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Observations from the Redskins-Giants game

The Trashman

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1. Haslett's ability to adapt and make changes during the game is refreshing. He allowed the defense to change its overall scheme after halftime and the result was more pressure on Manning (who I have noticed over the years does not do well under pressure) and less zone coverage.

2. Kai Forbath contines to impress. 11 for 11 so far and he is only going to get better.

3. Garcon proved once more why he is a "big stage" player. Not only does he stretch the field, he was open all day long and his ability to gain YAC makes him a very dangerous weapon in this offense, hurt foot and all

4. Morris ran with grit and consistency and showed us something not seen before: a second gear and unstoppable determination after that fumble. This guy is really special.

5. London Fletcher - Played through the pain but again, he leads by example and you can tell all the players, on offense and defense, respect his presence and leadership on and off the field.

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It was an ugly win, but as I use to tell my players when I coached, When you look at the record at the end of the year, no one is going to try and count how many wins and losses were ugly, they're just going to look and see if you won or not.

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Yeah i would like to have seen Rg3 spread the ball around a little more. But hey take what the defense gives you and Garcon is so dangerous after the catch so it makes sense to go to him more. All in all a well played game.

i agree... though his passing stats were probably down yards and attemps wise because we all of 3 posessions in the first half

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1. Haslett DEFINITELY deserves a game ball. The Defense adjusted in the 2nd half and held the Midgets to 3 points...

2. Cobra Kai! 'Nuff Said!

3. It's hard to say who is doing more for the other.... Is Morris' running ability opening up things for RGIII, or is RGIII's threat to run opening things up for Morris? To be honest, it's BOTH!

4. Garcon is a beast. I don't care who gets the ball as long as they do something positive with it. Garcon is proving that he can do that consistently!

Personal Thought: I said this on another thread.... RGIII is *almost* single-handedly changing the culture of this team! Yes, he has help, but it's becoming more & more apparent to me that his positive attitude and leadership ability is infecting the entire team... Not just the offense, but the defense as well! Let's consider... we hear the pundits talk about this, how a team with a winning culture will continue to win simply because they BELIEVE that they'll win! Sure, it doesn't always work out, but more times than not that belief in what they're doing pays dividends! I truly believe we're watching the transformation of this team from a losing/middling team culture into a WINNING team culture right before our very eyes!!!! The "Leadership by Example" style of RGIII isn't just making the offense step up their game, but the rest of the team is elevating their level of play as well.

Think about it.... in all honesty our defense is DREADFUL! Sure, we have players who can flash play-making ability... our run defense is solid, though not spectacular. But RGIII's determination seems to have seeped into the rest of the team and make them DETERMINED to perform better!!!!

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but being a Redskins fan since the 70's (yes, I remember the Jurgenson vs. Kilmer "campaign") I have seen the difference between winning & losing cultures in our franchise. I really feel as though I'm watching a transformation in the making!!!!

I hope I'm right!

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im a little upset moss and aldrick werent involved in the game. garcon did everything himself but i was waiting for an aldrick bomb

I think Aldrick ran a couple of those but was double-teamed. Having him in there will either result in a big play opportunity or give us room underneath the coverage. Either one is good. Not every game will be a 35-30 shoot-out including a long bomb to Robinson, a TD to Moss, etc.

I love that we can attack a defense with about 10 different guys (Garcon, Morgan, Hankerson, Moss, Robinson, Paulsen, Morris, Young, Paul, and Griffin).

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I'll give the defense some credit.

OUR defense,, our lousy give it up like clockwork defense.. made a 1 point lead stick for nearly 7 minutes to close out the game against the world champs.

Anyone can say anything they want, point to any ranking they want.

Our defense made a 1 point lead stick for nearly seven minutes to close out the game against the world champs.


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im a little upset moss and aldrick werent involved in the game. garcon did everything himself but i was waiting for an aldrick bomb

The Giants played with 1 extremely deep safety. They were hell bent on preventing the deep ball. Apparently he was so deep, he wasn't even in the pre-snap alignment photos they take.

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Garcon is not a #1. After all he's unproven and his stats in the past suck. Oh, and he's soft. Didn't you know, Jabar Gaffney was just as good as him for cheaper?


Before I read the #-part... I was like, "what theheck?

Garcon runs with anger... I like it... doesn't seem to be favoring the foot and I imagine it gets better each week...

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I think Aldrick ran a couple of those but was double-teamed. Having him in there will either result in a big play opportunity or give us room underneath the coverage. Either one is good. Not every game will be a 35-30 shoot-out including a long bomb to Robinson, a TD to Moss, etc.

I love that we can attack a defense with about 10 different guys (Garcon, Morgan, Hankerson, Moss, Robinson, Paulsen, Morris, Young, Paul, and Griffin).

LOL at Paul being on the list. That guy is barely visible out there. Ok so he had a TD in the Dallas game, but other than that the guy has contributed very little in my opinion. At the very least WAY less than everyone else you have listed.

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My observation

We don't have TE's... their blocking is mediocre at best, thank god we have Young to help and Morris is improving a lot in that department. And not to talk about catching the ball... Paulsen has drop a ball in each game, and when he gets de ball has some problems to gain some yards.

Cooley is healthy, experienced and knows the system... he needs to get more reps and get involved in the passing game...

I know the trend is to 'go younger' and develop Paulsen and Paul, but without Davis, we are missing a top TE to get the job done.

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Cooley had two key blocks last night for Morris and was more help on offense last night than Paul was. He needs a little more PT and let Paul take over return duties.

The crowd was awesome last night! I just wish it had been an earlier game. My 5 yr old thinks I'm pulling his leg when I told him the crowd does sing Hail to the Redskins after a score.

Last night, you could really hear the fans belt it out and my boy would've went bonkers over that! lol

Seeing faded visions of the Riggo Drill last night with 4 minutes left in the 4th quarter stirred old familiar feelings about the team that have laid dormant for a long time...

What a great win!


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