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Draft Day Skin's Prayer....


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Our Coach, who art in Washington, Gruden be thy name, thy draft pick come, thy selection not dumb for turf or on any gridiron... Give us this day that we pray on each hour, and forgive us our scrutiny as we forgive those who scrutinize against us (except Dallas, Philly, and NY fans). Leads us not out of contention, and deliver us from Dan Snyder. Hail!

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My prayer is that Scot would trade all our draft picks for the Holy Handgrenade.  That with it we might bloweth the cowpies and mara the mangina into tiny bits.  In His mercy.  And the Lord shall grin and we shall feast on rest of our unholy opponents.  Amen




Crap, I forgot how to embed a video.  How do we do that?

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