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I want to sue the republican party for willful denial of scientific evidence about climate change.

Mad Mike

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This is a must see video.  Republicans always talk about smaller government but what what they want is greater control. Here's Ted Cruz trying to tell NASA what it's core mission is and how it should cut it's earth sciences budget to inspire little children. To put it in plain english, Ted Cruz doesn't think studying our own planet is important. Watch the video to the end to see Charles Bolden, a real american hero and EXPERT take him to school.


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To all the climate change deniers please watch Season 3 ep 1 of Vice on HBO. You will see real science and the real effects of climate change happening right now. It is already too late the oceans are rising and there is nothing we can do to stop the damage that has already happened. Best we can do is prevent it from getting much worse! It is amazing that we have a major group in the government that doesn't even believe in science or is just flat out bought out by oil and gas!


After 15 years of increasingly definitive scientific studies attesting to the reality and significance of global climate change, the deniers' tactics have shifted. Many deniers no longer deny that climate change is happening, but instead argue that the cost of taking action is too high—or even worse, that it is too late to take action. All of these arguments are false and are rejected by the scientific community at large.

To gain an understanding of the level of scientific consensus on climate change, one study examined every article on climate change published in peer-reviewed scientific journals over a 10-year period. Of the 928 articles on climate change the authors found, not one of them disagreed with the consensus position that climate change is happening and is human-induced.

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I just want to point out the reason that NASA got heavily involved in Earth based research is because so much of the data became satellite related, and as the organization that for the most part approved and carried out launches and even designed satellites, it isn't surprising that they became connected to the data generated by those satellites.


I don't think there's any particular reason why NASA should be involved in Earth based research.  I do think NASA at some level has strayed from their purpose, and I have no issue with hedging them back into that original purpose and focus.  Mission creep and lack of focus is a real problem, especially in government.


That doesn't mean we shouldn't study the Earth and use satellites to do it.  It does mean that we'd have to have some sort of better inter-"agency" (I'm not sure the thing(s) we would task to study the Earth would be agencies) communication/cooperation, and/or another mechanism to build, design, launch, and monitor satellites.

Edited by PeterMP
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So there is the  "be the change you wish to see in the world"


Did Mr. and Mrs. Obama need to take 2 separate Jumbo Jets to fly across country to appear on TV talk shows? (To be clear, Jimmy Kimmel and Ellen, not a news talk show)




You can sue the Republican Party all you want. (actually you can't, but lets pretend you could). Are they the real problem?

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Wait,     Cruz is doing his job?


His job is to deny reality, and to try to silence anybody who points out reality, no matter what?

One of the things I really kinda respect about the modern Republican Party is the way they're so PROUD of being evil. It's refreshing.

So there is the  "be the change you wish to see in the world"


Did Mr. and Mrs. Obama need to take 2 separate Jumbo Jets to fly across country to appear on TV talk shows? (To be clear, Jimmy Kimmel and Ellen, not a news talk show)




You can sue the Republican Party all you want. (actually you can't, but lets pretend you could). Are they the real problem?

Yeah, you're right.

The fact that we've been dumping industrial waste into the atmosphere at the rate of half a billion tons a year, AND INCREASING, for decades isn't a problem.

The REAL problem is Air Force One.

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Yeah, you're right.

The fact that we've been dumping industrial waste into the atmosphere at the rate of half a billion tons a year, AND INCREASING, for decades isn't a problem.

The REAL problem is Air Force One.


No, it isn't "Air Force One", The President needs to fly, it's part of the gig. Does his wife need to take a separate Jet? Sometimes; sure, but not this time. This time it was a waste of money and spits in the face of people that care about climate change.


I don't think the debate is really climate change, it's the political agenda attached to it. That becomes more obvious when the President (who says climate change is important) does things like this. See also: Al Gore.  

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So there is the  "be the change you wish to see in the world"


Did Mr. and Mrs. Obama need to take 2 separate Jumbo Jets to fly across country to appear on TV talk shows? (To be clear, Jimmy Kimmel and Ellen, not a news talk show)




You can sue the Republican Party all you want. (actually you can't, but lets pretend you could). Are they the real problem?


The conservation (and I am going to use conservation here instead of environmental because I think that is the key issue here, actually) movement in the US has been hurt by the lack of fragmentation of the US political system.


We have a strong two party system where the priorities are set by a few in power by each party.


And its pretty clear now that Obama doesn't have a strong commitment to conservation ideals.


And you can see that through both is words and actions.  He's done very little (even talking, especially talking with passion) to move conservation ideals forward.


Even somebody like Al Gore who seemed to at least understand the environmental issues and importance did very little in terms of embracing conservation ideals.


And I don't think that's going to change any time soon.  There is nobody that appears to be rising in the Democratic party that appears to be passionate and strongly embrace concepts related to conservation.


Our society and country has embraced consumption as both a societal and economic philosophy, and that includes the leadership of both parties.  Even from an environmental issue stand point, the only question is how to best address them in the context of that consumption based system (and realistically in many cases it is going to be very difficult if not impossible in the near future at least).


And there hasn't been a major political figure to speak against it since Jimmy Carter.


And I think that's a shame.  Given the combination of foreign policy, economic, and environmental problems we face, I think you can make a strong argument for a general conservative/conservation policy/ideals.


Realistically, I think it is more likely that the next leader in the US to embrace conservation ideals will come from the "right" through the Evangelical/Catholic community, then the Democratic party.


Of course none of that has any real impact on the science.

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I just want to point out the reason that NASA got heavily involved in Earth based research is because so much of the data became satellite related, and as the organization that for the most part approved and carried out launches and even designed satellites, it isn't surprising that they became connected to the data generated by those satellites.


I don't think there's any particular reason why NASA should be involved in Earth based research.  I do think NASA at some level has strayed from their purpose, and I have no issue with hedging them back into that original purpose and focus.  Mission creep and lack of focus is a real problem, especially in government.


That doesn't mean we shouldn't study the Earth and use satellites to do it.  It does mean that we'd have to have some sort of better inter-"agency" (I'm not sure the thing(s) we would task to study the Earth would be agencies) communication/cooperation, and/or another mechanism to build, design, launch, and monitor satellites.


I highly doubt Ted Cruz cares about getting NASA to focus more into space exploration rather than climate science. 


The real issue, the way I interpret it, is that it's not as easy to sling mud at NASA about climate change. It's an agency that has a great deal of credibility with the US public and a solid reputation world wide. So when NASA is telling you loud and clear that climate change is an issue and is being driven by human activity, people will listen and pay attention.


That's inconvenient for hacks like Cruz. So while NASA may have strayed from its intended mission of space exploration, they do serve a vital function as a reliable and trustworthy public source of information on climate change.

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Yup, NASA is unreliable and a troll from Texas has it all figured out.

Move along all.


nasa makes mistakes at times.....and blows through a lot of money



If ya don't like oversight go ****ing private  :)

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Wait,     Cruz is doing his job?.....alert the press.


And here are his bosses....




Koch brothers set $889 million budget for 2016



WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.

The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.

Freedom Partners sits at the center of the vast operation, and in 2012 alone, spent nearly $240 million as it funded nearly three dozen organizations, ranging from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to smaller Tea Party groups.

The fundraising target is the latest indication that the industrialists at the center of the network, Charles and David Koch, intend to continue building an operation that could exceed the national political parties in size and scope to help advance their libertarian principles. The spending, unrivaled for an outside organization, represents more than double the nearly $400 million the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised and spent during the 2012 presidential election cycle.



Lobbying Spending Database | OpenSecrets


Issue Lookup

  1203 client(s) reported lobbying on specific issues containing the word 'climate change' in filings covering the period 2006 to the present, with additional reports included in prior years.






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Oversight by a corrupt politician like Ted Cruz? 




Corrupt as Biden or Obama?.....or Hillary?....or  .....


funny ya never mention the money given by the alt energy thieves.


go run fondle your Koch and dream of your suit.

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nasa makes mistakes at times.....and blows through a lot of money



If ya don't like oversight go ****ing private  :)


Newsflash: every organization in the history of the world has made mistakes and blown through money.


Oversight is plenty in science. Without a doubt, more than any other field of study in the world. It's a shame that it goes over the head of certain Texan dimwits. :)

I would like to say, that I'm really proud of the progress you've made on this issue twa. From outright denying climate change, you have now moved on to calling it a world wide conspiracy of scientists and evil gubmints. You will find some nice company along with 9/11 and chemtrail truthers of the world.

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Newsflash: every organization in the history of the world has made mistakes and blown through money.


Oversight is plenty in science. Without a doubt, more than any other field of study in the world. It's a shame that it goes over the head of certain Texan dimwits. :)


Folk ****ing about that oversight is plenty as well obviously. :)

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Folk ****ing about that oversight is plenty as well obviously. :)


Not all oversight is equal. Especially not by agenda driven morons. 


Science is a universal language. It has a built in mechanism to correct bull****. Sadly, you are too clouded by party lines to look beyond the idiotic position you have adopted. 


But again, your progress is commendable. Perhaps one day you will be successful in exposing the global scientific community for taking away your freedoms.  :lol:

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Not all oversight is equal. Especially not by agenda driven morons. 


Science is a universal language. It has a built in mechanism to correct bull****. Sadly, you are too clouded by party lines to look beyond the idiotic position you have adopted. 


But again, your progress is commendable. Perhaps one day you will be successful in exposing the global scientific community for taking away your freedoms.  :lol:

Didn't notice you having a problem with the First couple taking separate Jumbo Jets cross country. 


The conservation (and I am going to use conservation here instead of environmental because I think that is the key issue here, actually) movement in the US has been hurt by the lack of fragmentation of the US political system.


We have a strong two party system where the priorities are set by a few in power by each party.


And its pretty clear now that Obama doesn't have a strong commitment to conservation ideals.



Conservation is a big part. Truly, I don't think the top of either party has any commitment to t climate change. Democrats just have the luxury of blaming Republicans because of a vocal subset of conservative deniers.  

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Didn't notice you having a problem with the First couple taking separate Jumbo Jets cross country. 


Peter already covered it and I largely agree with him.


I have no political leanings on scientific issues. I'm as willing to argue against conservatives who deny climate change, as I am against hippy liberals who are misguided about GMO's. 

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