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If we are relying on Bruce's drafting skill to get us out of this mess, we are in for a long ride (entire draft history)


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Bruce Allen isn't a personnel guy people.  I don't care who says otherwise, even if it's Jay Gruden or Dan Snyder saying it publicly.  They're not going to throw the guy under the bus and say, "Well, that's not Bruce's strength, so we'll leave that up to the scouts and real talent evaluators."   They're going to always take the high road and include Bruce (publicly) in the decision making.   


But if you want to play this game that's fine let's ****s and giggles it.....


Bruce went to a Super Bowl and won an AFC Championship with Oakland....Redskins haven't gotten past the 1st or 2nd round of the playoffs since Snyder has owned the team.  


Bruce inherited an aging Tampa team who just won a championship, lost top players who went to chase big money contracts, and had Jon Gruden making ALL of the personnel decisions.  


So, your post of draft history as it pertains to Bruce Allen's involvement is erroneous.  


Thanks for playing :)

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We are not in trouble because of Bruce Allen.  We are in trouble cause the scouting staff that been here the past 7-10 years is still here and that Morocco Brown and Scott Campbell.  Allen is getting the film and breakdowns from these staff members.

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Yay Bruce there is hope for you yet, we finally make an impact player signing in a sorely needed spot. Hatcher gives us a strong push on the dline which we sorely needed. I'm still iffy on the draft under Bruce. We've had the same personnel guys here for what seems like a decade, I'm praying that all this talk about them finally being able to run things the way they've wanted to isn't just spin by the FO.

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Bruce Allen isn't a personnel guy people.  I don't care who says otherwise, even if it's Jay Gruden or Dan Snyder saying it publicly.  They're not going to throw the guy under the bus and say, "Well, that's not Bruce's strength, so we'll leave that up to the scouts and real talent evaluators."   They're going to always take the high road and include Bruce (publicly) in the decision making.   


But if you want to play this game that's fine let's ****s and giggles it.....


Bruce went to a Super Bowl and won an AFC Championship with Oakland....Redskins haven't gotten past the 1st or 2nd round of the playoffs since Snyder has owned the team.  


Bruce inherited an aging Tampa team who just won a championship, lost top players who went to chase big money contracts, and had Jon Gruden making ALL of the personnel decisions.  


So, your post of draft history as it pertains to Bruce Allen's involvement is erroneous.  


Thanks for playing :)


What does this have to do with his draft record?  Oakland went to the Super Bowl because they got blind lucky that a journeyman QB turned into Kurt Watner.  Again nothing in this post deals with the draft history of Bruce Allen which is clearly not good.  If you want to say he was not in charge of the draft, fine.  Then we are in the "no draft history" catagory.


As for as Cambell and Brown it's been well documented that their assessments have been really spot on over the years, they were simply overruled by Vinny and later Shanahan 

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Can we get one on every GM in football? Not trying to make excuses, but I'm sure there isn't a GM who nails every single pick year in and year out. The Pats are thought to be a very well run organization, they've been ridiculed in the past for missing on players in the draft.

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Before 2013, the narrative was that Mike Shanahan really listens to Scott Campbell (draft guy) and his scouts:


he believes he and his staff have more influence now than they ever did under past regimes.

“The scouts enjoy working with coach Shanahan through the draft more than anybody we’ve had because he continues up to draft day asking their opinions,” Campbell said.


- From the article "Redskins’ Campbell has earned merit badge in scouting"




How can he earn a merit badge in scouting if Shanahan never listened to him?



After 2013 and the firing of Mike Shanahan but keeping the rest of the Front Office, the narrative changed.


Now it's all about how everything was Shanahan's fault.  Shanahan never listened to anyone. 


Of course, they still reserve the right to take credit for individual players, such as Pierre Garcon and Alfred Morris.  So basically the narrative is really that everything bad was Shanahan and everything good was them.

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I think fans should just realize that the Redskins are not going to be a rebound team and that 2012 was a fluke. It's going to take a couple seasons to get the pieces on this team.


That being said, I believe that Brown is handling most of the scouting.

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I was pretty happy when Allen was kept on as the GM after Shanahan was let go but I really started to question that after the so called coaching search. Then keeping Haslet, Morris, Forester etc. was such a shock but I guess it shouldn't have been since he knew he was going to hire Gruden after Shanahan was fired anyway.


Free agency has been a real mixed bag so far to put it milldly. It hasn't been so much as who they signed more than who they didn't sign. I didn't want to spend big money on Talib, Byrd, Decker or Ward but it just seems like he could have spent all of that cap space on some bigger upgrades. I do like that he re-signed Hall and Riley to reasonable contracts though. Hopefully he will get rid of some of the high priced flops that are still on the roster soon ie Chester, Bowen.... and be able to bring in some bargains on those one year "prove it" deals like smart teams are doing now. Over the last few years the 2 biggest postions that the fans have been screaming for upgrades have been FS and RT and those two area's are still a mess and there isn't a lot left to choose from. If Ryan Clark won't sign they need to move on to somebody els, even Charles Woodson would be better than what is here if they intended to go old with Clark anyways. Penn would be an upgrade over Polumbus but you also have to wonder why Tampa Bay was so eager to overpay Anthony Collins almost 10 million a year to replace him and why didn't Tampa try to redo his contract and move him to RT if he is such a good player.


I don't have a real good feeling about the draft after the way the rest of the off-season has been handled. It is rare as fans that we are ever happy with the Redskins drafts when it happens anyway and I'm guessing this year won't be any different. I'm guessing when the 34th pick comes up and we need at WR really bad and players like Beckham, Benjamin and Bryant are there we will go with someone like Herron or Landry. Things like that.


  I really hate to be so negative because I really do love this team but I have been a fan since 1974 and other than the Gibbs years things have sucked. I won't lose all hope though. I hope Gruden is the second coming of Bill Walsh and RGIII turns into Superman again.   

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RG3 almost single handedly took us to the playoffs in 2012, and, if he had stayed healthy, I firmly believe we could have won the Super Bowl.


Look at who was in our path:


Seattle - Despite our drastic drop in offense when RG3 went down.  They didn't even take the lead until 7 minutes left in the game.  We scored 14 point in our first 2 drives.  Are you going to tell me we couldn't have scored another 7 points with a healthy RG3?  It was a coincidence that their defense started clamping down at the same time RG3 got hurt?  I'm not buying it.


Atlanta - We were beating them with RG3 in the game.  It wasn't until Kirk Cousins came in that the Falcons made their comeback.  Even with Cousins, we had the ball in their territory with 2 minutes left and down 24-17.


Baltimore - We beat them with Kirk Cousins.


49ers - We didn't play them, but we beat a lot of teams that beat them - including the Ravens, Giants and the Vikings - all of which had winning seasons.



I think a healthy RG3 instantly makes us a playoff contender.  That's how you fix this mess.  The defense and OL were as bad in 2012 as now, but RG3 made everyone on the team look better. 


In fact, we're better now because Jordan Reed is an unstoppable beast.


RG's knee is fine.  Trust the surgery.  It's the knee brace that's holding him back.

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