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Thanks Redskins


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Well, as a Giant fan I just want to thank your team for waking the Giants up. I really think that the second loss was a real wake-up call. Your team played great and crushed the Giants in every phase of the game. From that point on the Giants have just played with a passion and drive. Sometimes a bad defeat can do this to a team..

Would they have done so without it? Who knows but something tells me it would not have turned out this way. Sometimes a real beating can light a fire.

Hopefully this doesn't come across wrong ...it is not meant to be a slight.

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So no matter what, we always seem to save the Giants season. In 07 we could have put them down 0-3 and had a 14-0 lead before blowing it and the Giants rallied to win six in a row and ultimately the Super Bowl. Then of course this year where, guess what, we were the last team to beat the Gmen.

Do we get a prize? ;)

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The OP is not kidding. After the second loss to the Skins, it was so bad that Antrel Rolle was starting to privately talk about demanding a trade out of NY. That loss was devastating to the team's morale. The Skins did more than just kick the Giants ***.

Thankfully, the game also proved to be the huge slap in the face that finally woke the defense up. The Giants coaches talked Rolle out of his trade wishes. Then he started to get on the players that were skipping practice because of minor injuries. Coughlin was able motivate Tuck out of his season long funk. And Perry Fewell finally made the necessary changes to his coaching to get the most out of the Giants' defensive talent. I've thought for a while now that without that loss, the Giants probably would not have made it out of the wild card round (maybe not even have made the playoffs).

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Same for Green Bay last year right? It's not like the Skins kicked their ass bad, but they went on a roll afterwards. New Orleans the year before..although almost losing to the Skins was probably more of a 'bump in the road' than a wake up call for them. They rolled that whole year.

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As a lifelong Redskins fan, and being as objective as I can be, the Giants are simply a class act. The fans are cool and easy to get along with. The organization is well run. The players are fun to watch.

Good luck Sunday. I'll be rooting for you.

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The OP is not kidding. After the second loss to the Skins, it was so bad that Antrel Rolle was starting to privately talk about demanding a trade out of NY. That loss was devastating to the team's morale. The Skins did more than just kick the Giants ***.

Is it just me, or does Rolle need to just shut his chew hole for an extended period of time?

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As a lifelong Redskins fan, and being as objective as I can be, the Giants are simply a class act. The fans are cool and easy to get along with. The organization is well run. The players are fun to watch.

Good luck Sunday. I'll be rooting for you.

Yea, being told to fake injuries to stop the clock is real classy. Brandon Jacobs was definitely a class act when he cussed at those reporters. And I take it you have never been to a home game when we lost to the Giants

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Thanks for throwing those 2 games against us to deny us RG3 :tantrum:
Yup. Those "wins" only hurt us in the long run.

No they don't. Not at all. Winning begets winning. No one says "Let's lose now so we can win later." That's the dumbest argument there is. You're not going to say "hey, we sucked so we could get better." That's an absolutely ridiculous argument. You don't see contracting companies intentionally bidding high so they can save money for later bids.

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