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Forbes: General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy -- Again


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Remember when it was the America-hatin', pinko liberals who bought furrin made cars and the bedrock conservatives who supported Detroit and America?

BTW I've got a Chevy Suburban with 180K mileage that's a smooth ride with no major problems. My dad drives a Chevy Impala with 160,000 on it that's been a gem. I've had one other Chevy that I bought new and drove into the ground for more than a decade with no real problems. Anecdotal, but that's all I need to know that talk about Japanese automobile superiority is bull****. (Also have a Subaru and a Volvo in the driveway.)

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Remember when it was the America-hatin', pinko liberals who bought furrin made cars and the bedrock conservatives who supported Detroit and America?

BTW I've got a Chevy Suburban with 180K mileage that's a smooth ride with no major problems. My dad drives a Chevy Impala with 160,000 on it that's been a gem. I've had one other Chevy that I bought new and drove into the ground for more than a decade with no real problems. Anecdotal, but that's all I need to know that talk about Japanese automobile superiority is bull****. (Also have a Subaru and a Volvo in the driveway.)

Excellent point.

I've got a 2001 S-10 4x4 that is used every day to take the dog out and on weekends fishing or going to the boonies, in addition to my VW daily driver. 12 years is pretty good and it was my daily driver for 7 years after I bought it. Again it's anecdotal, but my grandfather retired from GM in the late 70's, he got amazingly good discounts and we always had hand me down GM cars because of that. Never had any issue with quality excepting a 90's Olds Cutlass that was a POS. I think criticism of American cars is BS too for the most part too. There are exceptions here and there but there are with every car company. Takes a long time to recover a reputation though.

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Remember when it was the America-hatin', pinko liberals who bought furrin made cars and the bedrock conservatives who supported Detroit and America?

My newest Chevy was made in Canada......that's still America ain't it?

I have a 92 still going strong that should outlast me

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They don't cost the government 90K and they aren't as easily fire-able. Not to include hire-able.

That is an easy out of reality but it isn't a truth or factual statement.

I was thinking total cost and not salary for this particular example that we had a good laugh about at happy hour. You are right about them not being as easy to fire had the government hired them directly though, I'll give you that.

---------- Post added August-17th-2012 at 12:35 PM ----------

Speak for yourself, buddy.

I was referring to congress' lack of support for serious oversight.

---------- Post added August-17th-2012 at 12:38 PM ----------

Maybe, Maybe not.

Bottom line is if you post something debatable....well then it's debatable. ;)

Do you run a contracting business? I think I remember you being on the self employed people on this site. Don't take my comment to mean contractors are all a bunch of thieves but there is certainly some head scratching decisions made.

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So GM isn't going bankrupt but is just still based on a flawed business model? Sounds about right. Interesting note someone brought up on even in third world countries you see these old, run down japanese trucks all over the place. I agree that GM needs to get with the times and acknowledge that Americans aren't the only people in the world that buy and drive new cars...

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Every car thread seems to devolve into anecdotes "supporting" welp, that's all I need to know style arguments. I'm alternately preaching to the choir and to deaf ears here, but that's all you need to know about the cars in your driveway. To know about an automaker or mark overall during a particular time period, in fact you need to know much more.

But anyway, there is one surefire way for GM to succeed, and that's to spend 30 years building up their reputation by building great cars and following a competent business model... as a counterweight to the 30 years they spent doing the opposite and ruining themselves. (I'd count the past 10 or so years as a wash: good cars from a flawed business. But maybe it's the first 10 of a long-term turnaround.)

Another piece of GM's solution is surviving the massive wave of retirement liability they have, from the days when they employed a massive quantity of workers. Few options will cure that but time.

It's always easier to grow during the flush times, than to shrink during the lean...

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