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What would Ann Landers say?


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I NEVER call a girl more than once. If she doesn't return my message, I'm done.


Before the days of caller-id, I might agree with you on not leaving a message. However now-a-days it just looks like you're a stalker if you keep calling but don't leave a message.

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Originally posted by TheKurp


I NEVER call a girl more than once. If she doesn't return my message, I'm done.


Before the days of caller-id, I might agree with you on not leaving a message. However now-a-days it just looks like you're a stalker if you keep calling but don't leave a message.

I didn't say you should keep calling!

Hey man, I hope it works out for you.

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Originally posted by TheKurp


If you don't leave a message, you've got to call again, no?

Or are you proposing that you call once, don't leave a message, and never call again?


I just think that women want to be pursued, yet not bothered.

They're friggin' weird. There's no doubt about it.

In fact, if you did just call once, and she saw, and you didn't leave a message, and then you didn't call for quite a few days, then she would be very intrigued by that.

My first year in college, I was out at a party, talking to this girl that I met (I was younger then!). It turned out she was Miss Teen USA. No joke.

So, we exchanged numbers. I NEVER CALLED HER. She couldn't understand it!

So, she called me about two weeks later, and then called me again. And then we went out. 'Nuff siad.

I would just say call about specific things. And be decisive when you do talk w/ her.

Like I said bro...don't 'sweat' her.

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Originally posted by freakofthenorth

My first year in college, I was out at a party, talking to this girl that I met (I was younger then!). It turned out she was Miss Teen USA. No joke.

So, we exchanged numbers. I NEVER CALLED HER. She couldn't understand it!

So, she called me about two weeks later, and then called me again. And then we went out. 'Nuff siad.

You da man! :notworthy

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Originally posted by TheKurp

You da man! :notworthy

It was a freak accident. Trust me!

But, I met my current girlfriend using this perspective.

I knew her for awhile. We met in college.

Eventually, we had a class together. We studied from time to time, etc.

Then, I invited her to a Ben Harper concert, and we hit it off. It was really great.

But, even after that point, I just let it take it's course. We actually didn't really start dating until a month later.

If I had been too much, I know I would not be w/ her today. I just pretended I didn't really care, even when I really had been pursuing her for well over a year.

Now, we've been living together for two years, and we moved up to the city here together.

Just some ideas. Like I said, good luck Kurp.

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I'm having another buddy (who was also there Friday night) call my friend and casually ask about what he thought of the girl. This way he's more apt to be honest about it than if I were to ask him. The call is in (message left) but no return call yet, so from that aspect I still don't know what's up.

However as you can see from the way the thread has progressed, it may very well be a moot point. :)

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Kurp, if he is your buddy, be honest with him. I'd want my friends to know that the girl they are interested in (??) is interested in other men (if she is). "Hey buddy, knockout gave me her phone number when we all went out. I've been sweatin' it but thought you should know if you are interested in her. If you're not interested, and you were trying to get us together, it worked. If you are interested, you need to know about things like this."

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Nothing to report SkinsFan.

I'll admit, I'm a little puzzled by this one. I've asked and gotten numbers before, left a message, and not received a phone call back, but just chalked it up to the girl being polite by giving her number when asked.

A couple of months ago I even had a girl ask for my number but she never called (which I'm thankful for because I woudn't have called her back, if you know what I mean) ;).

This one though, willingly gave me her number despite me never specifically asking for it.

1. I did find out yesterday that she's "going" through a divorce, not actually divorced, although she's not currently living with her soon-to-be ex-husband. Given that, I'm not exactly sure I'd want to get involved at this point. Then again, beauty tends to make one toss aside better judgement. :)

2. She did mention last Friday night that she was headed up to some small town just south of Jacksonville the next day to visit her mom. There was also some talk about her going up in anticipation of the Florida-Georgia game (since she's a Gator alumni). While it didn't occur to me at the time, it may be that she's staying the week with her mom and then going to see the game in Jacksonville this Saturday. Of course I did call her cell phone and not her home phone, so I'm guessing she still got the message.

Anyway like Freak says, I'm not going to sweat it, or her. What will be will be.

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The thing about diapers is, you've got to dispose of them immediately. Otherwise, that smell NEVER goes away. Anyway, we put each one in it's own individual plastic bag and them immediately take it out to the outside trash can. The neighbors hate us, but it makes it much easier to get our freak on, and that's really what's important here. Next thing is to make sure to run the kids around a lot during the day so they pass out nice and early. If you let even one of them nap after 1pm, forget about it. Following these simple steps may get you some scootie as often as once a week, provided you aren't completely exhausted, sick, or generally disgusted with your woman because she's been covered in puke and snot all week long and frankly, has been letting herself go lately ...

... oh wait. you mean this isn't the married guy's thread? My bad. ;)

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