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The phrase - "Thank you to those who Defend our Freedom", why do people say it?


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Just saying, its easy for some to send others peoples kids off to war for a cause of keeping a war on their soil, doesn't make sense to me.


it may be easy for someone lacking empathy


I would hope our Congress and Potus always possess it

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Just saying, its easy for some to send others peoples kids off to war for a cause of keeping a war on their soil, doesn't make sense to me.


Are you a Ron Paul fan? Bring all the troops home, close all the overseas bases and everyone will leave us alone? I can't say I agree with every decision we've made, but you better believe the individual groups that have declared war on us and our allies are NOT going to just stop being violent followers of extreme interpetations of Islam.

What they'll do is see our retreat into isolationism as an oppurtunity to overthrow as many islamic nations as they can to install their version of sharia law and use those countries as bases to mount attacks against us and our allies(think multiple pre-9/11 Afganistans all over the world). Look at places like Yeman and Mali, there's a big picture going on here that you seem to be missing.

I should of known this was more them just some pet peeve of yours, but you are way off base here. Whatever good will you may of had starting an honest discussion about the seeming overkill in support of our troops by corporate America has been lost. You've gone from questioning unquestioned support of our military to questioning the military and government itself. I really don't like where you're going with this thread now...

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Well, Renegade (and with respect) I for one disagree with some of your comments (and I'm no Ron Paul fan) and some of your apparent assessment of Go (and Go and I have butted heads more than once). While I'm sure you mean only to speak for yourself, your word choice is as though you're speaking for everyone, which obviously isn't the case. If you don't like where the thread is going, you may want to just leave it. Your a volunteer.  :)


I want to also warn people about getting more personal with stuff that reaches beyond what's been posted---as in what a poster is like in some way as a "person", or what their motives are, etc., unless the poster in question has the either clearly stated them, or it's really obvious to most anyone---but not just because the reader is emotionally exercised by the actual line of thought being expressed. Lots of positions/phrases on lots of topics can stir strong reactions (see "baby murderers" stuff being tossed around in abortion threads). 


I could actually state some of what I perceive to be Go's main premises "better" than he did (no slam to Go or a brag) but I just don't feel like it and I'm not in the same "space" as he seems to be on it. I do understand his view. It's not "bad" or "stupid" at all IMV. I know my share of perfectly normal people who do have thoughts along the lines Go, No, or others, are presenting. They all seem to try to make it clear it's not about disrespecting or not appreciating military personnel. However, even if they were, no demographic, even those who sacrifice or take great risk for society (including military personnel...or cops...or firemen...among others) is above criticism or challenge.

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I can dig what you're saying about insinuating, and I'll watch for that on my part. Right or wrong, I'm speaking for myself on this one (and I'll watch for that, too). You're right that I can leave, and probably just will. And even if I don't completely disagree with Go, some of what he's said I've taken a certain way and has touched a certain nerve. This is coming from someone who's gotten blown up on in the stadium and tailgate for one thing or another for years now, and it really can be as simple as saying it the wrong way or it being taken the wrong way.

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You're good dude, REN7, even if you have a bit of color in you user notes  :P and I appreciate your reply. Believe me, I have to exercise my restraint on ES regularly, too---even with posters I really like sometimes. Just in the tailgate, I've done it about a half dozen times today.  :D

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I think it started out as a harmless gesture of good will towards the troops in general, but then got warped into a political statement just like "I support the troops" did, basically trying to say "If you don't agree with these vague blanket statements you hate the soldiers, the military, & America"


I don't mind the statements in general but I do agree that "defending our freedom" when looked at closer, is very subjective considering what our military is often times used for.

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