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Just horrible!Still No Class!


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I'm at the game yesterday with some of my friends from Philly who are Eagles fans. I go to take a piss and and about five feet in front of 2 eagles fans are dumping beer on a Carolina fan(50yrsold) and his daughter who might have been 6 or 7. A couple of guys pushed one of clowns doing this. Punches were thrown yada yada. Just another day in Philly.

Overall the most appalling Eagles game I have been at. Not many fights except for Eagle fans fighting each other.:doh: :hammer:

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A few years ago a friend of mine got beat up and knocked out in the rest room by three drunk kelly green wearing hooligans. They even shoved a urinal cake in his mouth while he was unconscious.

I guess it was his fault though. I mean he had the audacity to wear a Redskins jacket to the Vet!!! Why in Filthydelphia that's damn near a capital offense. They would have been within their rights if they had hung him on a noose from the 700 level. :sarcasm:

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I really think its going to take a visiting fan hiring Johnny Cochran and suing the hell out of the Philadelphia franchise for failing to provide adequate fan security for this kind of crap to stop.

Not picking on Philly, although they seem to be one of the worst crowds, but would say the same thing about any NFL franchise. When you can't feel safe going to a public event, something's horribly wrong.

Its a funny thing about America. We start wars over terrorist acts, but when its our own citizens who perpetrate violence, we minimize and trivialize it.

No I'm not equating Bin Laden with Philly fans. But violence is violence. And if they don't get a handle on it, its going to ruin the NFL.

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Originally posted by Blazers21

The solution is simple.

1. Sell no alcohol at the game.

2. Allow no alcohol into the game.

3. Allow no one in who fails a breathalyzer test.

Incidents will drop considerably and immediately everywhere. So will profits. Guess what will happen.

Let's just bring Prohibition back!!!

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In my opinion, part of being a fan of a sports franchise is taking the good with the bad. Eagles fans sure as hell can dish it out when things are going good for them, but God forbid you beat them. They lose all their brain matter.

Its an absolute disgrace to the league to see behaviour like this. There are no excuses either. I don't care how frustrated you may be as a fan for losing 3 straight NFC Championships. At the end of a football game, we should be able to meet face to face with fans of opponents and say "your team was better today". It's as simple as that. Why ruin somebody's exciting experience of seeing their team win the NFC Championship, at the expense of your idiocy and frustration. Disgusting.

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My sister was waiting in line at Fed Ex and got beer on her from some skins fan dumping it on an EAGLES fan (last game of this season). I believe the Eagles fan had his daughter there and asked my sister, a skins fan since 1981, if she was okay and was going to fight the skins fan for getting beer on my sister. But my sister convinced the eagles fan to forget it. I wasn't at that game.

My mom went to the Giants game this year and was hit in the head by a beer bottle. I guess someone was throwing the bottle at some giants fans and my mom was at the wrong angle. I wasn't at that game either. With treatment like that for skins fans that were fans at the start of the last gibbs era, I don't know how many games I want my family going to.

What is that old saying about stones and glass houses?

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This happens at every stadium though, its just not in Philly. When large groups get together and drink alcohol things like this are bound to happen. I'm sure plenty of fights break out in Fed Ex too.

I'm seen a fair share of brawls happen at Gilette Stadium, Fenway Park and Pro Player. With tens of thousands of people in one location...there is bound to be a few trouble makers.


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They did away with eagles court in the new building, That moron mayor and philadelphia police dept are as much to blame as the actual low class citizens of that cesspool city. SUE THE $HIT OUT OF THE CITY AND THE FRANCHISE that will get the attention of the local govt that allows this bull$hit behavoir to continue

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I don't think anyone IS saying its only at the Vet or Linc. I apologized to some Jets fans at this year's opener for a drunken idiot Skins fan. Point is, its criminal behavior to threaten or carry out violence on a fellow citizen. Period. But because these are supposed 'fans', they often get a free pass. Major league sports need to get together and institute lifetime bans for anyone involved in instigating fights/violence. Of course you'll never stop it, but I think the NFL is misguided in promoting 'the toughest stadiums' to come to, etc....what they're really saying is 'theres a good chance you'll get your @ss kicked in this city's stadium and they're at worst applauding that 'intensity', at best tacitly approving by looking the other way or providing only token security.

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Originally posted by cowboykilla

Alcohol = the root of 97% of violence at football games.

I don't disagree, but the point here is that what you see in Philly (or Oakland) doesn't happen nearly as much anywhere else. Is anyone afraid to wear a Redskins jacket to a Seahawks game, or even to Texas Stadium for a game against our arch-rivals? They sell just as much beer there as they do in Philly.
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What types of security measures does the other football use? (futbol)

I'd guess it is a little easier, since the World Cup is country vs. country. I know they had some known "hooligans" that weren't even allowed in the country.

I know they usually have a visitor's section, which will never work. You think Snyder would cut out a whole section just so visiting fans can see a game?

I have a good idea. Some brave soul wear a little camera to an Eagles game and record all the crap that goes on. Of course, if security caught you, they'd probably think you were a terrorist or something, all wired up. Then sue their asses off for helping contribute to an overly hostile and dangerous environment.

I should add, I've been to probably 15 games at FedEx and the only fights I've seen were at Philly games (the pepper spray game and the year before that.) I think it is just their fans. Sorry, that old "a few bad fans" excuse doesn't cover their "fans."


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Originally posted by Tarhog

I don't think anyone IS saying its only at the Vet or Linc. I apologized to some Jets fans at this year's opener for a drunken idiot Skins fan. Point is, its criminal behavior to threaten or carry out violence on a fellow citizen. Period. But because these are supposed 'fans', they often get a free pass. Major league sports need to get together and institute lifetime bans for anyone involved in instigating fights/violence. Of course you'll never stop it, but I think the NFL is misguided in promoting 'the toughest stadiums' to come to, etc....what they're really saying is 'theres a good chance you'll get your @ss kicked in this city's stadium and they're at worst applauding that 'intensity', at best tacitly approving by looking the other way or providing only token security.

Excellent points...

I think the problem is that it's difficult to seperate the 'bad intensity' from the 'good intensity'. In other words, you can't promote a wild, loud, raucus crowd (which I think is a good thing) without promoting a violent crowd. I think the line between the two is just too thin.

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