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Gibbs Type Player

Ignatius J.

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some people have mentioned that certain players are likely to be cut because they aren't "gibbs type players."

regen upshaw, daryl gardener.

we won't resign russell.

but why do people think this?

Dexter Manley was a nutcase troublemaker, and no matter how much you like him, so was riggins.

These guys were prototypical nutcase me first players and they FLOURISHED under gibbs.

Gibbs may be a stand up guy, but his best players don't neccesarily carry that rep.


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First of all, we can't cut Gardener because he's in Denver. And while Dex and Riggo were a bit off, the majority of Gibbs' favorites were stand-up guys (Monk, Coleman, Mann, Byner, the Hogs). It's impossible to have a team free of nut cases, but Gibbs absolutely prefers stand-up guys and has said so anytime someone has put a microphone near him since he's returned. In fact, Gibbs had a confrontation with JKC in '91, when Cooke tried to tell Gibbs that he needed more guys like "the guys Jimmy Johnson is getting in Dallas." Well, when we got to 11-0 that year, Gibbs made sure to take a subtle jab at JKC in a media conference by saying that we are where we are because of the quality of the guys on the team. It's important to Gibbs.

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Which gets me thinking.... might the Redskins early dismissal of Russell as a FA prospect next year be a ploy? I mean.... citing no interest in signing him after the Redskins were virtually the only team to express interest in his return might be a way of compressing his value and making it easier to sign for a good deal. Hummm.......

I think Gibbs players exhibit intelligence, unquestioned work ethic, and a drive to be the very best at their position. Unless Russell has that.... and Gardner want that again.... than it's probably safe to say the team moves in another direction.

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John Riggins was talking about Gibbs handling "unique personalities" he told about a defensive player, I think it was Coy Bacon, that played for a couple teams, and though he had a lot of talent always left on bad terms with the coaching staff. Gibbs got to know him, and found out about him having an abusive father, and found out he responded better by praise and instruction rather than screaming and berating. That Coy had his best seasons under Gibbs, and he would come off the field and go straight to coach Gibbs asking how his play was on that series.

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As a lot of guys have already referenced.....

Gibbs isn't about having a bunch of choir boys in uniform. But he does demand discipline, an intense work ethic, and smart play. He wants guys that leave everything they've got out on the field. If you look back at some of the biggest games during the Gibbs era, you'll notice two things. First of all, Dexter Manley ALWAYS left it all out on the field. Secondly, he was nearly always the first player to embrace Joe Gibbs after a big win.

Gibbs is the real deal. An incredibly generous, genuine, and motivated man. Players recognize that, and whether they are disasters before or after becoming a Washington Redskin, or in their personal lives, Gibbs inspires them to be better men on the field of play.

That being said, anyone with a less than shining record of personal accomplishment will be proving themselves to Gibbs in short order, or they'll be wearing a different uniform.

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Gibbs has also had to deal with a head case while he was away from football in Tony Stewart. I remember a story a few years ago comparing Riggo and Stewart and how Joe has been able to hold that slight edge and get the most out of these type of guys.

I'm pretty sure Gibbs can handel it. Question is, does he want to deal with it. I would think there is a normal amount of this with any team, but going looking for it is another story.

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Originally posted by Tarhog

Gibbs isn't about having a bunch of choir boys in uniform. But he does demand discipline, an intense work ethic, and smart play. He wants guys that leave everything they've got out on the field.

This is precisely the issue. I'd only add that he doesn't want players who put themselves above the team. It's this last point that may spell doom for guys like Upshaw (stupid personal foul penalties) and will cause friction with guys like Lavar when they want to freelance rather than cover their assignments.

And it's why I have my doubts about Dillon and even Gardener. But that being said, if we signed a guy like Dillon I'd be very happy because I'd know that it happened because Gibbs thought he could work with him.

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Look at the type of guys we had back in the 80's. They weren't the superstars, but the blue collar guys.

Gibbs does have a special talent in that he reaches out and gets his players to lay it all on the line for the Redskins. Gibbs always had a couple of "characters",but the performed for him. One year he put a gag order on Manley before the SuperBowl against

Denver. Manley had a way of saying something that would be bulletin board material.

To see the affect Gibbs has on his players look at the ones that showed up when he came back. Look at what they have to say

about their Coach. You don't hear a one questioning his return.

All of them are pumped. You will see them as mentors to the current roster.

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