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Russell is as bad a move as signing Sanders was

Chief skin

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Originally posted by Chief skin

listen little boy I was attending skins games when you were floating around in your daddy's ball sack, respect your elders

Little boy? Since when is 26 a little boy? Respect you cause you are older than me? Do you think I or anyone else cares how long you have been a Redskin fan? Your post was ignorant and it was treated as such, by me and everyone else. I respect those who I feel have something intelligent to say and can contribute something worth reading. Since you did neither, you have to deal with everyone calling you out on your stupid ass comments. Deal with it, pops.

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Originally posted by Luca Brasi

Little boy? Since when is 26 a little boy? Respect you cause you are older than me? Do you think I or anyone else cares how long you have been a Redskin fan? Your post was ignorant and it was treated as such, by me and everyone else. I respect those who I feel have something intelligent to say and can contribute something worth reading. Since you did neither, you have to deal with everyone calling you out on your stupid ass comments. Deal with it, pops.

Nitwit, just watch how Russell plays this week, he has been out of the game a year and a half, he is no where near football shape.

I don't give a $hit what u read. Just watch the game and him in particulr and the impact he has, then come talk to me. I hate to say it but some of u are no better the philly fans. have fun watching the game sonny

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Originally posted by Chief skin

Snyder refuses to learn from his mistakes, after this latest move which will be another disaster I am officially a Snyder hater. Russell is bad news most likely will get banned from the league, then u have the added feature the THE MAN HAS NOT PLAYED FOOTBALL IN A YEAR AND A HALF, he is not in football shape:doh:

Just another dumba$$ move by Snyder, Cerrato... It is sad to watch my team, a team I have lived through the ups and downs with over the last 36 years being RUINED from within.

Chief, I think the real difference between the two signings is the timing. Sanders was signed after the team was a miffed field goal away from the nfc championship game. It was thought he could help the team take the next step. As it turns out I think he lead to that team losing something during training camp and not being the same team going into the next season. I know many think it was the injuries at the begining of that season that doomed us, but I think we were doomed before the season started. I believe Sanders had a negative impact on the team.

Russell is comming here in the middle of the season and we aren't even a .500 team right now. If he does have a negative impact we werent suppossed to even make the playoffs this year. The year Sanders came here we were one of the favorites to make it to the NFC championship game. More then likely he won't be here for next year and we won't be dealing with any dead cap dollars. Do you really think in 9 games he is going to rub off on guys and that they will carry that effect with them for years to come?

And that ball sack one liner was a classic.:laugh: :rotflmao:

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Originally posted by Chief skin

Nitwit, just watch how Russell plays this week, he has been out of the game a year and a half, he is no where near football shape.

I don't give a $hit what u read. Just watch the game and him in particulr and the impact he has, then come talk to me. I hate to say it but some of u are no better the philly fans. have fun watching the game sonny

I don't think anyone expects him to be a big impact in his first game back, but there's no reason to think he couldn't be contributing the first few weeks, and in good football shape within 3 to 6 weeks. Comparing this move to the Peion signing is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? Sanders got a huge salary, and we already had good corners. Russell didn't get the big paycheck, and the dline is terrible. Why wouldn't you want to take a shot at this?

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Well I am not particularly a Skins fans but rather someone who follows them for now as my signon indicates. I have a few comments on this thread:

1. I do not see how this signing is a terrible move. This is afterall the pros. The guy has the right to work in his chosen field as long as he was not convicted of anything and is allowed to by the rules of the league.

2. Apparently there is plenty of cap move for this.

3. If he plays well enough to earn a big contract well the Skins got that play on the cheap. If he gets in trouble, the cost to the skins is minimal. Heck if he comes in and misbehaves you cut him and he costs you one week's salary.

4. One of the great things about the internet is no one can see if you are male or female, disabled or able, pretty or ugly, big or little, old or young etc. Thus you get your respect by ideas more here than any place else.

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I see how this is a bad move:

We have had a few guys in the past do some "bad" things. But nothing on par with what this guy has been accused of. We, in the past, could pride ourselves on having some guys who, while thier heart may be as big as their wallet, have not shown a blatent disregard of morality and common sense. An ability to flat out distinguish between right and wrong and to surround yourself with people who have a tiny shred of desency and common sense.

This signing I believe marks the end of that "caption" that has adhered to our franchise, so to speak.

Blast me if you want, but as a Skins fan I am stuck with him and hope he does well, but Cheif brings up some very important points about his football playing shape. We will soon see if he can play and he better play like he has something to prove.

As far as Snyder is concerned, I don't fault him too hard. I do feel his way too pushy and impatient to let this team take it's course(which is straight down the turlet after last games' performence). With that impatience comes moves like this, which I don't agree with, but if I were in his position, I might make. It's a cutthroat business and the last thing people really think about is a guy's morals and track record. What matters most, ultimately is his on-field performance.

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IN Snyder's defense I would have to say he is some kind of recruiter!

otherwise, he cannot manage this team at all. Evidence of this exists everywhere.

Ideally, a competent GM would be just the medcine to cure this patient.

Snyder is one of those "abrasive" little guys that makes stuff happen ...only much of those happenings have been counterproductive.

Sally Jenkins

I expected much more uproar after her article (man of hours).. maybe we are all becomming psycologically impared (vis a vis "learned helplessness") that we expect THIS sort of occurence here.

I can relate to Chief's rant. The reason we respect our elders is because of the length one's occupation does in fact endow spiritual powers of understanding that just will elude even the most erudite youngsters.

This is a gamble, just like many of the others Danny Boy has taken. His track record has given us only expectations never to be realized. Why will this be even different?

First, why will DR stay here if he does have a sucessful pro-rated season? (if he does not then the point may still be valid...) He willl go where the money is best (and of course a realistsic shot at a ring)is that here?

Secondly, this man has a past that is all about wasted potential and shaky life-descison making. What makes one think that he will be diffenent here? just a feeling? from who ? DANNY!?

Thirdly, there is the condititioning issue. He has not played since Dec 2001! that is a long time to be off the field. What makes anyone think he can help us immediately? Danny? Vinny? aren't they they same bunch that brought us Chase, Dalton, et al?

It does not take a brain surgeon ...it really doesn't. It takes a general manager and a coach...really. Honestly, right now we cannot say we have either.

maybe Danny boy could at least do us the favor of allowing us to B!TCH all we want while he works on getting out of diapers.

So go chief vent away.

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Originally posted by Chief skin

Nitwit, just watch how Russell plays this week, he has been out of the game a year and a half, he is no where near football shape. I don't give a $hit what u read. Just watch the game and him in particulr and the impact he has, then come talk to me. I hate to say it but some of u are no better the philly fans. have fun watching the game sonny

Have you taken a look at who we have on our roster at the moment? Bernard Holsey, Jermaine Haley, Lionel Dalton, Martin Chase. Had you even heard of any of these guys before they signed with the Redskins? They are BACKUPS being forced to start because we simply don't have anyone else. We had the opportunity to sign a two time probowler for pennies, and we took it. The simple fact that someone can start for the Redskins at DT who hasn't played for 1.5 years should tell you all you really need to know.

But, if you would like to judge the Russell signing based on how he performs in his first game back, then so be it. I bet he's gets to the qb more in the Dallas game than our other DT's have all year.

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Originally posted by Dan T.

This Luca Brasi guy has got some real anger issues. In the short time I've been on this board I've seen real nasty posts from this guy. He needs an entymologist to get the bug out of his as$.

Nah. No real anger issues here. No bugs in the a*s. Come in here on a Monday after a loss if you want to see angry posts. I do enjoy debating though. Unfortunately it usually turns into name calling. Why, I'm not sure. The predictable "Snyder sucks" or "Gibbs would never" threads do become laughable after a while, so I always ask the question, "If you hate the owner and the front office, why do you still root for the team?". And 99% of the time, I'll get a "listen here you little whipper snapper" repsonse like Chief Skins'. It's fun stuff. Love it I do.

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Originally posted by Luca Brasi

Nah. No real anger issues here. No bugs in the a*s. Come in here on a Monday after a loss if you want to see angry posts. I do enjoy debating though. Unfortunately it usually turns into name calling. Why, I'm not sure. The predictable "Snyder sucks" or "Gibbs would never" threads do become laughable after a while, so I always ask the question, "If you hate the owner and the front office, why do you still root for the team?". And 99% of the time, I'll get a "listen here you little whipper snapper" repsonse like Chief Skins'. It's fun stuff. Love it I do.

I hate the owner because he can't subjugate his ego for the good of the team, and, as a result the team suffers. I don't root for the owner--I root for the Redskins. This week, Om has done a much more level-headed job than I explaining what Snyder needs to do. In general, he needs football men making his football decisions.

Calling someone a bad fan because they don't like an owner who they beleive is screwing over the team? Nope--doesn't make sense.

And yes, I'm your elder (I've been 27 for 6 days now) and you need to pipe down young man.

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Originally posted by GGB81

I hate the owner because he can't subjugate his ego for the good of the team, and, as a result the team suffers. I don't root for the owner--I root for the Redskins. This week, Om has done a much more level-headed job than I explaining what Snyder needs to do. In general, he needs football men making his football decisions.

Calling someone a bad fan because they don't like an owner who they beleive is screwing over the team? Nope--doesn't make sense.

And yes, I'm your elder (I've been 27 for 6 days now) and you need to pipe down young man.

Never said anything about anyone being a bad fan. I've gone through the Snyder debate countless times, mainly because I like Snyder. I like him a lot. I like his style. I like what he's acccomplished. I like that everyone hates him. In this case, if everyone hates you, it's because you have something or have accomplished something that others have not. But, that's a whole other story.

The writing is clearly on the wall. If the team is winning, then you don't hear these negative comments about Snyder. You hear that he's finally figured things out by signing young guys in their prime, etc. But if the team is losing, all of the sudden everyone turns to Snyder, as if it's his fault that players are jumping offsides or missing blocks, and he suddenly becomes the scapegoat for the team's misfortunes.

Comparing the Darrell Russell signing to the Deion signing was rediculous. It was extremely typical of someone who hates Snyder. I hated the Deion signing as much as anyone else, but since then I haven't disagreed with much of anything the FO has done.

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Originally posted by Luca Brasi

Never said anything about anyone being a bad fan. I've gone through the Snyder debate countless times, mainly because I like Snyder. I like him a lot. I like his style. I like what he's acccomplished. I like that everyone hates him. In this case, if everyone hates you, it's because you have something or have accomplished something that others have not. But, that's a whole other story.

The writing is clearly on the wall. If the team is winning, then you don't hear these negative comments about Snyder. You hear that he's finally figured things out by signing young guys in their prime, etc. But if the team is losing, all of the sudden everyone turns to Snyder, as if it's his fault that players are jumping offsides or missing blocks, and he suddenly becomes the scapegoat for the team's misfortunes.

Comparing the Darrell Russell signing to the Deion signing was rediculous. It was extremely typical of someone who hates Snyder. I hated the Deion signing as much as anyone else, but since then I haven't disagreed with much of anything the FO has done.

Fair enough. We come from very different schools on this one. The only real contention I have with what you said is that Snyder doesn't have anything that other people want (from a football perspective). (Yes, I'm sure many envy the big pile of money he has at home.)

In my book, this team never succeeds with Snyder being the dominant FO presence.

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Originally posted by Chief skin

Another 20 something nitwit know it all:doh:

I have a feeling a lot of us "nitwits" know more then you grandpa. You want us to treat you with respect yet you go too name calling, that is pathetic. I would rather be a 20 something know it all then a pathetic washed up name calling old man. Thats ok being young means we can still go out and have fun instead of being in bed at 8 :laugh:

PS Chief, the only reason you are getting a lot of crap right now is because the person you called out has a lot of friends on this site (hint, hint)

:dallasuck :dallasuck

ok i am done fighting now lets go skins :cheers:

personally I think a Darrel Russel at 60% percent is still better then anything we have. Remember Hosley has a broken hand and he won't be playing this weekend. Chief I have nothing against you just don't like people who have to turn to name calling thats all. :cheers:

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You tell 'em jbooma. I think the generation gap is just too much to overcome sometimes. I understand that people have different opinions regarding Snyder, the front office, the players, etc, and that's what makes this board so much fun. But when opponents resort to name calling, it's as good as them saying, "ok, you win".

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Originally posted by tommy-the-greek

J Booma, Chief didn't start the name calling. Luca called him an idiot. That was the start of the name calling. Just wanted to set the record straight.

True this is what Luca said:

Then, quite simply, choose another team and quit putting yourself through the agony. If you hate the owner and the front office, then you're an idiot to be a fan of the team. Good riddance.

which wasn't that bad then Chief went off:

listen little boy I was attending skins games when you were floating around in your daddy's ball sack, respect your elders

Then I just told Chief he wanted respect then act with respect and then he called me out, so I was replying to what he said to me which he had no right since I never said anything bad to him. I just think he took it to far to fast.

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Yeah to add a little to what JBooma said, if you are going to demand respect, you can't make comments like the ones Chief made.

Bringing age into this argument is BS. We are all avid Redskins fans at the time of the Deion signing and we all are now. So, I don't know what age has to do with anything.

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Originally posted by Jimmythehair

Actually the only bad part is that the Skins should have put somekind of option for next year incase we want to keep him. If he does play well he is a free agent and can be scooped up by anyone.

I am going to say this for the 15th and last time. Who ever said that Russell was willing to sign anything but a 1 year contract? Chances are he knows what he is doing. Sign a 1 year contract, play well and parlay that into a huge contract next year. If he is confident in his ability he would have been stupid to sign anything but a 1 year contract. If we weren't going to offer one, another team would have.

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I won't defend what he said to you. You didn't do anything wrong. All I am trying to say is if the word "idiot" wasn't used it wouldn't have gotten personal. It could have been an honest difference of opinions that should be debated.

If the words you're an idiot to was replaced with "you shouldn't"

Then, quite simply, choose another team and quit putting yourself through the agony. If you hate the owner and the front office, then you shouldn't be a fan of the team. Good riddance.

Do you really think it would have sunk to name calling? Everyone has a right to there opinion and everyone else has a right to debate it. I just think we should all be a little more carefull in regards to starting personal assaults, especially when it comes to fellow Skin fans. We are all much better then that. I am still embarrassed about the things I said the other day to AKA D. I know I learned from that expierence and this site is too classy to have members throwing mud at each other like politicians running for election. Maybe I am out of line here, I just think we Redskin Fans are better then that.

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After looking back on my original post, I shouldn't have used the word idiot. I certainly didn't intend to call Chief an idiot, I more or less was trying to question how one could put so much time and love into something, but hate the very person who tries and tries again to make it better. Not everyone agrees with his methods, but it's hard to question his desire to make the team better. But you're right, I could have phrased it better.

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