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Our RB situation


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Im going to say something bold.  I think that the Damage has been done to the team with the Adrian Peterson situation.  I thought from the beginning of the season that we should have run AP heavy and spelling him with Guice.  CLEARLY: I was right :) and many others here were as well.  My point is this, If Jay cant run the offense he wants to with AP in the game because of his shortcomings in protection and route running/ pass catching.  THEN, WHY NOT PLAY CHRIS THOMPSON AS THE STARTER!!!!!  Hear me out!!  Yes I know CT is an injury waiting to happen.  Lets let it happen!! He is gone next year anyway when Bryce Love comes back.  CT gives Gruden everything he wants in his offense.  There will be 0 Excuses, even if CT goes down we still have AP, Smallwood and Marshall.   

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4 minutes ago, Fat Stupid Loser said:

Well, the Guice bus has sailed so Jay is going to have to learn to use AP to his strengths, but he won't. 5-11 looking like a dream.  Maybe 0-16 gets Bruce out.

Sadly this would be ideal and I could endure 0-16 if it would net us a house clearing.

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1 hour ago, Fat Stupid Loser said:

Well, the Guice bus has sailed so Jay is going to have to learn to use AP to his strengths, but he won't. 5-11 looking like a dream.  Maybe 0-16 gets Bruce out.

What I don't get is that Peterson is the better (best) version of the other backs he had before Guice - Morris, Kelley, and Perine. All of them try to run like Peterson but none of them can. So if we put up 5000 yards passing with Kirk and Kelley (or was it perine), why can't we with Case and Peterson?

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Well don't expect to see a good run game this week. Sounds like Jay has already given into not running the ball before the game has even started. This is a sign of a horrible coach. Just because you play a tough opponent doesn't mean you say things like this. 



“I say we want to run the ball, but they’re a very difficult team to run the ball against,” Gruden said, via the Chicago Sun-Times. “I might have to wait until next week.”



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