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The cold, hard truth is ...


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is that we got beat by a better team today. A better coached team, with players executing plays better than than we did. We managed to hold our own in the 1st half, but the better team came out in the 2nd half and beat us down. Troy Aikman said it best after the game when he said that the Bucs are at a different level than the Redskins. I agree with the him completely. At least for now.

Having said all that, I'm extremely excited about the future of this Redskins team. Here's why:

  • Steve Spurrier is in only his second year in the NFL. Remember folks, this is only his second year coaching at any level in the NFL. That's a big learning curve. But, over and over again, Spurrier has proven his critics wrong. I know the jury is still out on whether the ball coach can make it work in the NFL, but I'm still a believer. I have seen him grow tremendously in his short time here and only expect him to get better as the season progresses. He got schooled today by Monte Kiffin, but lots of head coaches and offensive coordinators have. I've read people on this board say that "well Bill Parcells is doing it in his first year with the Cowboys". True, but it's not Parcells first year in the NFL. He has developed a system over the years and "what he does works", unlike Norv Turner. The SI article on Parcells during training camp was an eye opener. Parcells is not doing anything different in Dallas than he did at NY and NE. Spurrier is trying to build that winning system. I think he's smart enough to pull it off.
    Patrick Ramsey is a superstar in the making. I think it's unbelievable what this kid has done is such a short amount of time. And he's only going to get better. We're watching Patrick grow into an elite QB before our very eyes. One thing that he's going to learn to do better over time is game management. Brad Johnson may be the best at it in the NFL right now. Imagine Patrick with those game management skills and a cannon for an arm. Pretty scary for opponents in the years to come.
    This is year one in Snyder's three year plan. We've upgraded at several positions and it takes time for all the pieces to come together. The OL is struggling, but an OL has to play together as a unit for at least a season before feeling comfortable with one another. Kim Helton has taken a bashing, but I'm going to give the man the benefit of this season before passing judgement on him. Same goes with George Edwards. It's his first year as a DC and he got schooled today by probably the best coach in the NFL. I'm just as frustrated as everyone else about the lack of a pass rush, the stupid penalties, giving up big third and longs, etc. Part of this is coaching and part of it is player execution. We have to get better talent at the DL and hopefully this will be priority number #1 after the season.

I know this is a long post, but the bottom line is that I'm trying to stay positive in the face of all the negativity I see after every loss and sometimes even after a win. I'm no different than any other Redskins fan when it comes to rooting for my team. I'm screaming, cussing, throwing sh!t around the house on every bad play. But, at the end of the day, I try to look logically at what we have here. This is going to be a great team. A special team. I have no doubt about it. But, it just won't be this year. A little bit of patience will go a long way. I know this is difficult, especially after the dark, dark, dark days of the Norv Turner regime. But, we're only six games into year one. I fully expect this team to get better as the season progresses. And then to take it to that next level in year two. Who's with me?

Hail to the Redskins!!!!!!!!!!!

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The problem is he hasn't looked like he's learned a whole lot over the last couple of weeks. The team is still awfully undisciplined, and he frequently talks about not knowing what to do to fix the OL problems.

That's discouraging.


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Originally posted by sashae

The problem is he hasn't looked like he's learned a whole lot over the last couple of weeks. The team is still awfully undisciplined, and he frequently talks about not knowing what to do to fix the OL problems.

That's discouraging.


I agree and disagree -- I'm trying to do my best Bill Clinton impression. .:laugh:

I think there are several factors for the the sacks, penalties. and blown OL assignments. Part of it is coaching I agree. Spurrier must learn to "max protect" his young QB. He's tantalized by Ramsey's cannon arm and the talent of our WR's. But, that doesn't do us any good when you QB is taking a beating every game. He needs to also tone down Ramsey's audibles. I know that this is a big part of Spurrier's system, but he has a young QB that is checking into the wrong plays on many occassions. He will get better with experience. The audibles have also been a factor in some of the illegal procedure penalties. Some of it can be put on the players themselves too. Patrick has also taken some sacks that were his fault. On a three step drop, you HAVE to get rid of the ball. He will learn with experience.

Once again, we will get better as the season progresses. Both coaching and player execution

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Thank you nelms for at least giving the board a little balance today. I know what inmate is saying, but take a look at games early in the Joe Gibbs era....just as disheartening. We just forget those games because wonderful things came to pass later.

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

The reason I'm frustrated with this team is that this is not year two! This is like year twelve since Joe Gibbs left, which is the standard by which everything is measured by me. :mad:

Hey, believe me, I understand. I've suffered through every gut wrenching loss, pre-Gibbs and post-Gibbs. But, this is different ownership and a new coaching staff. Snyder screwed up the last two years. That's undeniable. But, he's finally got this team pointed in the right direction.

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A head coach is only as good as his assisstants, and let's face it, Spurrier's assisstants are a bunch of bumbling idiots.

I don't give a damn if Edwards is in his first year as D-coordinator. Anybody watching the game could see that the Bucs were going to run a bootleg when they got near the goaline. By the third time, any competent coach would've had it figured out. Anybody worthy of being a D-coordinator in the NFL would've had it figured out by the second time.

Memo to Edwards: Just because we don't have a TE doesn't mean other teams don't. You have to take them into account near the goaline.

Helton's coaching job speaks for itself. A trained monkey could do better.

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

A head coach is only as good as his assisstants, and let's face it, Spurrier's assisstants are a bunch of bumbling idiots.

I don't give a damn if Edwards is in his first year as D-coordinator. Anybody watching the game could see that the Bucs were going to run a bootleg when they got near the goaline. By the third time, any competent coach would've had it figured out. Anybody worthy of being a D-coordinator in the NFL would've had it figured out by the second time.

Memo to Edwards: Just because we don't have a TE doesn't mean other teams don't. You have to take them into account near the goaline.

Helton's coaching job speaks for itself. A trained monkey could do better.

OS - it's hard for me to argue those points. I was pulling my hair out too on those bootlegs. But, I'm not going to get into the "fire all the assistant coaches" mentality. At least not yet :laugh:

If we had that mentality in Joe Gibbs' first season, we wouldn't have 3 Super Bowl championships. Norv Turner had 7 seasons to make it happen, which was 3 or 4 years more than he should've had. I'm willing to let Spurrier coach out the 3 year plan. If he needs to make changes in his coaching staff, then I'll support him.

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Quite frankly... the TE position is consistently the best weapon for every offense in the league inside the 10 yard line. You see the playaction to the TE every week go for a TD.

Spurrier's problem with this offense is he doesn't take the TE position seriously enough to use it as a weapon. And in doing so, he severely handicaps this offense.

Defenses don't even have to worry about passes to the TE. It allows safeties to help with coverage on the WRs and the LB to play the RB. It cripples both the running game and passing game.

I hope Spurrier figures it out soon enough.

Does he really want to win? Or does he want to ensure his WRs get the ball?

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Quite frankly... the TE position is consistently the best weapon for every offense in the league inside the 10 yard line. You see the playaction to the TE every week go for a TD.

Spurrier's problem with this offense is he doesn't take the TE position seriously enough to use it as a weapon. And in doing so, he severely handicaps this offense.

Defenses don't even have to worry about passes to the TE. It allows safeties to help with coverage on the WRs and the LB to play the RB. It cripples both the running game and passing game.

I hope Spurrier figures it out soon enough.

Does he really want to win? Or does he want to ensure his WRs get the ball?

I agree with everything you say here. Maybe getting Chamberlain into the action today shows that Spurrier is figuring that out.


I'm very with you. We FINALLY have a legit QB. Ramsey has a lot to learn, and he showed it today, but he's already shown how great he could be. If we can get a couple of studs on the dline next year, this defense will be awesome, even if we do lose Champ. I have too admit though that I've been having some bad gut feelings about SOS lately. I'm hoping that my gut feelings are wrong and that I'm just suffering from a little post-norv stress disorder.

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Maybe getting Chamberlain into the action today shows that Spurrier knew it all along but never had a TE he could count on. Maybe thats why so much effort was put into bringing a good FA TE to this team. :laugh:

I'm not trying to bust anyones chops here but I think we all have at one point or another made assumptions about Spurrier that later turned out to be incorrect, me included. ;)

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I agree with everything you said Nelms, except

thats Spurrier got schooled by Kiffin today. I dont think so, i think Spurrier schooled Kiffin. In the first half we had them wondering what the hell was going on, we worked Kiffin and Spurrier was on his game, he was kicking their ass. In the second half i think we had some good plays called, we just didnt execute them.

Other than that, this is a terrific thread and brings up very good points. Patience my friends, i know its hard , but patience! Be patient with this young group of guys.

Think of all the good things Spurrier has done. First off he had a major say in bringing in Coles. Think of how quickly he's helped Pat Ramsey. And we lead the league in 20+ yard plays, so slowly but surely his big play offense is starting to take over. And finally if it wasnt for Steve Spurrier than McCants never would have been given a fair shot. When we had Marty as a coach i said that if he puts McCants in then he will get some good things out of it, well he never really did, and Spurrier gives everyone a chance, and now look, are you seeing McCants develope right in front of your eyes??

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Ramsey is a stud and that is encouraging.

But we have been a loser for 12 years now and I have a harder time watching every week.

It doesn't matter what I say though, I know I'll continue to shell out the ridiculous ticket prices at that awful stadium no matter how many times I say I won't. I have not missed a game that I can remember.

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Thanks for your post nelms because I was really struggling trying to find something good about today’s game, and this team in general (after today). I still have one huge issue of complaint with this team under the OBC. It seems that there are some very basic things that we just plain stink at performing

Snap counts (false start penalties)

Blocking schemes

Disciplined play

Adequate effort and play throughout the game

General coordination in play execution

It seems very possible the SS is so concerned with the implementation of his system, that he does not require adherence to the basics – or at least I haven’t seen or heard of the team focusing on basic play aside from when it becomes a glairing problem.

I do, however, LOVE our kicker ! ! Hall is the F’n man !


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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

The reason I'm frustrated with this team is that this is not year two! This is like year twelve since Joe Gibbs left, which is the standard by which everything is measured by me. :mad:


You can't measure things by Joe Gibbs. A Hall-of-Fame coach is a long shot for any franchise. Any coach will look bad compared to him, except another HOFer.

At least you got a few Super Bowl wins.

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Your post is somewhat Correct and anyone who thought a whole lot would change from last year other than Ramsey being at the helms were crazy.

Yes! we do have better talent on the offense, the the coaching and the schemes are all the same. Sh!t, Danny Wuerful at times last year looked very successful running the offense against ceratin teams. But what happen was other teams caught on to some of the Coaching shortcomings and habits of Steve Spurrier. Yes! danny did have a weak arm, but he did run the offense very wells in some situtations. But against stronger teams with better defenses, CB' safetys and Dl play killed Spurrier's delusional thoughts.

Fact of the Matter. Spurrier is still out to prove that what he did in Gatorville will also work in the Mighty NFL. Now that he has better players on the offense, he's thoroughly convinced that his methods and schemes will work without any tweaking:laugh: .

New flash..he's learning on the fly. Unfortunately, we are feeling the pains and will continue feeling the pains until he learns better methods of Preparing, adjusting and tweaking his offense to work better in the NFL. But for the sake of me and the fans, he hasn't done that as of yet and the team, Fans and Danny Snyder are seeing and witnessing the results of his desire to prove others wrong.

But this is only his second year, so we must continue to be patient and cross our fingers he will continue adjusting for the better and making this Fun-Gun offense something to watch.

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Spurrier has learned alot since last year, and the proof is how he has been able to adjust to other teams when we've been behind and won (or come close to). I agree he needs to sit Helton down and tell him to fix the protection problems and bone-headed penalties.

.............My concern is our Defensive Co-ordinator is unable to adjust, as someone mentioned...its 1st and goal on the 9 yard line...Gee they won't run a boot leg again will they?

how many third and longs has our opponents' #1 receiver been WIDE open? .you'd think we'd try to come up with something to stop that.

Hey, Mr. Snyder happily shelled out $1mil for Marvin Lewis, he should extend the same offer to Richie Pettibone.

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