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The Destiny Thread (PS4 and Xbox One)

Dont Taze Me Bro

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Massive irritation point of mine:


"I earned my <insert gun/item here>"


How the hell did you "earn" something when the majority of the time its lucky random rolls?


Iron Banner stuff in my eyes is 'earned'.  As in, you gotta grind the rep and glimmer to buy it.


Ghorn/hawkmoon/etc.  not "earned".  "Lucky Roll".

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Massive irritation point of mine:

"I earned my <insert gun/item here>"

How the hell did you "earn" something when the majority of the time its lucky random rolls?

Iron Banner stuff in my eyes is 'earned'. As in, you gotta grind the rep and glimmer to buy it.

Ghorn/hawkmoon/etc. not "earned". "Lucky Roll".

Exactly. It's all luck except for iron banner. And even in iron banner, the drops are still luck. I got the rocket launcher in a match where I finished last.

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Exactly. It's all luck except for iron banner. And even in iron banner, the drops are still luck. I got the rocket launcher in a match where I finished last.


I've never done the Iron Banner. How often does it show up, and are armor rewards strictly through post-match rewards?

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I've never done the Iron Banner. How often does it show up, and are armor rewards strictly through post-match rewards?

It's a special event. Maybe every couple of months.

Basically, you are trying to reach iron banner level 5. You level up by winning matches. They will have several armor pieces for sale, the rumor is that the upcoming one will be a chest piece and boots. There will also be weapons. Last time it was a scout rifle and shotgun. I got both as well as 3 pistols and a rocket launcher. The Iron Banner weapons have high impact. The shotgun is almost unfair. The really cool thing is that the iron banner weapons can be reforged with motes of light. If you don't like the perks it comes with, you can gamble and get a "new roll". I'm not a PVP player But I had a blast. Lots of fun.

Guns drop a lot while you play, but the rumor is that the "good" guns drop more after you reach level 3. Exotics are a possibility as well.

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I usually iron banner it up with a premade team of 6.  We aren't the best players, but communication wins out 9/10 times over skill.


Reign of terror badge (15 kills w/o dying) twice, because the guys were feeding me info on positions / movements / etc.


2 things.


1.  IB should be once a month....here's hoping  (your rep gains reset every time it comes out - its a grind)


2.  You get loot drops just like from normal crucible matches, also the quest giver is a vendor who sells awesome stuff.


That shotgun was worth every ounce of anger felt from bad connections lol.


Most fun in Destiny right now is Iron Banner.

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Iron Banner this time is a let down. Probably not playing considering I got the shotgun, scout rifle, rocket launcher and 3 pistols last time.


The Auto rifle sucks and i don't use heavy machine guns much.  The only thing I'm interested in at all is the chest piece, but even that isn't enough to draw me in.


I enjoy the raids more than anything.

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Nightfall was brutal.


Me and my bro were running through it and it kept lagging hardcore.


Watched a thrall run through my buds magazine and one hit kill him, I started chuckling and shifted fire towards the same thrall.


Ran through my fire and punched me.  Back to orbit.  Start firing at the invisible melee guys who come from the drop ship, they teleport to your location (lag) and you're dead.


Took us 5 tries.  Ridiculous.


Will say I finally got something from the nightfall worth something.  Got the Ruin Wings.  Those just look sick, and cause heavy ammo to drop more frequently.


Make me look like Jax from Mortal Kombat.

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Nightfall was brutal.


Me and my bro were running through it and it kept lagging hardcore.


Watched a thrall run through my buds magazine and one hit kill him, I started chuckling and shifted fire towards the same thrall.


Ran through my fire and punched me.  Back to orbit.  Start firing at the invisible melee guys who come from the drop ship, they teleport to your location (lag) and you're dead.


Took us 5 tries.  Ridiculous.


Will say I finally got something from the nightfall worth something.  Got the Ruin Wings.  Those just look sick, and cause heavy ammo to drop more frequently.


Make me look like Jax from Mortal Kombat.



IMO, Omnigul is by far the hardest Nightfall without a doubt and this is the third time.  

RuinWings are beast. They drop heavy ammo like a champ. I love them.  


Lagging is tough, I'm lucky that most of the people I play with regularly have good connections and we are geographically close.

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I hate Omnigul. With a passion. I hate her screaming all the time, I hate her showing up for no other reason but for me to waste ammo shooting her until she goes away. And that final battle? You're basically forced to stay 90% of your time in the hallway to recharge your health and take pot shots at her. Every now and then you can move closer to her catwalk and take closer shots, just a strange design for a boss fight considering how all the other ones have a lot of space. 

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I hate Omnigul. With a passion. I hate her screaming all the time, I hate her showing up for no other reason but for me to waste ammo shooting her until she goes away. And that final battle? You're basically forced to stay 90% of your time in the hallway to recharge your health and take pot shots at her. Every now and then you can move closer to her catwalk and take closer shots, just a strange design for a boss fight considering how all the other ones have a lot of space.

Well said, but, how good do you feel when you win....

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Getting 1 shot with Hawkmoon.

IB is brutal this time around.

I can't wait until I find the room with all the noobs in it. It'll happen, it'll happen.


Bruh, it is a grind to get enough wins and bounties done to be 1/4 of the way to a level 3.

I almost broke my controller last night when shot five of the other team guarding a zone in Control and no one died. Rocket hit the circle they were all standing in and not a single kill. I had the perfect angle on them though as teleport jumped over to them with my Warlock and shot it down at them. They killed me five times over while I tried to reload. It happened again later in the same match. It has major issues.

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Bruh, it is a grind to get enough wins and bounties done to be 1/4 of the way to a level 3.

I almost broke my controller last night when shot five of the other team guarding a zone in Control and no one died. Rocket hit the circle they were all standing in and not a single kill. I had the perfect angle on them though as teleport jumped over to them with my Warlock and shot it down at them. They killed me five times over while I tried to reload. It happened again later in the same match. It has major issues.



IMO, IB is easy IF you are level 32, have awesome weapons (Hawkmoon, Vex Mythoclast and a great shotgun) and finally, buy the IB emblem and class items. You get more points.  Also, you get more points as the week goes on. Fri-Mon gets nuts on how fast you can get points. Also, pick up the IB bounties.


And yes, Hawkmoon is freaking badass... I am lucky enough to have 2 of them and would not part with them for any other gun in the game.

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IMO, IB is easy IF you are level 32, have awesome weapons (Hawkmoon, Vex Mythoclast and a great shotgun) and finally, buy the IB emblem and class items. You get more points.  Also, you get more points as the week goes on. Fri-Mon gets nuts on how fast you can get points. Also, pick up the IB bounties.


And yes, Hawkmoon is freaking badass... I am lucky enough to have 2 of them and would not part with them for any other gun in the game.


So are you saying that wasn't a glitch in the game, that all five of them could just shrug off a rocket from my maxed out One Way Ticket 000? 


I don't have a Hawkmoon, may need to try to attain one. My first night doing IB I could not understand how they track the amount of rep points you earn. One match I earned 253 rep points, last night I never got more than 55 for any of the matches my team won. Just weird. 

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So are you saying that wasn't a glitch in the game, that all five of them could just shrug off a rocket from my maxed out One Way Ticket 000? 


I don't have a Hawkmoon, may need to try to attain one. My first night doing IB I could not understand how they track the amount of rep points you earn. One match I earned 253 rep points, last night I never got more than 55 for any of the matches my team won. Just weird. 



On normal crucible, your level doesn't matter.  On Iron Banner, if I am Level 32 and you are 29, you will do a LOT less damage to me and I will destroy you.


That's the point of Iron Banner, to give people level advantages.

My son wants Hawkmoon more than anything, he has Gjallahorn and would trade me if he could. He is a beast in crucible and he gets on my account just to use Hawkmoon and he easily gets 30-45 kills, 7-9K points per match.


ALSO: you only get points when your team wins, but, you get those medalions, when you finally win, you redeem the medaliions and its as if you won previously (80% of the points) so you are rewarded for grinding.

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Code, you've played with me.  You know what I'm about.


I was getting destroyed, cross-map, with a pistol.  One shot, boom dead.


After the patch, I don't know what weapons to use.  (obviously Hawkmoon, but I don't have one)


Last word is weak, suros sucks, thorn is still a 2 shot kill, my red death is ok but it isn't 331 yet.  Nothing can go head to head with hawkmoon and it seems ridiculous.


I'm lost.  I wanted to get the chest piece on multiple characters (thing just looks boss!) but I don't think I'll gain rep fast enough.


What are you guys using?

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On normal crucible, your level doesn't matter.  On Iron Banner, if I am Level 32 and you are 29, you will do a LOT less damage to me and I will destroy you.


That's the point of Iron Banner, to give people level advantages.

My son wants Hawkmoon more than anything, he has Gjallahorn and would trade me if he could. He is a beast in crucible and he gets on my account just to use Hawkmoon and he easily gets 30-45 kills, 7-9K points per match.


ALSO: you only get points when your team wins, but, you get those medalions, when you finally win, you redeem the medaliions and its as if you won previously (80% of the points) so you are rewarded for grinding.


I understand the level advantages, but there can't be that drastic a different between a level 32 and my level 31 character. And I'm not 100% certain, but it's unlikely all five of those guys were level 32 as well. 


Just looked up the Hawkmoon, unfortunately it is exclusive to the Playstation brands until this Fall. 

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I understand the level advantages, but there can't be that drastic a different between a level 32 and my level 31 character. And I'm not 100% certain, but it's unlikely all five of those guys were level 32 as well. 


Just looked up the Hawkmoon, unfortunately it is exclusive to the Playstation brands until this Fall. 


Someones connection was throwing off the game mechanics.  One red bar in the match, and you'll see dudes moonwalking all over the place.


Dedicated servers, please!

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Yes, my Suros Regime is awesome in the Crucible. Not so much in IB. My other primary weapons are Red Death, Bad Juju, Universal Remote, and No Land Beyond. On my other characters I have Up for Anything and Payback SOS. I guess I can try Universal Remote when I get off work. 

Someones connection was throwing off the game mechanics.  One red bar in the match, and you'll see dudes moonwalking all over the place.


Dedicated servers, please!


This is what I figured the issue was, and considering how many network issues I've dealt with on Destiny so far I was certain it was exactly the problem. But if Code is correct, and the game operated the way it was supposed to....I'm at a loss of words. 

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