Skins to attract a 30 year plus star QB that is good enough to keep Ramsey at Bay for 2-3 years.

Sexton got out manuevered, now he better shut up!

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I agree with what Sammy already said earlier in that this whole thing has me dissapointed in Ramsey. I like him, enought to have bought his Jersey last year, and wear it to home games. I think he has a great future in the NFL, but what can he honestly point to and say that has indisuptably won him the starting job, that he should be uncontested. To borrow from Tony Kornheiser I think Ramsey and his agent are seriously picking the wrong fight if they are going to battle with Joe Gibbs on this. Patrick, if you read this, your toughness, and will to get back up and play after every sack, hit, and knock-down you took last year for the team won the Redskins fans over. Don't be a wuss now, and start causing problems. You said and did all the right things last year, and were a TEAM PLAYER. Continue to be a team player, and things will work themselves out. If there is any coach you can trust it's Gibbs, he isn't going to lie to you, if he says there will be an open competition, there will be, keep the faith. You might win the starting job anyway!:cheers: :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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I agree to a certain extent that if Ramsey is particularly noisy about wanting a trade, I'd certainly have to consider giving it to him. I don't believe that's what Gibbs "wants" to do, but if Ramsey REALLY goes out and burns his bridges you almost have to see if you can get a pick around No. 20 or so in the draft for him.

Such a move though doesn't really get you where you need to be to fulfill what Gibbs wants at that spot. So, you'd then have to spend that pick on another young QB, or make a play for a young QB from elsewhere. So, to trade Ramsey you'd have to be really seeing some stuff that seriously makes his position in Washington something he can't salvage in terms of generating disdain among the fans.

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I'd only get rid of Ramsey if his whinning has a bad effect on the team. And he's not whinning, he just knows that should he not start he would take a huge pay cut and be making only 600,000 after taking the pounding he did last year.


0-16, 19-0, skins fan till i die!!!

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I say give Ramsey some time. Sure he may not be happy now. But he could possibly move passed this. Look at Tracy McGrady. He complained last season when the Magic traded his best friend Mike Miller and didn't want to play. But he toughed it out. Ramsey can do the same. It's a part of maturing in my opinion.

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Rivers? No, no, and no! Just because he can light the ACC up doesn't mean he wil be a good pro.

I watched this kid play for the past four years and I'm still unsure if he was successful due to talent or due to a offensive system.

I really don't like NCST either so I'm very bias on this one....

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