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Washington Redskins: 20 Years of History by the Numbers

Redskins Ruckus

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I was kind of sad when I wrote this as it just shows how "meh" our beloved Skins are. I'm not sure what the answers are, but it doesn't look great. I rarely let myself get down, and I haven't given up on the 'Skins. Here is my latest article on BR: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1062736-washington-redskins-20-years-of-history-by-the-numbers

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The article says the Redskins "have only won a single playoff game in the same span [of twenty years]." This is a mistake. The Redskins have actually won two playoff games in that span, one in 1999 against the Detroit Lions, and one in 2005 against Tampa Bay.

EDIT: I see that you fixed that. ;)

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Wow. Basically my entire life, we have been an afterthought. Still love them though which says a lot about this team. I am confident that all these years of disappointment will only make it so much sweeter when we become a winner. I think right at this moment, is the closest to becoming a consistent winner in my entire life.

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Like every other Redskins fan, I'm really sick and tired of the inconsistency and the losing in general. After Richie Pettibon was fired and Norv was hired, Charley Casserly tried to remake the Redskins. Under Norv Turner, the Redskins only had only three winning seasons(1996 1997 & 1999. If Norv Turner wasn't ever terminated when the Redskins were 7-6 with three games left to play in 2000, I believe maybe by 2002 the Redskins would have been a strong NFC contender. And the front office decisions in getting Bruce Smith, Mark Carrier, Deion Sanders, and Jeff George looked good on paper, but didn't work out in the Redskins winning games. This is the mess created by Daniel M. Snyder, the team's owner. Snyder's initial mistake was firing Charley Casserly and hiring some 49er scout named Vinny Ceratto.

Snyder's meddlesome ways have set the franchise back so far. And Cerrato was undoubtedly the most incompetent GM the Redskins ever had. Sometimes when I look back, I wonder what the Redskins would have been had the NFL owners had approved the team's purchase by the Milstein brothers. Or if John Kent Cooke would have been able to own the team. When Marty Schottenheimer finished 8-8 ten years ago, he had the Redskins on the right track. But what did the stupid owner do? He fired Marty and replaced him with a damn ball coach who failed miserably, going 12-20 the next two years. The only thing Snyder has done right is hiring Joe Gibbs, Bruce Allen, and Mike Shanahan at the times that he did. Now Allen and Shanahan is hard at task at returning the Redskins back to what they used to be before Snyder bought the team from the Cooke estate. Eventually, they'll get the job done. How long it takes for the Redskins to become a solid contender let alone a world champion, is anyone's guess.

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I have seen the best and the worst of the Redskins. What is disappointing is that no matter who has been coaching this team the one thing that was always a constant was lack of discipline even with Gibbs here. Turnovers, penalties that stalled the teams drives or continued opponents drives, and just overall poor execution. I also agree that Cerrato's poor drafting record and Snyder's quick trigger in firing coaches had a lot to do with the lack of team success. But the players throughout the years that have played here have also contributed to the lack of success. A lot of them played just to collect the paycheck. I agree that the team is heading in the right direction and Allen/Shanahan hve done a good job acquiring the talent needed to contend. But the one thing that Shanahan has done is changed the culture at Redskins park. No more just playing for a paycheck because he hs created competition at every position with no free passes. Look at Portis and Haynesworth as good examples of dumping guys that were here only to collect that money with no working for it. No one is safe at their position and that makes everyone hungry. They still need to cut out the mistakes and the lack of discipline but they are getting there.

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The Patriots franchise before 2001 had only been to 2 Super Bowls and hadn't won any. Since 2001, they won 3 and been to 5. The Steelers went from 1979-2005 w/o a Super Bowl, then won another in 2008. The 49ers haven't won one since 1994. So plenty of teams go through down periods.

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The Patriots franchise before 2001 had only been to 2 Super Bowls and hadn't won any. Since 2001, they won 3 and been to 5. The Steelers went from 1979-2005 w/o a Super Bowl, then won another in 2008. The 49ers haven't won one since 1994. So plenty of teams go through down periods.

first off our drought is spanning 20 years ... so that is worse than any of those examples, but I'm not breaking your balls, I get your point.

It is how we have gone about our business during the drought. I know Dan cares, but that does not sugar coat the fact that the last 12 years the skisn have been a punchline, a laughing stock.

It is hard to be a fan of this team man.

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The single biggest blunder, which cannot be over stated is not re-signing Trent Green in 1999. He left for the Rams b/c of uncertainty over the ownership issue at the time.... if he would have been around in 99 thru 2005 - who knows what would have happened. I am sure they would have been real contenders for several of those years.

He was the franchise QB that got away.

there have been countless other blunders as well, but that one ranks at the top of my list.

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first off our drought is spanning 20 years ... so that is worse than any of those examples, but I'm not breaking your balls, I get your point.

It is how we have gone about our business during the drought. I know Dan cares, but that does not sugar coat the fact that the last 12 years the skisn have been a punchline, a laughing stock.

It is hard to be a fan of this team man.

From 79-2005 isn't more than 20 years? lol Might want to check again

Same with the Pats being in the league since the AFL-NFL merger and just getting their 1st Super Bowl in 2001.

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The Pats and Steelers aren't exactly the best examples in comparison to the Skins. Sure, the ultimate goal is to win the Lombardi, but even before they won it the Pats were a solid team in the seven years or so before Belichick, as Parcells got them to a Super Bowl and they had decent records for the most part under him and Carroll. The Steelers had a decade-long drought after their 70s run but even though it took Cowher 15 or so years to win the trophy, the Steelers were very successful under his leadership until that point.

Christ, the Redskins haven't made the NFCCG in 20 years. And we've had, what, six winning seasons since then (92, 96, 97, 99, 05, 07), with no season better than 10-6?

Probably a better comparison to the Skins of the past 20 years is the Packers from the early 70s to the early 90s, who sucked big time before getting Favre.

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