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If it doesn't happen.


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I remain skeptical that this is even possible with Gibbs. I think it just seems too surreal to believe it's really going on. If it doesn't happen though, I think we're in trouble with the candidates we've already interviewed. Right now none of those guys can be too thrilled about coming into this situation knowing the fan base will be very down even if it is irrational to be so simply because Gibbs was mentioned as a possibility.

Given this, I'm actually feeling stronger about the possibility. Maybe this is more wishful thinking than anything else. But, the fact is, we are now in a situation where EVERY coach in the world will have the weight of being the coach who is here while Gibbs is not. This is going to create a terrible situation if it doesn't come true. I think this is going to add to our efforts to assure it does, no matter the cost.

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Couldn't you have saved this thread for the morning?

You expect us to believe that the WP is going out on a limb like this with multiple articles? You expect us to believe that Danny is willing to endure the wrath of legions of Skins fans for years to come for teasing us?

No, it's real. It's real. Saint Joe is coming home.

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i think if this doesn't happen. We are doomed as a franchise. :(

All of the candidates will be pissed and wont work for us and we will have a hell of a time finding someone who can last here.

It will be murder to sit through the next few years.


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Yeah Art. Cbssportsline's article makes it seem like they only way it won't happen is if Gibbs backs out at the last second, but other then that it is a done deal. I guess that is the enthuastic take on the whole situation, but none of us really know exactly how close or far this is from happening.

I kind of have a weird feeling about this. On one hand I have this, "everything is gonna be alright" kind of feel just thinking of Gibbs running our team again, then on the other hand, I almost am trying to live it down for the chance I wake up tomorrow turn on espn and see in the lower right corner, "Gibbs will not coach Skins in 2004"

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art, i really really really doubt that this would have been broken without something basically in the bag. true it could fall apart, but i can't imagine that it would. sure we lost bobby b 2 yrs ago, but bobby doesn't envoke the same passion and excitement that gibbs does. maske understands this, wilbon understands this, and, most importantly, snyder understands this.

you're point is valid though. if it does come crashing down tomorrow, there isn't a "proven" coach that would want to come to DC. an assistant, maybe, to get his foot in the HC'ing door. that and snyder would be sitting on a PR nightmare.

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"This is going to create a terrible situation if it doesn't come true. I think this is going to add to our efforts to assure it does, no matter the cost." - ART

This is exactly why we shouldn't fear the worst Art. Danny would never be forgiven if this deal doesn't go down. I'd like to see what kind of spin he would try to put on the situation if the Gibbs hiring doesn't come true. He can instantly restore his credibility as an owner if he lands Joe. This deal means as much to the image of Danny the owner, as it does to Danny the dedicated fan.

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I think THIS quote from the WP article tongiht was the most telling:

But a source close to(former Giants head coach Jim) Fassel said last night that he did not believe Fassel would be hired by the Redskins because the club was planning a major surprise. He added that he believed Gibbs's return would be the surprise.

If that isn't gonna be the big surprize, then what else could it be?

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I don't think Snyder will actually catch any hell from fans if it doesn't happen. He'll probably be given a LOT of credit for even making it this close in the process if it fails. Snyder will maintain a positive feel from this. The negative will be then who would want to risk coaching here. You could end up, overnight, with Hugh Jackson as head coach and feel fortunate you got him :).

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