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Do some people not know that Denny Green is black?

Ignatius J.

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no, I think most of the cynical comments about Rhodes is that his hire would result in NFL critics getting off Snyder's back because he hired a minority candidate :)

I don't think anyone really believes that Dennis Green is the #1 choice of the Skins or vice versa.

Green is delusional, though, if he thinks he is going to find some kind of nirvana in the desert.

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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer

because more than one poster has suggested that our interest in rhodes is purely to satisfy the minority requirement. Read the post article where we interviewed green, we've already satisfied it.


Maybe they forgot to tell Green that he's black. :D

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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer

because more than one poster has suggested that our interest in rhodes is purely to satisfy the minority requirement. Read the post article where we interviewed green, we've already satisfied it.

When you step back from this situation, you realize that a very plausible explanation is this:

  1. Denny Green was our "token" interview, both to satisfy the NFL's requirement and to assure Ray Rhodes that he was not our token interview -- that our interest in Rhodes is genuine.
  2. Rhodes is either #1 or #2 on our list, with Fassel taking the other position.

Of course, if this is true, someone needs to shoot Dan Snyder. It's a crime against nature that someone could be so stupid and so rich at the same time.

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ASF, I really believe that if Fassel is hired Patrick Ramsey will go on to have a very good run in the next few years. Jim works well in adjusting his schemes to the skills of the quarterbacks he has and in Patrick's case he needs someone with patience to guide him.

I don't necessarily think that Green would be a poor hire I just don't see him as being a better bet than Fassel.

And I don't think he is really on the radar screen of the 'braintrust'.

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Originally posted by Atlanta Skins Fan

When you step back from this situation, you realize that a very plausible explanation is this:

  1. Rhodes is either #1 or #2 on our list, with Fassel taking the other position.

I dont think that Rhodes is that high on Dannyboys list. He may have a jonesing for him and may want to interview him before he makes a final pick.

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While that's really nice, the Redskins first contacted Rhodes only to be refused.

Had he not refused, he would have satisfied the quota police first. The fact he didn't has no bearing on whether or not he could have been set up to be the token.

Now they have to stick around and interview him because if they don't, then it's pretty obvious he was the token all along.

I refuse to believe Dan Snyder could be SO STUPID as to hire Ray Rhodes to coach this team.

There has to be a reason they called him FIRST. And making him the policy token is the only one that makes sense to my cynical brain.


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Your view that either Green or Rhodes must be a "token" interviewee has gotten very old. It seems to me that you have missed the obvious which is that there is no "token" interviewee in this case. The Redskins want a qualified former NFL Head Coach. Each of these men are exactly that. Why is it so hard for you to believe that the Redskins are interviewing the three candidates that they believe are the most qualified for the job? Is it because two of them are black? I don't think the Redskins have giving any thought whatsoever to the NFL's minority interview policy because it is irrelevant in their case. Two of the candidates they want to interview are black men. That's it. End of story. I think that what the Redskins are doing is the pure expression of what the NFL is trying to accomplish by its minority interview policy. That is: the Redskins selected their top three candidates regardless of race and two of them turned out to be black men. If all teams would put aside race in all of their hiring practices, as Dan Snyder has done, the rule wouldn't be necessary.

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Sonny Joe Hog,

You make a good point...I just think that most people here think that Rhodes is such a horrible choice that there MUST be some other motive for interviewing him. Either that or Snyder is simply an idiot. After all, I don't see Rhodes appearing on any other team's head coaching radar screen.

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well, it's also that they called Rhodes first.

If they seriously want Denny Green to consider the job, he has to be assured that he's not being set up like he was last year when Dallas and Detroit each made the token phone call to him.

How humiliating for him to have had to deal with that, and in no way do I think he would set himself up for that again.

By contacting Rhodes FIRST, they send a message to Green that he can take the interview seriously.

If Rhodes had not turned them down until the Seahawks lost,, his interview would be done and over with, and consideration of him would be put to rest.

It's horribly unfortunate, but this is what the "policy' does. It made Green the token for Dallas and Detroit last year, Both called him and hollowly offered him the chance to interview for a job everyone knew they had filled... and it made Ted Cottrell the token for the SF job. They had gone so far as to even tell HIM he had the job practically in hand, then slid Dennis Erickson in out of the blue.

Cottrell also got jobbed, and truly, if the Niners wanted Erickson, I am sure Cottrell would have been a LOT less humiliated if they didn't even bother to call him.

Rhodes should never have been called by the Redskins. If Snyder loved him so much, why didn't he offer him the job when Vermiel and Parcells turned him down in 2001? He would have cost a lot less than Marty, and he wouldn't have demanded GM duties.

He didn't call him then because he wasn't qualified. He still isn't qualified... unless it's to satisfy a stupid policy.


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It's good business to interview as many people as you can and Snyder is good business. Maybe Snyder can learn something from the interview. - Wanting to interview him doesn't mean we're ready to hire him and I hope we don't, unless he could be brought in as an assistant head coach/Defensive Coordinator and then hire a Offense-minded head coach like Green, Fassel or Charlie Weiss.

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*Robin Hood Men in Tights*

Robin: As for my first line of duty I would like to appoint Auchoo as the new sherrif of notingham.

Croud: A black sherrif!!

Blinken: He's black?

Auchoo: Hey it worked in blazing saddles...

Crowd: aahhh....


what this post has to do with the thread...no idea...


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I disagree with a few of you guys in this matter. Dennis Grren IMO is the best candidate on the market today. I also think Dennis didn't get hired last year, from reading Bangs post, due to needs alone. Dennis probably wasn't what Dallas was looking for and the Lions had played against him numerous times from being in the same division and probably wanted someone fresher. Sometimes coaches can get bum raps after being head coaches for one team for to long and then getting fired from something like the Moss issue. Moss basically got Dennis fired because Moss was the vikings franchise player and he and dennis didn't see eye to eye.

Also, it's true that Rhodes and Dennis Green are 2 well liked qualified coaches regardless of race and for anyone to think diffrently needs to really check themselves. Fact, the black coaches burrier in the NFL is really starting to be demolished and if Dungy takes the colts to the Superbowl, it would really hush the nay sayer owners.

Furthermore, the morale and energy that Marvin took to Cincy really started to turn heads with the Last of the mohican owners that's still stuck on stupid when it comes to hiring the minority coaches. IMO, Dennis Green could do more for the Washington Redskins organization than Fassell could, but I'll take either or.

The reason I disagree with Hiring Rhodes is I don't like his style of football, but alot of coaches still give him props for what he does. I Don't think Rhodes is that motivated to get back in the Head coaching category and hiring him would definitely bolster his financial status instantly. Not saying that he's not already financial fit, but the Redskins head coaching job would lure him back just for that reason, Money. Better Yet! all the coaches that Danny's interviewing may be in it just for Danny's cash alone. Knowing that he's very generous when it comes to dishing out money to players and coaches.

So beware! cause what sometimes looks like greener pastures could actually be greener pastures for the outsiders looking in. Looking in Danny's pocket is what I'm saying :laugh: .

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