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Lavar on the John Thompson show NEXT


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.... Football wise the story remains the same they had better ball control and out physicaled us all game.

We could have had a better showing.

Guys were out their fighting and playing hard.

Same problems every week.

Everybody in the redskins organization needs to look at themselves because it is a embarasment to the fans and the city.

he doesnt believe or want to go above the coach to speak to the owner.

Thinks their is alot of propaganda that comes out of redskins park and he doesnt think that Bruce would go the owner and complain.

Holsey and Dalton have been playing well and coming along good as well as Regan playing the run better.

Russell is being inched in to the rotationthinks the team will hold together because that is what the team needs more than ever.

Its goin to take time and we need to get through the growing pains and not blow the team up.Without struggle their is no progress.

Contract info- Redskins officals have put out that he has denied a new contract. He has had casual conversasions regarding a deal in the future and has not rejected a contract. I will be a Redskin for as long as they want me. I have to much time invested in this team , the city , and community services to jump ship. Lavar is not going to jump ship.

I want to see the best for the redskins and the best for lavar arrington.Said he has not had a contract offered to reject and thinks it is a redskin offical that leaked the info on the contract due to the numbers being way to accurate.

I love Washington and want to be here as a redskin no doubt about it .

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Originally posted by Sarge

More front office bullsh!t

We need a freaking GM in control over there. Every little incident is on sportsline the next day. I remember when someone asked Spurrier about the cell phone accident he seemed a little surprised they knew and pissed.

Is Jansen doing more then just writing for the WT??? :hammer:

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Originally posted by gridironmike

Do you think you would ever get as honest an interview as you are getting today? Lavar says he loves it in Washington and wants to remain a Redskin. Thats enough for me guys. Why in the hell are some of you intent on getting rid of the heart of our franchise?

One thing, though; you can't have it both ways.

Many of us also regret Marvin Lewis leaving, thinking that he really knew what he was doing. Lavar, as I recall, was irritated at how Marvin was playing him. All of the defense seems to like GE, but especially the linebackers. They are, as I understand it, given a lot of freedom to "make plays" in this defense, as opposed to Marvin Lewis's defense, where every player had a lot more responsibility on them (did anyone notice Fred Smoot NOT protect the outside on the OBVIOUS SHOTGUN-QB Draw play?).

Personally, I think that if the problem they had with Marvin Lewis's defense was responsibility, then that is selfish. Judging from some of the terrible game-losing plays that have come from a lack of responsibility - Stephen Davis 4th down, anyone? - I think a defensive coach who stresses responsibility may be what they require. They want to be independent and make play-time decisions and react... they can't argue that it has worked for them this year, given the opportunity. Instead, it has really blown up in their faces, and at critical times too.

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Edwards was the Linebacker coach last year, of course he has a closer relationship with Armstead/Trotter/Arrington. But, allowing them to freelance and improvise has cost us four or five games this year. Additionally, opposing offenses have been game planning with the mindset that the linebackers aren't going to be where they should.... and attacking zones that are the sole responsiblity of LB corp.

I'm conflicted as to whether to jettison Edwards, mainly because it's his first year and he needs experience. I wonder whether he'd be open to sharing the DC position with a veteran coordinator brought in as a consultant... a mentor per se.

As for Lavar... Shut up!! I don't want to hear about how much heart you have.... how you love the city... you're a DC soldier... blah...blah...blah. How about knowing your responsibility in and out, never deviating, and becoming a leader who spouts the importance of teamwork... assignment responsibility.... and proper fundamentals. How about making a tackle in which you use more than your shoulder and launching like a missile.

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Originally posted by Cskin

Edwards was the Linebacker coach last year, of course he has a closer relationship with Armstead/Trotter/Arrington. But, allowing them to freelance and improvise has cost us four or five games this year. Additionally, opposing offenses have been game planning with the mindset that the linebackers aren't going to be where they should.... and attacking zones that are the sole responsiblity of LB corp.

I'm conflicted as to whether to jettison Edwards, mainly because it's his first year and he needs experience. I wonder whether he'd be open to sharing the DC position with a veteran coordinator brought in as a consultant... a mentor per se.

As for Lavar... Shut up!! I don't want to hear about how much heart you have.... how you love the city... you're a DC soldier... blah...blah...blah. How about knowing your responsibility in and out, never deviating, and becoming a leader who spouts the importance of teamwork... assignment responsibility.... and proper fundamentals. How about making a tackle in which you use more than your shoulder and launching like a missile.

I agree about Lavar. I'm pretty tired of hearing Redskin players talk at this point. At this point, I'll still watch a Redskins game and cheer for the team, but hearing them try to talk about how they're going to do stuff is just sorry and wrong, and a waste of time. Words have no meaning when actions never back them up.

As for Edwards, I say, the FO should give Spurrier everything he wants next year, and then they have a meeting after the year if things don't go well. Spurrier wanted full control over his staff. Fine. He gets full control. He also gets full responsibility if, at the end of year 3, the team is not successful. The team itself wants them back, or at least Edwards... presumably because they like his scheme and they supposedly feel we should only blame them for the losses. Whatever.

All I know is, I'm glad at the most all I'll have to do is wait for the end of year 3. There should be no excuses then. They had 3 years. I don't really want the team to blow up, only because sometimes maybe it takes consistent LOSING to teach idiots that they aren't as good as they think they are- and by idiots, I really mean the whole team from the FO to the coaches to the players. Eventually you have to let some responsibility fall on every part of the team, and consistent losing over a long period lets you do that. The more you blow parts up, the more excuses you allow. "This coach didn't have his players he wanted" - "The players haven't had the same coach for years!" - "The FO had to work with a brand new coach!".

Fine. Lose again for one year, and then realize how terribly idiotic you are. Or, succeed next year, and prove all the naysayers wrong. If you blow some stuff up at the end of this year, we'll have more excuses next year.

I'm venting a bit in this post.

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to be honest i think lavar should shut up untill he starts to make some plays on the field, he didnt show up to stop Hambricks 180 yards but feels the need to talk about how much heart & love he feels for washington after a humiliating defeat.

Arrington last year was crying from day 1 with Lewis zone schemes, and when he was in the 3 point stance the look on his face reminds of a child being told they have to eat their liver.

shut up lavar, talking off the pitch like a leader, but doesnt show up on the pitch

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Last I checked LaVar doesnt have a choice in whether he'll be there next year or not. It will be up to the SKINS! Keep blowin smoke! Sure we'd like the cap help, but he's not the only option to get some relief.

Right now this kind of "shooting off" at the mouth is at the core of the problem with this team!

Too many chiefs not enough indians!

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