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Official Xbox One Thread

Toe Jam

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I just watched that demo and pretty much solidified I'm going to go XBOX1. Probably going to wait until march to see any initial bugs get ironed out. There are no must play games that at the moment are going to rush a purchase.

That Roman fighting game and Forza will probably be the initial purchases with it.

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Have it preorder, but more than likely will probably sell it or retun it.  I think if PS4 and xboxone had come out on the same day I would have kept the xboxone...


early bird gets this worm I guess.

Exactly how I felt. Whichever one cam out first, I was getting first. Planned on getting The One in spring, but might push it to January.

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I am getting NBA2k14, KILLER INSTINCT, and either DEAD RISING, RYSE or BATTLEFIELD. I want Dead Rising but I can't even play Gears of War without scaring the hell out of my Daughter. So Battlefield is leading for my second game, may even get FORZA so many games hard to choose.

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I am getting NBA2k14, KILLER INSTINT, and either DEAD RISING, RYSE or BATTLEFIELD. I want Dead Rising but I can't even play Gears of War without scaring the hell out of my Daughter. So Battlefield is leading for my second game, may even get FORZA so many games hard to choose.

Some of the previews for Ryse have been really positive. Might have to pick that up as well.

Check out the screenshots with this article:


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Yeah all the earily previews scared me but it has been looking very promising, I have never seen a game so bloody in my life. I watched a preview of it about a week ago and my god that game is brutal, those finishers are just so viscous damn arms and legs flying heads being cut the game reminds me of 300.

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