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RIP Stephen Sondheim


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Sondheim passed yesterday. He lived a long incredible life, contributing to the growth of American theatre. His lyrics from his first musical (West Side Story) to his best known Into the Woods and Sweeney Todd were constantly clever and inventive. He even managed a few top forty hits. I'm not sure what his work means to those on a football board, but his catalog is amazing. I only got to meet him once, but I will treasure that encounter. If I had to choose, my favorite work of his was Sunday in the Park with George, a musical about the life of pointillist artist George Seurat. Art isn't Easy may be the best song ever written about the business of making art.


This is from Sweet Charity. I think it's a challenge we all have felt and have all taken on at some point.


There's got to be something better than this

There's got to be something better to do

and when I find me

Something better than this

I'm going to get out

I'm going to get out, get up, and do it.


Rest in peace.

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Mandy Patinkin and Bernadette Peters


just reading up on it.  (I've only liked the music till now.)  


Made for TV Sondheim musical.  A poet (Anthony Hopkins in the original.  Mandy Patinkin here.) decides that he will live in a department store, while it's closed.  While there, he discovers that other people are living in there at night, too.  Including the young Ella.  (Bernadette Peters).  Who here, is trying to convince him to take her outside the department store, back to the real world, which she is remembering.  


"I remember" is another great some from the same musical. 


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