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Russell is as bad a move as signing Sanders was

Chief skin

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Originally posted by Henry

Unless we gave Russell an $8 mil signing bonus, this move is nothing like the Deion signing.

It's a low-risk move, but I think Yomar made the best point. It smacks of desperation. We should not have had to make this move in the first place. Now we are all going to be hoping this guy we picked up off the street can immediately come in and play like an all-pro.

And that's just depressing.

How is it desperate?

It is no more desperate than vigorously pursuing Danny Wuerrfel (and failing).

Now THAT is desperate.

You guys are so depressed....this really has been the suckiest Redskin/Dallas week I can recall.

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It is desperate in the same way you are signing Murrell.

We don't have anyone at the DT spot. And now we have to pick up a guy with some serious baggage. I didn't want Russell, but see why we got him. We really had no choice at this point. Our corners could more or less cover for our non-existant pass rush. Now they are hurting, so we are desperate.

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Originally posted by boozeman3

How is it desperate?

It is no more desperate than vigorously pursuing Danny Wuerrfel (and failing).

Now THAT is desperate.

You guys are so depressed....this really has been the suckiest Redskin/Dallas week I can recall.

Make no bones about(pun def. intended), we are a desperate team. You guys are right, this is nothing like the Deion situation. I have a good feeling about this signing and this weekend's games. We HAVE to get a pash rush or Dallas will throw all over the field, esp. with Smoot being out. Russell gives us a better oppurtunity to do that than any other lineman we have. Our O needs to show up big time in this game. Hopefully with the bye week, we have shored up our blocking schemes and give Ramsey time to throw. The key to this game on Offense will be how effectively we can run the ball to keep their D honest and how many touches we can get Coles. He seems to be the the main cog in our offense, and opens up underneath routes when we are getting him the ball. Oh and Boozman, you think this week is sucky? Wait until next week after you are coming off your 2nd staight loss:cheers:

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Originally posted by Mad Monkey

You need to re-read my post, I'm saying that's what the media and Snyders critics will say , that they will be quick to jump on him saying that he is trying to buy a championship...Only a FOOL would debate himself or are you that much of a noob to understand that :rolleyes:

Forgive me veteran of all of 220 posts. Please, thats what a reputation is, what people think, expect, and say of you. You continue to argue with yourself. Only now your calling yourself a fool? I would'nt be so hard on myself.

And my post total on this page has no bearing at all on my knowledge of The Skins or sports in general, so call me a noob if it pats your ego but know that I dont have to call you names to get my points across.

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Originally posted by boozeman3

You guys are so depressed....this really has been the suckiest Redskin/Dallas week I can recall.

You guys are just mad because we signed him before his plane trip to Dallas :0

Thats okay after tampa showed you what your team is really about it is going to be nice to continue the trend this weekend :D

:dallasuck :dallasuck


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Originally posted by Henry

It is desperate in the same way you are signing Murrell.

We don't have anyone at the DT spot. And now we have to pick up a guy with some serious baggage. I didn't want Russell, but see why we got him. We really had no choice at this point. Our corners could more or less cover for our non-existant pass rush. Now they are hurting, so we are desperate.

Not arguing with you.

Shatbrick is one of the worst Cowboy RBs ever.

And you are correct. We had no choice at RB...we had to get somebody.

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Originally posted by Luca Brasi

Then, quite simply, choose another team and quit putting yourself through the agony. If you hate the owner and the front office, then you're an idiot to be a fan of the team. Good riddance.

listen little boy I was attending skins games when you were floating around in your daddy's ball sack, respect your elders

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Originally posted by Chief skin

listen little boy I was attending skins games when you were floating around in your daddy's ball sack, respect your elders

If and "elder" wants respect he should act with respect. You are the one that started this moronic post. Maybe next time you should think before you speak.


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Originally posted by Chief skin

It is sad to watch my team, a team I have lived through the ups and downs with over the last 36 years being RUINED from within.

Chief I guess you don't remember the 80's or early 90's. How can you say "RUINED". I think you might want to take a step back, look at your family and friends. You might be taking this a little to seriously. Remember it is only a game.

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The only bad thing about this signing was the length! wtf are we gonna be the montreal expos of the NFL? WE take the risk then next year when the rest of the league see russel is still dominant we LOSE him to some crap team with cap room! we should have signed him to at least 3 years with escalators and incentives not just a minmum offer! STUPID CERRATO BAD BAD DOG!

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Well, let that be lesson learned. Never, ever, put Deion in the same sentence with any player when it comes to deals...or contracts....or just about anything around here. Not a popular guy. :) Oh and Ryman, as discussed yesterday, it's a 2 way street. Who's to say Druss wanted a long term contract as well? 2 sides at the bargaining table.


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Originally posted by Ryman of the North

The only bad thing about this signing was the length! wtf are we gonna be the montreal expos of the NFL? WE take the risk then next year when the rest of the league see russel is still dominant we LOSE him to some crap team with cap room! we should have signed him to at least 3 years with escalators and incentives not just a minmum offer! STUPID CERRATO BAD BAD DOG!

Guys, who said Russell would have signed a multi-year contract?

If he is indeed as in shape as he claims to be, then he would be a fool to sign a multi-year contract. His strategy is to parlay this one year deal into a huge contract next year. If we didn't want to do a one year deal, he would have found a team that did.

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it can't be as worse a move because Russell does not earn a prorated bonus on a multi-year contract and is only 27 years old.

this is a win-win for the Redskins who had cap room to spare for 2003 that was going unused.

yes, the extra room could have been used to accomodate a new deal for Bailey, until we learned he wanted to bankrupt the team to be resigned :)

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Not sure about the comparison to Sanders… the deals are totally different, and so are some of the expectations. We assume very little risk with this one, and who’s to say Russell is at the end of his career – which Sanders clearly was when we signed him.

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so, who is going to start complaining if Russell comes in here, plays well and agrees to a contract extension for less dollars than he would get in FA because the Skins gave him a chance to play right away? :)

then everyone who is upset now will be kneeling at the altar of his Dannyness :laugh:

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Originally posted by Chief skin

Snyder refuses to learn from his mistakes, after this latest move which will be another disaster I am officially a Snyder hater. Russell is bad news most likely will get banned from the league, then u have the added feature the THE MAN HAS NOT PLAYED FOOTBALL IN A YEAR AND A HALF, he is not in football shape:doh:

Just another dumba$$ move by Snyder, Cerrato... It is sad to watch my team, a team I have lived through the ups and downs with over the last 36 years being RUINED from within.

Get a hold of yourself.

I suppose Joe Gibbs RUINED the team by giving Dexter Manley chance after chance? :rolleyes:

Russell hasn't been convicted of anything. He's young, smart, articulate, talented and in good shape.

This was a BRILLIANT move: If he fVcks up, no big deal. If he pans out, we have someone worth signing (unlike Daryl Gardener) and keep a high draft pick for next year.

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ChiefSkin-you can rant all you want about being older than some on this board, but that doesn't make you right. We're all Skins fans here.

The comparison to Deion, as many others have already pointed out, is ridiculous. The problem with Deion was not so much his performance, but rather his contract and the fact that he only played one year here. We didn't blow our wad with Russell and we always can try to re-sign him in the offseason if he does his part. It's low risk. We are a team who is struggling with DT being a GLARING weakness. But a 27 year old, 2 time pro bowler just fell into our lap. It's a no-brainer.

As far as Snyder goes, I'd take him over John Kent Cooke anyday. At least Snyder cares.

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Originally posted by bulldog

so, who is going to start complaining if Russell comes in here, plays well and agrees to a contract extension for less dollars than he would get in FA because the Skins gave him a chance to play right away? :)

then everyone who is upset now will be kneeling at the altar of his Dannyness :laugh:


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If the signing had been Spurrior"s idea it could be seen differently. But it wasn't. He publically said he didn't want Russell. so if the move was brilliant, what does that say about Spurrior? I think some of you may be overlooking the main thing. No matter how good a player Russell is, if Spurrior doesn't want him on the team it could become a corrosive situation that gets out of hand. Best hope that it will be a "she" Parcells deal instead.

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I think it was an excellent move...Were not stuck with him forever if he doesn't work out,yet we could hopefully have first dibbs on resigning him!

In all honesty,it could save the season...Maybe?

Like i've said in an earlier post,if this guy is 1/2 as good as he was in his first couple seasons before he was suspended then we made off like a bandit....

And it should speak volumes that the Gruden and parcells were both interested in them!

My only concern now is will he resign if he does play well and how much will he demand money wise....

Could it be another Gardner signing?Or will he actually show some sort of devotion to the organization that gave him his "2nd chance"?

I do think this turns the table somewhat on the priortization on resigning Champ!

As I'm a firm believer that an Great DL can make an average secondary look great....But I'm not sure about Vise Versa?

This also may change the way we draft next season....I mean?

We still need to address the D-line and probably will take a DE in the first when Bruce retires,however;We also can pull off another JETS stampede and just get some already proven DL-men and draft to fill other certain holes or voids...

And don't be surprised if we take Kellen Winslow JR as the TE spot is a glaring weakness for this team....Even with the signing of Chaimberlain.....

Most of your really good teams have great TE's!

Giants have Shockey,Broncos have Sharpe,Chiefs have Gonzalas,Ravens have Heap,eagles have Lewis and that rookie R.J smith (?),and yes the cowboys have a good TE in Jason whitten!

I know?"

But Spurrier doesn't implement the TE in his gameplan"!!!

Well,he should!

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As I said before, when he's in shape, he's my type of DT. He plays with a nasty attitude. He loves to put a beat down on the QB, running back, Tight End, Wide Reciever, other Head Coach, the fat chick in row 13 with the kid that's crying because he dropped his cotton candy in his soda.

I think he'll be o.k. and the implications is we WILL have two of the nasties Dlinemen in the NFL. Oh, by the way, I also love Regan Upshaw.

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