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WP DCSB: Schlereth calls facing Redskins offense ‘a nightmare’


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The Redskins are still outside the NFC’s current playoff picture, but we’ve already reached the point where analysts are talking about how no one would want to see them in the postseason.

“There is not one team right now in the NFC that wants that team in the playoffs,” Mark Schlereth said on ESPN Radio Wednesday morning. “You can’t defend them right now. When RGIII is right, and they’ve got that play-action game going, and they’re running that zone-option read stuff, you can’t defend them. You can’t pass rush, you play on your heels, you’re running up on play-action and you leave wide-open chasms behind you.

“There is not one team right now that looks at the Washington Redskins and goes, boy, I’d like to play those guys,” he concluded. “There is not one team. They are a NIGHTMARE for any defensive coordinator right now.”

CBS analyst Phil Simms agreed.

Cont'd at link

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Schlereth ought to know! Consider how well we've done with: 1) a rookie QB; 2) a rookie starting RB; 3) an OL getting by on smarts & scheme rather than pure talent; and 4) a below-average RT. You give these guys 3 more games, and assuming no paloffs, an entire off-season together, wow. It could be 1991 again, well, except for those 2 division losses.

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For years we've seen teams can make the post-season and win games with strengths on one-side of the ball. Bears made a superbowl on the their defense, and Saints clearly made one with their offense. The fact that we're striking that kinda fear with star rookies is simply amazing.

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For years we've seen teams can make the post-season and win games with strengths on one-side of the ball. Bears made a superbowl on the their defense, and Saints clearly made one with their offense. The fact that we're striking that kinda fear with star rookies is simply amazing.

The saints defense was pretty good that year. Greg William's bend don't break rush the passer and force turnovers.

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QFT. In 2007 everyone thought we would lose b/c of Collins. In 2005 we were TOUGH AS NAILS. I really thought we were going to get by those damned Seahags after beating Tampa Bay.

both us and pit were red hot that year. Pitt went on to win it all as a 6 seed. I think 2005 is the game los dropped the pick 6 that cost us big time.

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While we were hot going into the playoffs in 2005, I'm not sure I heard another team say, "damn, we don't want to face those 9-7 Redskins." 1991 we were literally feared by other teams. We basically dismantled the league that year. Nobody, I mean nobody could hang with us that year when we were on our A game.

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While we were hot going into the playoffs in 2005, I'm not sure I heard another team say, "damn, we don't want to face those 9-7 Redskins." 1991 we were literally feared by other teams. We basically dismantled the league that year. Nobody, I mean nobody could hang with us that year when we were on our A game.

We lost 2 games by a total of 5 points. haha We were pretty much A-game all year.

I can't help but wonder if this team, with RGIII, will come close to that. It's exciting to think about.

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While we were hot going into the playoffs in 2005, I'm not sure I heard another team say, "damn, we don't want to face those 9-7 Redskins." 1991 we were literally feared by other teams. We basically dismantled the league that year. Nobody, I mean nobody could hang with us that year when we were on our A game.

I'm pretty sure people were worried about playing us that year, given how hot we were at the end of the season. Granted... the 1991 team was one of the best ALL TIME NFL teams.

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While we were hot going into the playoffs in 2005, I'm not sure I heard another team say, "damn, we don't want to face those 9-7 Redskins." 1991 we were literally feared by other teams. We basically dismantled the league that year. Nobody, I mean nobody could hang with us that year when we were on our A game.

That has ALL to do with the QB. No one feared a limp-arm Brunell.. Especially the the version of Brunell that got hurt at the end of that season. The dynamics of our team (specifically the offense) is so much different that 05 and 07. Our offense is totally unpredictable, which means its almost impossible to stop at this point.

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I love it and this is why I said nobody in the playoffs scare me including Atlanta, they better fear us this time because we are a way better team than they played early in the year. 3 more wins and we will be playing postseason football, Bank on that!

---------- Post added December-14th-2012 at 09:22 AM ----------

No one feared a limp-arm Brunell.. .
Thats not true authentic, he scared me to death everytime lol
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I'm pretty sure people were worried about playing us that year, given how hot we were at the end of the season. Granted... the 1991 team was one of the best ALL TIME NFL teams.

Any team that makes the playoffs has to be a concern. But I'm not sure the words worried or fear would play in my mind if I'm the opposition. Other than Taylor, there was not one player like Griffin that teams would fear. We were a 5-6 team I believe that year and ended up making the playoffs. This team was a 3-6 team, but Griffin (and probably Garcon) is the fear factor.

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While we were hot going into the playoffs in 2005, I'm not sure I heard another team say, "damn, we don't want to face those 9-7 Redskins." 1991 we were literally feared by other teams. We basically dismantled the league that year. Nobody, I mean nobody could hang with us that year when we were on our A game.

They did. Us and Pitt were the two teams experts were saying you did not want to play.

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Agreed. I wish it had been thrown to Springs or S.T. instead... we would have had a different outcome.

LaVar Arrington could've taken that pass to the house. Rogers couldn't catch a cold.

---------- Post added December-14th-2012 at 11:26 AM ----------

That has ALL to do with the QB. No one feared a limp-arm Brunell.. Especially the the version of Brunell that got hurt at the end of that season. The dynamics of our team (specifically the offense) is so much different that 05 and 07. Our offense is totally unpredictable, which means its almost impossible to stop at this point.

Yeah the 05/07 teams had good defenses. Especially 2005. Man during that playoff run they created TONS of turnovers. ST and LaVar were playing to kill people. Marcus Washington was making plays. It was great. Portis was running past, around, by and through people. And all we needed were Moss and Cooley to throw to.

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LaVar Arrington could've taken that pass to the house. Rogers couldn't catch a cold.

---------- Post added December-14th-2012 at 11:26 AM ----------

Yeah the 05/07 teams had good defenses. Especially 2005. Man during that playoff run they created TONS of turnovers. ST and LaVar were playing to kill people. Marcus Washington was making plays. It was great. Portis was running past, around, by and through people. And all we needed were Moss and Cooley to throw to.

I thought LaVar saw limited playing time then. That's back when Williams sat LaVar in favor of LeMar Marshall or Warrick Holdman(?) because LaVar wouldn't "get with the program."

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