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Sick of the apologists


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Im so sick of people making excuses for Spurrier. "well he's not the one missing tackles" and other pathetic reasons why we suck.

Have we learned nothing from the Parcells and Marvin Lewis hirings? THe coach DOES make a difference--in some cases a 6 game turnaround and playoffs.

Spurrier has failed miserably. Our offensive genius got outscored by the worst offense in the NFL!! Face it folks, the vaulted system isnt working.

We make too many mistakes, we're too non-chalant about everything that goes wrong in the game. The first time one of our LBs missed his assignment Parcells would have ripped him a new one and it would never have happened again.

It all starts with the head coach....thats why we need a new one.

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I hear you Storm, and I'm right there with you.

I like Spurrier. As a human being. But he's been erratic as hell as our coach. First we have the gator experiment, then the qb carousel of the damned, and this year has been one hapless performance after another, with just enough sparks to raise our hopes.

I don't think he can turn this train around. I'm looking for some sign (like a year end run) to believe he can turn it around. All I see is grimaces and depression.

Sure the players are out there on the field. But utimately, you've got to lay their lack of execution at Spurrier's feet. And he can walk out of all the press conferences he wants, but he's making an obscene amount of money and failing. He damn well ought to stand up and take the heat. If I were him, I'd refuse to hold a press conference. The performance's the past month didn't DESERVE recapping.

He's really been a let down. And I think theres a decent chance he destroys Patrick Ramsey's chance for a solid NFL career if he stays much longer.

I just want to see a coach with fire and passion. I'm sick of the lethargy, the sad face, the lame 'I'm not really in control of this situation' and 'I don't have any answers' responses. Then why in God's name are you still here? Don't know? Fine. Than get the **** out and make way for someone who can venture a guess. In the Marine Corps they have a saying.



Or get the **** out of the way.

I don't even care at this point if we have a winning season. But I want to see some fire, some aggressiveness, some hell being raised. And I want a head coach who looks like he wants to be the guy getting asked the tough questions.

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Originally posted by lavarleap56

I want Spurrier to stay , he is a good coach and im not going to blame him for the ineptitude of the F.O.

Except for the lack of D line, the FO hasnt done anything to account for this pathetic exhibition of sloppy football. A lot of teams have weak units. The cowgirls dont have a running back (except when they play us) and theyre in the playoffs.

We have a good O line, good recievers, good CBs, acceptable safeties, excellent LBs...a lot of teams would love this lineup.

THe only thing I blame the FO for right now is for hiring SS and not firing him after this year.

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We need Tom Coughlin as our head coach! If Danny pays him enough he'll come here. Spurrier is running a country club just like Norv did, and it ain't working now any better than it did under Norv. Discipline is what is those rich, lazy crybabies on our team need, and Coughlin is just the man to give them a big dose. :D

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We had a fiery coach neamed marty

And with the numerous coaching changes one thing remained the same players not stepping up.

Tuna and Marv have one thing in common, the coach has total power over player decisions there wouldnt be a vet going over his head to cry for more playing time.

We need to stay the course for a change and what the hell has coughling done?

Or do people forget his fiasco at the end when he was also GM of the jaguars?

The offense is there with some teaking its the defense that needs to be address and where the purging will begin

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Originally posted by SonnyJ

I think Spurrier definitely needs to go.

Hell, there's a board full of people here who knows what's wrong and how to fix the team. Spurrier must be a bum if he can't figure it out.


:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

The board is full of people WHO THINK they know how to fix the problems, but they really don't.

No one has any ideal what really happens in the FO, practices, meetings, what the plan is for the off season, what plays were called, We are all on the outside looking in, and even if we had the inside knowledge 99% wouldn't have a clue what to do with it.

Even watching what happens on the field, people have no clue what the defense was doing, or what plays were called, but they KNOW what went wrong.


all people know is the Skins are 5-10, lost another close game, and they are angry, and want vengeance.

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I don't buy the SOS sucks bandwagon. yes he has many faults and has shown some improvement, but football players are somewhat like chess pieces. If you are playing with a queen, a king and nothing but pawns, the chances of you losing are quite good. Even if your opponent has the similar amount and types of pieces.

Parcells took over a team that still managed to beat the pants off of us quite a few times. He inherited one of the better defenses in the NFL and kept that in tact. He also had the foresight to keep the overall personnell of the team in tact, which is something Spurrier has tried with some of the staff, defensive and offensive plaers. This may not have been the wisest choice. Yes I know he brought his son in and a few other of "his" guys, but he came in here to put an offense on the field. Snyder has given him the power and tools he has needed to do that and SOS has left the defense up to Snyder, Cerrato, Edwards and the players.

That defense was gutted on the DL for reasons I think we all can agree with, but there was no one else to plug those holes. We truely believed someone would step up and show they were capable and that never happened.

I know my point can be argued to death and no one here IMHO is right or wrong, but I don't feel our problems start and end with our coach. Our defense has an innate ability to give up and pack it in whenever they see fit.

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This is SNYDERS' PHUCKING MESS!!!! he wants to be the man, he wants to call the shots, then he accepts the glory (where is it??) and the flip side is he accepts the blame and we PHUCKING SUCK. We are a laughing stock in this league, One of the highest payrolls in the league and it buys you a 5 -11 record end of discussion

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Do any of you Spurrier apologists really believe that Dan Snyder's management of the the FO is the reason why the Redskins are failing?

I'm all in favor of a professional FO but that point of view is ludicrous. The fact is, most of us were really happy with the F/A moves Snyder made and they've all made the team better. The one draft pick that Spurrier had the most influence on hasn't turned out yet, though it may.

What exactly is it that Dan Snyder has done during Steve Spurrier's tenure that makes you think he is the one to blame?

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you know this is just one big comedy of errors...

the FO is just in over its head(as is the coach)

trying to make the distinction as to which is worse is defiinitely splitting hairs.

they both suck as of now. That is just plain fact.

I say keep changing maybe the law of averages for the FO will allow teh to get lucky and Hire someone who they can work with and will actually win..

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Originally posted by B&G

Do any of you Spurrier apologists really believe that Dan Snyder's management of the the FO is the reason why the Redskins are failing?

I'm all in favor of a professional FO but that point of view is ludicrous. The fact is, most of us were really happy with the F/A moves Snyder made and they've all made the team better. The one draft pick that Spurrier had the most influence on hasn't turned out yet, though it may.

What exactly is it that Dan Snyder has done during Steve Spurrier's tenure that makes you think he is the one to blame?

I've already asked that same question on another thread. You won't get an answer b/c there isn't one.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

The board is full of people WHO THINK they know how to fix the problems, but they really don't.

No one has any ideal what really happens in the FO, practices, meetings, what the plan is for the off season, what plays were called, We are all on the outside looking in, and even if we had the inside knowledge 99% wouldn't have a clue what to do with it.

Even watching what happens on the field, people have no clue what the defense was doing, or what plays were called, but they KNOW what went wrong.


all people know is the Skins are 5-10, lost another close game, and they are angry, and want vengeance.

I generally agree none of us can KNOW much of anything. But it swings both ways. The 'keep Spurrier and we'll turn the corner' camp is equally clueless when it comes right down to it.

Granted, we can't know the intimate details and inner workings of the organization, or even whats occurring on the field and sidelines during the games.

But I know a dog when I see one.

Like I said. I can stomach losing. But I don't believe (unless you count John Hall) that we've made any significant progress this year. I'm not saying it'll be better without Spurrier. But I am beginning to strongly question whether it'll ever be much better with him. The bitter truth is that we wouldn't be having this civil war if we weren't bottom feeders. How sad it is that we sunken to the level of arguing feverishly over exactly WHY we suck.

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I for one am like many of the readers here, I want the old ball coach to go to. Everyone keeps making excuses for him saying he doesn't throw passes, (no he just makes up poor blocking schemes with pis poor blocking backs) They say he doesn't do the tackling (no he he just has shytty people coaching the DL and allows a 40 year old washed up DE pass his prime chase personal goals, while the rock of the DL leaves and heads for Denver) When I think back at some of the things he's done and said the past two years I understand why we are where we are.

Remember when he first came in and the first thing he says was that he doesn't know why the team has to be in Carlise Pa. The first sign of " I' did it myyyyyyyyyyy way" Sing Frank....

We sign Trung Canidate, a total bust that was on his way out of the league, the Rams were on the verge of cutting him. He then makes the statement that we now have a running back that can hit the home run, turn a draw into a 35 yard gain as opposed to the 8 to 10 yards Watson on and Betts would get. Psss hey Steve, Trung had a tag on him before he came, Fumbles and Injury Prone. But that's ok he'll just run to the trainer faster than others. But we did find out that he was injury prone, but we didn't see if the other tag on fumbles, but hey, can't fumble when your hurt.

Then we make the final cuts, two team favorites are cut but there is a discrepancy on who stays and who goes. Hey, lets go ask the owner, Never mind that I'm the coach and im on the field with these players everyday. So you make the call dany boy, lossen your tie, flip a coin, heads he stays tails he goes. Ooops.... that's a two headed coin, hell, they both go.

You and a D back have a verbal dissagreement, you suspend him, hell don't cut him, he's just the ESPN highlite film for other teams playing us. "then you sit there and ask yourself if your players respect you" Hell No....The DB is still here blowing assignments and your still on the sidelines coaching "I think that's what your doing" You know i could go on and on, but i won't because in all actually you should be gone gone.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then he can't decide on a sunny warm night in Jacksonville if he should run or pass, so he says "it's a perfect night to pitch the football around" LOL, that is my all time favorite.

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