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New Members: ExtremeSkins Fan Map


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To the thousand or two members who have joined since the last time we mentioned this ... take a minute of your time to check out and register on the Extremeskins Fan Map located on the main page.

Not only will you get to take a lood at where your fellow members are located around the world, but you may even find some folks in your own neck of the woods to meet at a local sports bar to watch a game this coming season.

Last time we did this, I believe we had representation in all but about 5 states in the U.S. I bet we can fix that now. :)

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Let me add this... consider it your obligation to the site.

Everyone here has an opportunity to ADD VALUE to this site. Be it registering for the Fan Map or ranking links in our "links" section.

And we'd really appreciate it if you did. Just like your posts... every message adds content. We'd just like you to add some value to other features of the site.

A source is more reputable when it's been scrutinized by more people.

So do us a favor will ya? :D

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Originally posted by NYSkins1

Not to be a nitpicker or anything, but even though "Oh Captain, My Captain" is from the movie Dead Poets' Society, the text was dirived from a Walt Whitman poem, I believe, which has a prominant place in the film.;) :dallasuck

I'm aware :)

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We have to approve all new registrations. We screen so we don't get people devaluing the content by posting nonsense.

It CAN take time to approve - and we've mentioned that on the registration form - but I approved almost all the new registrations within minutes.

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Originally posted by SonnyRules

Thanks for getting us (newbee's) started.

Any other suggestions for new members?

Absolutely. Go the our homepage: ww.extremeskins.com and check out Bang's cartoons - available in near the top center of the page. View his archive and rank his cartoons. He'd appreciate the feedback.

You guys missed out on the NFL Pick'em contest and Survivor Bowls... but stay tuned next year... it gets better :)

And for God's sake... go take a gander at all the great information we have under the MAIN MENU on the home page... especially the "Redskins Team History:" and "ExtremeSkins Fan Zone".

You won't find features like that anywhere else.

We're more than just a message board community :)


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I need to find some Skins fans in the philly suburbs and Delaware, come on people lets get some football parties started. This coming season football is going to be fun again, the losing and the bull$hit excuses we have become accostumed to are over... HAIL TO THE REDSKINS

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

I sent in my Oz info, but I need to delete my California info. I don't see a way of doing this. What am I overlooking?

Email/PM me your Cali info and I"ll delete it for you.

truthfully, you didn't need to create a new account when you moved... you can edit your old info any time.

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Originally posted by Om

Not only will you get to take a lood at where your fellow members are located around the world, but you may even find some folks in your own neck of the woods to meet at a local sports bar to watch a game this coming season.. :)

I looked at the map, and you're right!

I've taken a load in lots of those places!


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