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A Song of Ice and Fire'---"GOT" Books Discussion Thread (WITH SPOILERS ON TV SHOW--MET)


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Well it took a month to finish the last 2 books because I haven't had much time for reading, plus venturing into the unexplored territory past the TV series made me slow down a bit to make sure I wouldn't miss things. Also, A Dance With Dragons is pretty long. But I finally finished last night. Right now I'm still in shock over Jon Snow. Maybe he'll recover, but it didn't sound good.


Luckily the last two books are both supposed to be released next year. Hopefully that is still true.

Yeah, that ending to ADWD was shocking, again, even for Martin. But

I'd say 99% of book readers do not expect him to be dead. JS is the one character that, more or less, cannot die ... or pretty much every "end game" theory that even GRRM has given credence to, is null and void. Do not worry :) 

Also, surprised it wasn't posted, but saw yesterday that we will not be getting any Bran or Hodor in Season 5. Not a surprise at all, given they've run out of book content to go on. But it's going to be weird to get Bran as basically an adult in two seasons. That being said, where we likely find him (make-up, etc.) can cover for that pretty easily, I think,

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I am happy to hear that about Jon. 


I have heard some people saying that they didn't care for Arya's storyline after book 3. That was actually one of my favorite parts. I truly enjoyed her chapters and look forward to what she will become. 

Theories abound ... one is that he warged into ghost just before he "died" ... and will Warg back somehow. Another is that he will be revived by Melisandre, ala Thoros with Beric Dondarion. The other is, that if the ... ahem ... rumors are true, that when they burn his body like they have with the other folks at the wall, he'll emerge alive. However you slice it, most agree Jon is not dead. GRRM has said as much, more or less, in saying that his lineage plays a huge role in the ending of the story

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I love this Jon revival theory I saw, I believe at the Westeros site/forum. I'm certain he'll return as Martin has said that Jon will learn of his parentage by the end of the series. This way makes sense: "waking dragons out of stone." 


"When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone." 


Only a king's blood can wake a dragon out of stone, something Melisandre has been desperately seeking. Edric and Mance's son escaped her, but Shireen is at the wall. Shireen has king's blood and is afflicted with greyscale. Greyscale has been strongly associated with "stone," particularly in Tyrion's ADWD chapters (the Stone Men). Melisandre will realize Jon is what she's been looking for ("I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow") and burn Shireen in order to wake the dragon, Jon Targaryen, out of stone. 


The text of course is open to interpretation. But what seals this for me is the show's treatment of Shireen and Selyse. Shireen is innocent and likable, while Selyse is portrayed as an unattractive zealot. The zealotry is particularly important -- the added Melisandre bath scene has Melisandre insisting to Selyse that Shireen must come to the Wall.


They look into the flames and Selyse seems to understand. This is important and necessary to establish that Selyse is dedicated to R'hllor to the extent that she'd allow her daughter to be sacrificed. Where ADWD ends, there is nobody remaining at the wall who would object to Shireen's burning. The wildlings, particularly Val, consider her unclean and already dead. Stannis is gone, Jon is dead. The Nights Watchmen do not care for Stannis. Only Selyse would get in the way and I think the show intentionally chose to emphasize her zealotry. 

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Well ... damn.


Hm... now that I read that section, "get in the way" sounds like I'm pulling for an innocent child to be burned. I think this is very Martin, though. Terrible things happening. Another part that I like of the theory is that when Jon revives, he'll become furious at Melisandre for her actions and plunge Longclaw through her heart, making it Lightbringer and her Nissa Nissa. Only death can pay for life...

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Hm... now that I read that section, "get in the way" sounds like I'm pulling for an innocent child to be burned. I think this is very Martin, though. Terrible things happening. Another part that I like of the theory is that when Jon revives, he'll become furious at Melisandre for her actions and plunge Longclaw through her heart, making it Lightbringer and her Nissa Nissa. Only death can pay for life...

Love the theory though, and could certainly see that being the case. Ah, that would all be so epic.

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That would be epic. I really can't wait for the next book. I didn't want to start reading this series until it was complete. Especially not after Robert Jordan died in the middle of the Wheel of Time series. Luckily, he left enough written material and notes for another author to finish it for him. 

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That would be epic. I really can't wait for the next book. I didn't want to start reading this series until it was complete. Especially not after Robert Jordan died in the middle of the Wheel of Time series. Luckily, he left enough written material and notes for another author to finish it for him. 

I think GRRM has enough notes/outlines to have it be finished. He's outlined the story to the HBO producers, so at the very least they could piece something together. I think GRRM has it all written down but just needs to piece it together and fill int he blanks. He said as much when he released the 5th book.

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That would be epic. I really can't wait for the next book. I didn't want to start reading this series until it was complete. Especially not after Robert Jordan died in the middle of the Wheel of Time series. Luckily, he left enough written material and notes for another author to finish it for him. 


I bought the first WoT book but haven't started. Brandon Sanderson finished that. He's good at what he does, but I wouldn't want him picking up ASOIAF. Unfortunately I don't think there's anyone alive who could do a good job finishing ASOIAF. I think the narrative is more complex and deep than even its fans realize. 


Martin will never be hailed as a great writer by the pretentious literary fiction types, and maybe they're right. I'm not an expert. But nobody can touch him at what he does. He's better than Tolkien. 

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Unfortunately the latest news on the next book is that it likely won't be coming out for a year or two at least.

I think there were comments from his UK editor saying so.

No one knows when the seventh book will come out, or if as has been hinted there may be an eighth book or not (kind of hope not).


There are of course three chapters (Theon/Arianne/Arya) out from the next book on Martin's website, I believe.

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Also, surprised it wasn't posted, but saw yesterday that we will not be getting any Bran or Hodor in Season 5. Not a surprise at all, given they've run out of book content to go on. But it's going to be weird to get Bran as basically an adult in two seasons. That being said, where we likely find him (make-up, etc.) can cover for that pretty easily, I think,

I didn't want to post anything because there seems to be a lot of conflicting info about that.

(also a lot of news lately has been spoilers for both tv watchers and book readers alike)


The latest I saw on Bran was that the actor said his next project was filming for the next season of GOT.

He also made comments a few weeks ago about there being a lot of action in the next season.



Here's some news about Bravos though from yesterday:  


Game of Thrones season 5 filming moves to Duilovo pillars with Maisie Williams, Klis fortress closed to visitors in preparation
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Unfortunately the latest news on the next book is that it likely won't be coming out for a year or two at least.

I think there were comments from his UK editor saying so.

No one knows when the seventh book will come out, or if as has been hinted there may be an eighth book or not (kind of hope not).


There are of course three chapters (Theon/Arianne/Arya) out from the next book on Martin's website, I believe.


Am I the only one who thinks his next book will be leaked before it is released, and he'll have no one to blame but himself? 

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Unfortunately the latest news on the next book is that it likely won't be coming out for a year or two at least.

I think there were comments from his UK editor saying so.

No one knows when the seventh book will come out, or if as has been hinted there may be an eighth book or not (kind of hope not).


There are of course three chapters (Theon/Arianne/Arya) out from the next book on Martin's website, I believe.


I read a couple of weeks ago that book 6 will be released early 2015 with book 7 later that same year. I'll see if I can find it again.

I bought the first WoT book but haven't started. Brandon Sanderson finished that. He's good at what he does, but I wouldn't want him picking up ASOIAF. Unfortunately I don't think there's anyone alive who could do a good job finishing ASOIAF. I think the narrative is more complex and deep than even its fans realize. 


Martin will never be hailed as a great writer by the pretentious literary fiction types, and maybe they're right. I'm not an expert. But nobody can touch him at what he does. He's better than Tolkien. 


WoT is very intricate, possibly even more than ASOIAF. It was so complex that I didn't think it would be possible to wrap it up, but it was done nicely. You can tell the difference in the parts written by RJ and the parts written by BS though. I think you will like it. 

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I read a couple of weeks ago that book 6 will be released early 2015 with book 7 later that same year. I'll see if I can find it again.


No chance on the Book 7 part of that. I am hopeful for TWOW in 2015 but.... the months keep going by without news. It will also require editing and marketing, so I wouldn't expect it to come out the month following its completion. Any of the whole "he's writing them simultaneously!" thing seems to be based on wishful thinking and not anything Martin has said or implied. 


WoT is very intricate, possibly even more than ASOIAF. It was so complex that I didn't think it would be possible to wrap it up, but it was done nicely. You can tell the difference in the parts written by RJ and the parts written by BS though. I think you will like it. 


Looking forward to it. So many books, so little time at this point. I wish I had used the free time at college to read more, I feel like I'm trying to catch up on so much. 

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No chance on the Book 7 part of that. I am hopeful for TWOW in 2015 but.... the months keep going by without news. It will also require editing and marketing, so I wouldn't expect it to come out the month following its completion. Any of the whole "he's writing them simultaneously!" thing seems to be based on wishful thinking and not anything Martin has said or implied. 


Looking forward to it. So many books, so little time at this point. I wish I had used the free time at college to read more, I feel like I'm trying to catch up on so much. 

I could certainly see this scenario playing out, though. No one is taking into consideration the fact that Martin could be writing both books ... he could be done with 6 and writing 7 right now. Just because they haven't been released doesn't mean they aren't done. The 6th book could be with the editors right now ... slated for a spring 2015 release (just prior to Season 5). Meanwhile, Martin is writing Book 7 ... which will be sent to the editor in 2015 and be slated for release prior to Season 6. 


That is certainly me just being hopeful. But after Book 5 was released, GRRM said he got through the "Myranese Knot" and finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I took that to mean it would be easier for him to finish things up in a timely manner. 

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I can't decide if this means I'm insane or if it just reflects our relative thoughts on the release date. Hoping option 2, but accepting option 1.

it's tough, since I can't conceivably pay $1,000 for anything right now ... but in a few years when my financing is in better shape, I would argue for doing this. I'm as big a fan as anyone, so I don't think you're crazy ... but $50 right now is about $15 more than hard cover release cost ... so I guess that's low-balling. I'd probably pay double to 2.5 times ... or about $100, in reality, if it meant getting access to it a year or so early. Or at least prior to Season 5, when I fear things might start getting spoiled!

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i am an old curmudgeon, that is irritated that paperbooks cost more than $4.95.... ever.


I *think* i read a game of thrones right before book #2 came out... and have been patiently waiting for each subsequent one to arrive at the library.... 


so I guess i will say that i would pay $7.95 for the next book ------  but only if i had a big plane ride planned, or a trip to the beach ... so i could actually read it ;)



just call me big spenda- moneybags.... 

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  • 1 month later...

Just read an article that has the release date slated as sometime between February and April of 2015 ... and that martin is contractually obligated to release WoW by June 2015. Book is in the editing/paring down stages and is currently over 1,000 pages.


It was on harrel.com ... some non-name site (at least to me) but it all sounded logical. I just googled "Wind of Winter News" and it was the first link. Fingers crossed!

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Just read an article that has the release date slated as sometime between February and April of 2015 ... and that martin is contractually obligated to release WoW by June 2015. Book is in the editing/paring down stages and is currently over 1,000 pages.


It was on harrel.com ... some non-name site (at least to me) but it all sounded logical. I just googled "Wind of Winter News" and it was the first link. Fingers crossed!


Well I'm glad the Publisher finally found their balls and started putting some pressure on Martin. But let's face it, this story's ending will be revealed, and IMO ruined, by HBO and not GRRM. 

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