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SOW: Redskins Biggest Needs in 2012 Draft


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There’s no denying the main concern heading into the 2012 NFL Draft and season for the Washington Redskins, is the quarterback position. Since Mark Rypien, the Redskins have had no real face at QB.

This season, the Redskins have no choice, but to draft a quarterback – and all fingers point to the Heisman winning quarterback, Robert Griffin III. Unless for some miracle Luck doesn’t go first to the Colts.

Besides QB, what’s the biggest need? Should the Redskins add to an offensive line that has been progressing, but still needs attention? What about that big wide receiver that the team has been missing for years? Is Leonard Hankerson their answer? Or should they add more? How about the cornerback position? DeAngelo Hall hasn’t worked out too well as the number one.

There are still a lot of needs on the entire Redskins team, except the running back system which appears to be strong with the two rookies, Roy Helu and Evan Royster. Assuming Hightower can come back from his torn ACL, the running back position should be the least of Shanahan’s worries.

In a league that is more pass-happy than it used to be, the offensive line is no longer something that is needed to worry about. Not meaning you disregard it entirely, but unlike the 80′s, when you could annihilate a quarterback and get away with it. Late hit’s today not only result in penalties, but sometimes ejections and heavy-priced fines.

Wide receivers today can be found in all rounds of the draft, as well as free-agency and the undrafted. Take New York Giant’s shining rookie wide receiver star, Victor Cruz. Cruz, who came out of Massachusetts has been nothing, but phenomenal for the New York Giants. He’s already tied the longest touchdown in NFL History, as well as a single season receiver for the Giants, with 1,536 yards.

How about Miles Austin of the Dallas Cowboys? Another receiver who was undrafted and has set single-game franchise records with his team, something not so easy to do with receivers who have played there, such as Michael Irvin.

Then there’s always free-agency which the Redskins have been known for always taking a splash in. Marques Colston of the New Orleans Saints becomes a free-agent this year, and so far it appears he may not be returning. Should the Redskins look at him? Should they pick up rival Eagle’s receiver DeSean Jackson? How about Vincent Jackson whom Shanahan appeared to be interested in 2010?

Should the Redskins be looking at a replacement for aging linebacker London Fletcher, who so far doesn’t appear to be finished with football anytime soon, but obviously the thought has to be in his head considering he’s going on 37 this year? Or are the Redskins fine with third-year pro Perry Riley taking over for him, whenever that day may come? Riley has proven to be quick, hard-hitting and a great tackler.

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On a related note I want to apologize for the silence since December on SOW. In December my wife's grandmother passed away we moved to a new house and found out my wife was pregnant only to find out on Christmas Eve that we lost the baby. The past two months have been a nightmare due to some complications in the miscarriage. Look for us to be back stronger than ever once the Superbowl is over and we jump head first into the offseason should be a ton of fun! We are all pretty stoked to be working on this again.

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On a related note I want to apologize for the silence since December on SOW. In December my wife's grandmother passed away we moved to a new house and found out my wife was pregnant only to find out on Christmas Eve that we lost the baby. The past two months have been a nightmare due to some complications in the miscarriage. Look for us to be back stronger than ever once the Superbowl is over and we jump head first into the offseason should be a ton of fun! We are all pretty stoked to be working on this again.

Hey man no need to apologize. I'm sure we are all very grateful for your hard work. But with us all being part of the Skins family you and the well being of your family come first. I am so sorry to hear about your losses. I really am. May God bless you and encourage you guys in ways you can't even imagine!

Once again thanks for all of your hard work!


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QB - RG - RT - CB - WR - ILB (depth).

Honestly, I'd be very happy if we came away from this draft with RGIII/Luck, and a couple of good OL prospects. We could target a CB/WR in free agency.

Truth. If we could get Vincent Jackson and a DB or two in Free Agency id be ecstatic

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On a related note I want to apologize for the silence since December on SOW. In December my wife's grandmother passed away we moved to a new house and found out my wife was pregnant only to find out on Christmas Eve that we lost the baby. The past two months have been a nightmare due to some complications in the miscarriage. Look for us to be back stronger than ever once the Superbowl is over and we jump head first into the offseason should be a ton of fun! We are all pretty stoked to be working on this again.

I was wondering where you've been. My condolences.

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On a related note I want to apologize for the silence since December on SOW. In December my wife's grandmother passed away we moved to a new house and found out my wife was pregnant only to find out on Christmas Eve that we lost the baby. The past two months have been a nightmare due to some complications in the miscarriage. Look for us to be back stronger than ever once the Superbowl is over and we jump head first into the offseason should be a ton of fun! We are all pretty stoked to be working on this again.

Wow...my heart goes out to you and your lady. No apologies needed here.

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On a related note I want to apologize for the silence since December on SOW. In December my wife's grandmother passed away we moved to a new house and found out my wife was pregnant only to find out on Christmas Eve that we lost the baby. The past two months have been a nightmare due to some complications in the miscarriage. Look for us to be back stronger than ever once the Superbowl is over and we jump head first into the offseason should be a ton of fun! We are all pretty stoked to be working on this again.

Sorry to hear of your loss. As a father of 2 healthy boys, I can only imagine the feeling cause the mere though of my sons getting sick, hurt or dieing just puts a KNOT in the stomach and brings me to tears. My sympathies to you and yours.

I love the off season and watch the entire draft every year......EVEN after that idiot changed the days up and know I have to take vacation days to watch it cause I work 2nd shift.....I dont think GODdell thinks every thing through........keep it on the weekend dummy so EVERYONE can watch it....or at least the MAJORITY.

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Besides QB, I'd be all for adding young bodies along the offensive line, inner-linebacker position, wide receiver and cornerback position in that order.

On a related note I want to apologize for the silence since December on SOW. In December my wife's grandmother passed away we moved to a new house and found out my wife was pregnant only to find out on Christmas Eve that we lost the baby. The past two months have been a nightmare due to some complications in the miscarriage. Look for us to be back stronger than ever once the Superbowl is over and we jump head first into the offseason should be a ton of fun! We are all pretty stoked to be working on this again.

I'm really sorry to hear that, man. :( Hope you guys are doing alright, all things considered.

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QB is the obvious top need.

There is a jumble of question marks everywhere else.

CB should be in the conversation b/c it doesn't appear that DHALL is a top flight corner any more and Kevin Barnes is still a question mark.

WR should be in the conversation but we have a lot of youth that has promise already here. Hankerson before the injury seemed like a star in the making and Paul has gotten rave reviews even thought it doesn't show up in the stat box. Robinson was placed on the active roster last season b/c there were rumors that somebody was going to snag him.

RT has to be in the conversation but Willie Smith showed enough on the left side last season to at least be able to challenge on the right. We also have a little drug problem with Trent Williams that we may need to leverage.

Interior OL should be discussed as well. While I like what I saw last season...we could always use improvement. We also have some youth in the wings here.

ILB should be mentioned. LFB can't play forever but I'd love to clone the guy.

S is a big concern but it really depends on what we do with LL. Do we give up on him or give him one more year?

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1a. QB- This is pretty obvious

1b. OT- Jamaal Brown is pretty awful and Willie Smith isn't nearly as good as people make him out to be nice upside, but not enough to ignore this position

2. G- Licht is coming off a major injury and RFA. While he was good at the beginning of last year it is a small sample size and he was pretty bad the year before. At the other spot Chester is league average at best.

3. CB x2- Hall should probably be released to save money and change the direction of this team, but if he is that means we only have 1 legit CB in Wilson. We can maybe cobble together our 4th and 5th CB's but we'd need at least two guys who can play.

4.C- Monty is a solid journey man, but he's been inconsistent throughout his career and there are some better options out there. If Monty was under contract I might not bring it up, but the Redskins could vastly improve the spot for say $2 million extra a year.

5. SS- I think LL is done in Washington and a replacement needs to be found asap.

6. WR- The Redskins could get by for a year, but after that Gaffney is a FA, and Moss might need to be cut given how his contract is structured.

7. DL- Carriker might be too expensive, and even if he isn't we need more depth here. Jenkins is coming back from an injury so we might want to limit his action.

8. ILB- Fletch should be back, but we need a back-up/replacement

9. FS- Atogwe will be given another shot, but his health has to be a concern.

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