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via twitter: Derrick Ward goes off on NFL players getting arrested for DUI

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Derrick Ward ‏@DerrickWard32

Alright NFL players!!! Its absolutely E-N-O-U-G-H!!! Drinking and Driving? How dumb can u be? Its absolutely stupid and your making the good [g]uys that actually do right in the NFL look bad. How easy is it to call a cab to get a ride home? So what? Leave your car get it in the am!?

Stop being so dumb! Yes that's right dumb! I'm sitting here retired enjoyed a great career now all I want to do is become a fan and I see [n]umerous arrest for DWI in the past several weeks? How many has it been this week 4? Absolutely ridiculous your not only putting yourself n danger but your putting other innocent people in danger that don't deserve your stupidity. Open your eyes and do the right thing.

I know [w]hat its like to get go out get drunk and debate on weather to drive home or not. Call a taxi! So what if u spend some money to take one or U get a ticket on your car in the am when u go bac 2 get it At least u won't have to pay bail and then lawyer fees and then miss game checks [f]rom being suspended for a few games. Damn this really has me furious and its so avoidable. Tighten up youngesters of the NFL because guess [w]hat it doesn't mean National Football League it really means Not For Long league..... #JustVentingSorryEveryone

(combined all his tweets into a single rant lol...)

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Someone needed to call them out like this, though, sadly, it had to come from a retired player and not a current player, especially one on the same team with one of the offenders. It appeared that he, too, may have been a little intoxicated when tweeting these messages, considering the spelling and all.

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It appeared that he, too, may have been a little intoxicated when tweeting these messages, considering the spelling and all.

As long as he's not drinking, driving and tweeting at the same time it's all good.

As far as the spelling and all, it could be he's just an NFL player. :silly:

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Someone needed to call them out like this, though, sadly, it had to come from a retired player and not a current player, especially one on the same team with one of the offenders. It appeared that he, too, may have been a little intoxicated when tweeting these messages, considering the spelling and all.

Nothing wrong with that if he isn't driving. Good for Ward for saying this. Sad as it is that it even needs to be said,

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As long as he's not drinking, driving and tweeting at the same time it's all good.

As far as the spelling and all, it could be he's just an NFL player. :silly:

Nothing wrong with that if he isn't driving. Good for Ward for saying this. Sad as it is that it even needs to be said,
I agree that there is nothing wrong with it as long as he is not behind the wheel; I was just trying not to be too harsh in commenting about his spelling and grammar. :)
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It really is ridiculous. I mean, the fact that the NFL actually has a service where they have a driver come pick you up in YOUR car for free, and that these bozos still get behind the wheel is downright ridiculous. Do you know how often I would take advantage of such a free service? Um, EVERY Friday and Saturday night.

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