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Titanfall and playing online question

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One of my favorite games in the old days, and one of the few I've ever done multiplayer (over a 56K modem no less) was Mechwarrior. I loved that game. Titanfall seems pretty similar with the plus of being more modern and making use of newer tech. 


The whole COD/Battlefield thing didn't really interest me and I never had enough time for the Skyrim type games.  I've always been a FPS single player campaign fan.  But I'm thinking I might give it a try.


 What's it like playing titanfall online?  Do the kids, who will undoubtedly be much better than me, tear into you if you're learning?  It doesn't worry me except so far as it might take away from the fun.

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One of my favorite games in the old days, and one of the few I've ever done multiplayer (over a 56K modem no less) was Mechwarrior. I loved that game. Titanfall seems pretty similar with the plus of being more modern and making use of newer tech. 


The whole COD/Battlefield thing didn't really interest me and I never had enough time for the Skyrim type games.  I've always been a FPS single player campaign fan.  But I'm thinking I might give it a try.


 What's it like playing titanfall online?  Do the kids, who will undoubtedly be much better than me, tear into you if you're learning?  It doesn't worry me except so far as it might take away from the fun.

I basically game 100% online on all games, on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.  Now Titanfall, I've only played on PC and yeah, people talked trash sometimes, but nothing bad.  I've never been one to care if some random talked **** to me, especially when just learning the game.


If I'm not mistaken, you can mute other players too (at least on CoD and some other games) on console.  It will only take away from the fun if you let it.  For me, no amount of tearing into me or others or **** talk can take the place of the semi-rush you get playing FPS anyhow.  


I usually play without headphones or sound for that matter though as I use my PC monitor for PC, Xbox and PS4 and usually have a TV show or ball game running in the background.  Only time I mic up is when I'm running with the RTT crew on here or my friends/family.

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Titanfall is a little old now, I don't think their online community is very large anymore. So you're going to be looking at some veterans who know all the tricks to the game, know every nook and cranny of each map, and will probably hand you your ass. But, I didn't find the game difficult the dominate in, much like COD, so the learning curve isn't that steep. 


I'm sure you can find a used copy for a cheap price and give it a shot. 

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Yes, I noticed on Origin they had it for $10 and I picked up a license not realizing it was online multiplayer only.  I'm going to install it this afternoon and see what it's like.  Looks awesome as far graphics even if it is a little dated.


Online comes natural to people these days.  I remember when I joined here in '05 I had never actually spoken to another person online.  The whole 'chat room' thing, which was how I saw message boards, was kind of creepy at first.  Interesting how attitudes change once the technology becomes mainstream.

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I played the crap out of Titanfall for about a month.


Pretty fun, just very, very short.  You max your level out very quickly, and there's really no incentive to keep playing.


I think they didn't expect how quickly we'd pick up the movement aspect of the game (one of the best games I've played in terms of FPS maneuverability)


The titans are just so cool. 


But like I said, when I ran out of stuff to unock, I lost interest.

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