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CT: Lawyer: Man accused of jamming calls on Red Line 'disturbed by people talking around him'


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Lawyer: Man accused of jamming calls on Red Line 'disturbed by people talking around him'


Aaron Robison was commuting home from work last fall on the Brown Line when an older man carrying a plastic bag of Old Style beer took a seat across from him.
The man opened a beer and surveyed the car, scowling as he saw another rider talking on a cellphone a few feet away, Robison said. He watched as the man pulled a clunky black device topped with five antennas from his pocket and switched it on.
Almost instantly, commuters who had been talking on their phones went silent, checking their screens for the source of their dropped calls, Robison said.
On Tuesday, undercover officers arrested the man who had allegedly created his own personal quiet car in recent months with an illegal device he imported from China, according to Cook County prosecutors and Chicago police.
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Was just talking to someone about this. I think blabbing away on your phone right in strangers' ears is about as inconsiderate and annoying as you can get.

I think if you are standing and they are sitting that passing gas in their face is much worse.

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