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Female referees?


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I don't have a problem with a female ref (not that anyone needs my approval).  They can do the job. I don't see the big deal.  The only potential problem will be the perceived bullying.  Coaches and players have confrontations with NFL officials all the time.  Will people be more sensitive about seeing a guy yelling at a woman?

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I think the yelling thing is totally up to the woman. Who is anybody to tell a woman she's not emotionally strong enough to handle it? Every woman ref should be judged on her own merits. 


I'm sure that's part of the training anyway. Managing players and coaches yelling at them. 

If you are replying to me, then I'm not talking about a female ref not being able to handle the job emotionally.  There is no question in my mind that a woman can do the job easily.  My issue is with the fans and media.


Watching a player or coach argue with a male ref is very common.  So much so, that most people don't think much about.  It's forgotten.  On the other hand, people will notice and remember each time it is done to a female ref.  We are very sensitive to seeing that being done to a woman in our culture.  It could lead to the perception that the female refs are being singled out.  It is something that's going to take getting use to for some people.

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  wasn't necessarily targeting you with my post, ADF.


I was just speak in general. I think if a woman wants to be out there reffing a game then she should be afforded that option. Surely she's aware of all the nonsense that goes with it. 


All I'm saying is nobody should say no, you can't do it because you're a woman and we want to protect you. If a fan is offended by the female ref getting yelled at, then I think the fan has the problem, not the ref. That fan should evolve with the times. No reason to treat a woman ref any different than a man if it's her wish to be out there. 

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  wasn't necessarily targeting you with my post, ADF.


I was just speak in general. I think if a woman wants to be out there reffing a game then she should be afforded that option. Surely she's aware of all the nonsense that goes with it. 


All I'm saying is nobody should say no, you can't do it because you're a woman and we want to protect you. If a fan is offended by the female ref getting yelled at, then I think the fan has the problem, not the ref. That fan should evolve with the times. No reason to treat a woman ref any different than a man if it's her wish to be out there. 

Ah okay, then you shouldn't be targeting at all since none of that had anything to do with what I was trying to say.  I'm sure women are very aware what they are getting into and I think they can do the job with no problem.

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I don't have a problem with a female ref (not that anyone needs my approval).  They can do the job. I don't see the big deal.  The only potential problem will be the perceived bullying.  Coaches and players have confrontations with NFL officials all the time.  Will people be more sensitive about seeing a guy yelling at a woman?


Some will. It's only natural for some people. I think most people will understand that with equality, comes equal treatment (which will vary from cordial, to harsh). Football is a testosterone, vein popping, hair on fire game. Emotions runs high. Jobs/careers are on the line, and can be determined by the ball travelling an inch or two to the right or to the left. Women will be screamed at, cursed at, etc by players and coaches.


From the angriest of players, she may hear something along the lines of "You stupid ****,"  and I'm sure she'll hear some players make sexist remarks when she makes a call against them, or spots the ball at the wrong place, etc. People will have a problem with that, and I can understand it, from a moral/humane point of view, but lets be honest... NFL refs (mostly men, obviously) are called pretty much anything and everything you can imagine, I'm sure, and they are paid, and drilled, to ignore it and focus on their jobs. The fact is that you don't hear much about the type of verbal abuse they endure, and you don't hear much of a complaint from fans and viewers.


Now if someone decides to bring this to light, as a referee issue, demanding a crackdown/reprimand, I'd be all ears, but if it happens to a woman, and a million cameras catch it, and it becomes strictly a woman issue and nothing more, I will have a problem with it. So that's my only issue. I don't think they "Can't handle it," I don't think they "Aren't qualified,"  I don't think they'll "Be too squemish/sensitive," and I don't think "Gee, why would they even want to do it. Not like I wanna work the cash register at Victoria's Secret."  I'm not the type of cat who wonders why women aren't in my kitchen, making me a sandwich, nor am I the type to think that they are delicate little rose petals, who are helplessly floating through a cloud of fear/confusion, desperately hoping that a big, strong, manly man will come and save their poor little souls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm against it.  Despite what society would want us to believe, there ARE differences between males and females that are not JUST physical.  One of which is sensitivity to violence.  Generally women are more sensitive to violence and i could see that ultimately leading to more calls being made  on plays where any other ref would have seen it as a regular hit.  I anticipate vigorous diatribe against this position (can you ever get away with any opinion on this board?), but while someone may disagree, i dont think i hold an unreasonable position.

I think you do make a good point about women being more sensitive to violence, and you do hold a reasonable opinion.However, I think this is something can be tested for or measured during ref training/education. I imagine it would be on some level. I don't have a problem with a woman ref as long as they have to meet the same expectations as male refs.

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