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When can a conspiracy theory turn true? Redskins issues


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This latest Skins/RG3 build up and now tearing down issue has me pondering.


Question to ES, that has never really been addressed in regards to OURS teams persistent issues.


Is there a consorted effort to undermine Dan Snyder and every move he makes from not only outside but from some with in the organization? Good or Bad.


We know that his record as an Owner has been absolutely dreadful. He has made blunder after blunder, lawsuit after lawsuit, and for the most part he has been one of the worst owners in Pro Football. But it seems because of his sad history that there are multiple entities have aligned to be more adversarial to him his team and sometimes the fanbase. Is this to get him to change the name or for him to sell the team.


Anytime a fan brings up that the media may has an agenda against the team (Owner) they get ridiculed, called crazy, a silly conspiracy theorist, facts or no facts. The media says that this is just what a bad organization is or they are just reporting the truth. Some will even say that they just love the team and want to see them win. 


The Media can create the Narrative, They also protect their own. Case in point No matter how bad Griffin has been on the field these last 5 games. Some have been waiting to destroy him since the preseason. Are they destroying because of his ego or because of Snyder. If their report is a lie, they can stick with their sources. But does it really stick because it's true or because it's easy because the owner has been an asshole over the years. 


Who are these adversaries:


The Team itself

Unknown Leakers

Some Players 

Tony Wylie & his PR Team (Who can be this bad at Public Relations)


The Washington Post

Jason Reid and his trusted team Leaker (Who has a vitriol disdain for Griffin)

UnWise Mike fight to Change the team (He admittedly has aligned himself with the name changers and has Helped them) 

Liz Clark

Dan Steinberg (Who spotlights anything negative the team does)


106.7 the whole station

Program Director Chris Kinard

Chad Dukes Who is the biggest hypocrite on the station in regards to the Redskins



Dave Mckenna who wrote a great piece on the owner (Who was right) WHo I really think cares about the team just not the owner.



Thom Lavarro (Who admittedly gets joy out of dysfunction, because it help write stories.)


Mike Florio (Pro Football Talk)


Dan Snyder (for created all the hate and everything above)


SO my take is That This Team is Broken, but so is DC Sports Media and both can't be fixed, and they both think WE ARE STUPID.




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When you lose, it opens up the feeding frenzy.




Agreed, Losing is everything in the NFL.  If RG III found a way on the Redskins roster next year and had success, he would be the darling of the NFL again. For example, Cam Newton was labeled a brat, a big baby, someone who wasn't a leader for years. What happened last year?? His panthers made the playoffs and all of a sudden, Newton was "mature," "developed into a leader." Is that really true? I'm pretty sure Cam is the same person he's always been, except winning changed the perception. 


If the Redskins were at the top of the NFC East and he made comments about how everyone needs to be accountable, you think the Media would have picked up on it and made it into national headlines? I doubt it

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How many people in the organization or media or ex-players (or even members of this board) are getting some savage enjoyment out of watching this play out. I read these threads and try to make some sense of all the blaming and finger pointing, and this scene keeps coming to mind......................




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the media certainly does not help the issue, and i do agree, there is a definite distaste for Snyder among them, especially the locals, and it's because he's fought with them.

There are definitely those in the local media who will do their level best to present the worst as a result.


But overall the team simply fails to perform. There have been enough changes made over the years in every key position in the organization (except ownership) to say that there's no undermine plan from within.

We do complain they don't assemble teams well, and frankly, i think we DO have a lot of talent on the roster. Certainly enough that we should not be looking at a 4 to 5 win season. i think Shanahan did a good job over the last few years in bringing in players that can be developed. Based on what he started with, we've done alright comparatively speaking to our recent past.

But coach after coach fails to get it to perform for whatever reason.


if it's because of outside distractions, well damn boys, sack up and act like men. That excuse would be the biggest wave of a white flag in NFL history. The Lions went 0-16 with more dignity.


It seems to me though that whenever we 'clean house' we don't clean house. We keep parts that hold us back. We fire some coaches but keep failures. We cleaned house last year and kept Haslett, who spends the entirety of the next season proving why he should have been fired. (We talk a lot about if RG3 had been playing better or if Cousins played better we could be __- and ___..   but the fact is if Haslett's "creative blitzes" from his "top ten defense"  could stop rookie QBs, journeyman QBs, practically any putz QB except Tony romoSUCKS, we'd be in a much better position. )

We have talent on defense, too. Not as much, and still needs a lot of holes filled, but there are players out there.
But you know what I see? I see Big Bird's patented 'creative blitz packages' get picked up ALL the time.

I see every Qb in the NFL step to the line and spot our blitz. i see a helmet on the helmet of our supposed 'free rusher'. i see us never ever get home.

Last week i HEARD it. How many of y'all were laughing in pathetic disgust listening to the center from the 49ers saying "There he is! Here he comes!" while the signals were being called?

(And then watch the niners pick it up.)
And last week was one of the better defensive performances on the season.to me listening to the ease in which they picked out our blitzes just sealed the deal. it's not just ****ing to say Haslett's defensive schemes are garbage that fool no one. They ARE garbage that fool no one (except Tony romoSUCKS, somehow.)


Gruden is having a hell of a time with Griffin. And that is not the media's fault.. They hammer him and they bite big bloody chunks offof him, and he reacts. And that's where the problem is. He reacts. it's his problem, and if there's one thing that seems to be a fact, you can't MAKE someone grow up, they pretty much have to do it on their own. And he needs to.

the whole offense is hampered by the poor play of the QB, and part of that, i believe is because he gets hit from so many angles mentally that every mistake he makes makes him embarrassed and ashamed and he hears all of that criticism in his head. b

It's his head that needs to pull itself out of that junk. he needs to toughen p, grow up and shut out his critics. Until he does he can't even begin to try to learn to play the position.


One fact; You can play the "I'll shut my haters up" motivation game when you're a kid. But at the level they play, and really in the whole 'grown up' world.. haters don't stop no matter what anyway. You just have to shut them out. and if you can't,, then it's on you.


i wish i knew what caused such constant dysfunction, and in this case it seems once again Snyder plays a role in his empowering of Griffin to the point where he seems uncoachable.




As for the Niners..  the media is hard on them too, regardless. This team has been championship caliber for several years, and the drama that surrounds them is just as heavy. The players hate Harbaugh, Harbaugh's getting fired, where will Harbaugh go, etc etc etc.


it's the modern media. And the Redskins need to learn how to handle it, cause it ain't gonna change.



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