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Moral Quandary about Scummy Ticket Seller, Advice Needed


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I have never understood the mindset by some on this board that they have a right to tell other sellers what they should charge for their tickets. If i go on the classifieds or craigslist or anywhere else and the ticket price being charged is over what I want to pay, I move on and look for a better deal. I love when fans choose to sell their tickets at face value on here to other skins fans and I have done so myself. But I don't feel it is my place or anyone elses to tell other people what they can charge for their tickets.

I think people should read this post. If someone can make $2,700 profit on their tickets, who are we to tell them they shouldn't do that? I get what the OP is saying about the "Redskins fans only," but come on man. This is a tight economy and maybe that person needs the money a little bit more than they need to ensure Redskins fans sit in those seats. If the ad was posted in the classified section on ES, then I agree that person should be burned at the stake. It's an open market and is supply/demand. Now I don't like the fact the guy faked out on his "Redskins fans only" aspect of the ad, but we as Redskins fans can't and shouldn't police people selling tickets on the open market.

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I think people should read this post. If someone can make $2,700 profit on their tickets, who are we to tell them they shouldn't do that? I get what the OP is saying about the "Redskins fans only," but come on man. This is a tight economy and maybe that person needs the money a little bit more than they need to ensure Redskins fans sit in those seats. If the ad was posted in the classified section on ES, then I agree that person should be burned at the stake. It's an open market and is supply/demand. Now I don't like the fact the guy faked out on his "Redskins fans only" aspect of the ad, but we as Redskins fans can't and shouldn't police people selling tickets on the open market.

It's our stadium, and we fans do have the right to sell or not.

I wouldn't even consider selling to opposing fans, even on my deathbed. No frickin' joke. I've loved this team since my childhood. No amount of money is worth more than my Redskins, or making sure there are other Skins' butts in those seats. But let freedom ring. Just my pennies.


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Although you have very good intentions, which is great, I think you are spending too much time trying to be the ticket police. The guy has the tickets and can sell them for whatever he wants and to whoever he wants. The only way you can control that is if you are buying all 80k+ tickets. This is one of the beauties of this country and the free enterprise system. You don't know that guy's personal financial situation. He may have some financial burden he's dealing with and this is his only way to solve the problem. I'm not suggesting this is the case, but I'm suggesting that we don't know that and it is really none of our business. My thought is this: read the ad, and if you don't like what he is selling or his price, simply move to the next ad and get another hobby other than being the Craigslist police. You have way too much time on your hands. I see an ad like this, I just go to the next one. So you don't develop high blood pressure and die at a young age, I'd suggest you loosen up and do the same thing. :-)

As for the Redskins ticket office, do you really think they want to waste their time discussing this with you? Come on, man. This is not even on their list of concerns. Unless he is selling them the day of the game on their property, in reality he is doing nothing wrong.

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No offense, but the OP's outrage is highly illogical. So you are totally ok with him selling the tickets for $3000 to anyone. What you have a problem with is that he indicated he would only sell them to Skins fans, but gave in and was willing to sell them to a Cowboys fan? To me that indicates that he would have preferred to sell to a Skins fan, but ultimately decided if he could make that much money off of the tickets he would sell them to a Dallas fan who at least promised not to be an ass. What part of your brain makes you think that this is WORSE than a seller who is openly willing to sell to anybody and doesn't even make an attempt to sell to Skins fans?

To sum it up, he listed the ticket for a absurd price, and wished to only sell to a Redskin fan. You baited him into thinking you were a well-behaved Cowboys fan, and would pay $3k for the seats when neither was true. So basically you lied twice intentionally, and he lied once unintentionally by giving in and selling the tickets to a Cowboys fan. So why exactly is he the bad guy here?

You said, "Scumbags like this guy are the reason we see FedEx taken over by opposing fans."

Uh, people who put "REDSKINS FAN ONLY" in their ticket listings are the reason Fed Ex is being taken over by opposing fans? Really? Wouldn't you think that by doing that he would DECREASE the number of Dallas fans trying to buy the tickets from him, and have a better chance of selling them to a Skins fan? I hate when opposing fans take over our stadium too but if I had a chance to offload a pair of tickets for a months salary I might consider it. He at least attempted to make sure a Skins fan was taking his place; if you had never contacted him and he had somebody who was actually a Skins fan interested in buying them I'm sure there was a good chance he would have sold the tickets to a Skins fan, albeit at a possibly lower price.

I could understand if you were mad about him selling them for a ridiculous price, or for intentionally selling them to the highest bidder, but your position makes zero sense.

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Report him for your own fun, you don't need us to condone it. That's a lot of money for a game, imagine if he had tickets to a Superbowl. All I'm going to say is good for him for being in that position, he invested wisely and it paid off, that's america. If you can at least put the fear of the Redskins faith into him it would be worth it enough.

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I look at it this way. Where is the outrage over the ordinary expenses season ticket holders always assume, especially when our team has sucked? EXACTLY, everyone is always looking for a ****ing deal and have been able to get tickets at an absolute steal of a price. Why? Because everyone is looking to rip off the ticket holder by low balling them. It's simple, if you want season tickets at a regular price, then suck up the commitment and buy them! Plain and simple.

I'm not advocating for the price gouging that is going on, but these same people have probably been raked across the coals with really insulting offers before. Who in here has ever paid FULL PRICE or even paid at all for a pre-season game? But yet it's completely ok to ***** about prime game ticket prices being jacked up. So much hypocrisy!

BTW, I sell all my tickets at face value, including this game. I just don't like how people ***** about prices when they have been low for so long. The amount of financial losses we (season ticket holders) have had to eat of the past several years is appalling!

I know for a FACT that I've already taken well over $500 in losses because I couldn't sell my tickets, AND THAT IS JUST FOR THIS YEAR!!! Face value for my tickets is $87 each, so it's not like that loss is from a single game, but rather getting hosed repeatedly from the Skins Ticket Office and by people not wanting to pay what I paid for them.

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I have tickets I can't use because of an injury. I probably could have gotten up to $1,500 for them in a secondary market but sold them to Redskins guys I know for 200 bucks instead. I understand this is just me and my situation though. If I really needed $1,500 at a certain time so badly I probably should have $2,500 season tickets to begin with.

May God bless you, Sir.

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No offense, but the OP's outrage is highly illogical. So you are totally ok with him selling the tickets for $3000 to anyone. What you have a problem with is that he indicated he would only sell them to Skins fans, but gave in and was willing to sell them to a Cowboys fan? To me that indicates that he would have preferred to sell to a Skins fan, but ultimately decided if he could make that much money off of the tickets he would sell them to a Dallas fan who at least promised not to be an ass. What part of your brain makes you think that this is WORSE than a seller who is openly willing to sell to anybody and doesn't even make an attempt to sell to Skins fans?

To sum it up, he listed the ticket for a absurd price, and wished to only sell to a Redskin fan. You baited him into thinking you were a well-behaved Cowboys fan, and would pay $3k for the seats when neither was true. So basically you lied twice intentionally, and he lied once unintentionally by giving in and selling the tickets to a Cowboys fan. So why exactly is he the bad guy here?

You said, "Scumbags like this guy are the reason we see FedEx taken over by opposing fans."

Uh, people who put "REDSKINS FAN ONLY" in their ticket listings are the reason Fed Ex is being taken over by opposing fans? Really? Wouldn't you think that by doing that he would DECREASE the number of Dallas fans trying to buy the tickets from him, and have a better chance of selling them to a Skins fan? I hate when opposing fans take over our stadium too but if I had a chance to offload a pair of tickets for a months salary I might consider it. He at least attempted to make sure a Skins fan was taking his place; if you had never contacted him and he had somebody who was actually a Skins fan interested in buying them I'm sure there was a good chance he would have sold the tickets to a Skins fan, albeit at a possibly lower price.

I could understand if you were mad about him selling them for a ridiculous price, or for intentionally selling them to the highest bidder, but your position makes zero sense.

Well said. This just about mirrors where I stand on this.

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