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Hogfest a Blast!


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Don't see another thread with a report on Hogfest so I' m starting one myself.

This was my first Redskin game at Fed-Ex Field and my first trip to Hogfest. It was a rousing success and could have only been made better by the Skins pulling out the win instead of teasing us with a nice comeback (and multitudes of flags laying on the field).

Those of us who stayed at the Marriott in Arlington spent virtually the entire weekend together, either at the game or in the hotel bar. Lot's of CPNDers (Dogmatic, Rat-Boy, ATL, TomSkinsFan, NHSkinsFan) and Extremers (Park City Skins, Romo sits to pee, Tommy-the-Greek, Tarhog and yours truly). Finally had the long-awaited Jack Daniels with PCS.

Crabfest on Sat. night was a good time, though after not eating all day I needed more food and less work. And finding a cab driver that knew how to make it the 5 or 6 blocks to the Afterdeck was surprisingly hard. Still, we eventually got there and had some food. Then ... back to the bar until closing. :)

After a brief snafu with the transportation from the hotel to the stadium ... it didn't show up and NHSkinsFan stepped up and covered the cost for alternate transportation on the spot. It ended up only costing us about an hour. I hope it didn't cost NHSkinsfan a lot of money.

Hogfest itself was great. Met a ton of folks I'd been looking forward to meeting (in addition to those I'd already met at the hotel): Blondie, Die Hard, Blade, KirkNC, Skinsfan44, The Dark Horse ... hell, even the DTC showed up (on their best behavior, too I might add.) If I left anyone out I'm sorry but I lost a few brain cells over the last couple of days. Lots of good food and drink and Redskin fans. Kindrid spirits indeed.

It was nice to meet the folks behind this board. Good people, I assure you. No surprise there. A special thanks to those who work so hard, both behind this board and at Hogfest, so that we might have a memorable time. Die Hard, Blade, TomSkinsFan, NHSkinsfan ... I salute you!

Pictures to follow.

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A very generous Hogette made a brief appearance early on. Lot's of picture-snapping in his direction. I, of course, had to get one as well. :) That's our own Tommy the Greek, in the white jersey, in the background. Good to meet you, bro!

It takes a special kind of man to dress like that for a football game.

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Yeah, I've got a few more pics that I'll post tomorrow. I'm trying to reduce the size in consideration for those on dial-up.

Plus, I'm about spent after the weekend and driving back today.

You should DEFINATELY make the trip. Nothing but good times. :)

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One of the best times I've ever had.....all of you guys, particularly the locals, need to bite the bullet next year and get there. It was GREAT to meet such a quality group of people. It was a thrill to meet the 'ownership' finally, and when you meet them, you'll know how this site got to be the incredible place it is. Thanks for the extremeskins hats and tshirts guys...will wear them proudly! Blade, Die Hard and his girlfriend (wonderful girl!), my neighbor Brave, PCS (who shocked me by intimidating the DTC and proving he probably should've been in the Marine Corps, not the Air Force), Tommy the Greek and his wife, Ratboy, the 'Blonde One' (nearly impossible to pick out in a customized Rock Cartwright jersey - who'd of thunk it?) and all of the others. As soon as I got to the hotel, wandered into the bar and WHAM....smack dab into a bunch of extremers. Everything after that is mildly blurry, but I'm pretty sure I had a hell of a good time. I'll confess it was a bit strange to meet folks in the flesh who were strangers, yet I felt I knew so well, but they all exceeded my expectations.

Want to say a special thanks to Tomskinsfan for putting this all together. What a great guy, and what an outstanding job putting together the best Redskins tailgate party....awesome food, beverages, company, contests.....AWESOME. Pictures to follow...

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I had a great time as well folks. It was really cool to finally be able to meet some of the folks we've spent so much time trading Redskins thoughts with.

Just thought I'd drop a post saying thanks to all of the powers that be especially Tom who make this thing go off. Great job guys, that alone makes the game worth driving 500 miles for!:D

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Don't see another thread with a report on Hogfest so I' m starting one myself.

I didn't start one because I figured Art would have nuked it.

Anyway, thanks for all of the kind words guys. I'm glad all of you enjoyed it. My wife deserves the credit for the welcome note on the jumbotron. I hope all of you got to meet her. It truly was a pleasure meeting all of the "new" people that came this year. Tarhog, Brave you guys are good guys.

Hopefully, now you can see why I promote it so aggressively.

I'll see all of you next year.

Wow, what a game! I'm wiped out.

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Hey all!!

Tuesday morning and I am still in DC. Decided to help the Skins get over their lose........went to REDSKIN park...and ....well.......Rock will now play his heart out!! ;) ;)

I hope to post pics when I get back to Texas. I had a wonderful time....took lots of pics.

I meet so many of you.....and want to say ......I LUV YOU GUYS!!!

Brave, Tarhog, Tommy the Greek......so nice to meet ...finally! Start making plans for 2004!!


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The DTC and myself made it there around 2:00. Got to meet alot of good people........Tarhog, Brave, Tommy-the-Greek, Blade, Ratboy, and who can forget.....Blondie.:) Sorry if I left anyone out, but after :pint: alot of beer, I tend to forget names.:D

Next year I think I will be a paying member instead of just dropping by. Y'all were having to much fun.

CounterTre, you shouldn't have drank so much while with the DTC tailgate before going to Hogfest. At least you won the shotgun contest. Don't expect to win it next year if I am there. :laugh:

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Tom, why would I have nuked it? I never nuked anything you've written. I merely asked that whenever inspiration hit you that you NOT create a dozen new threads, but, rather, keep your inspiration to the stuck thread that's been on the top of the page for months.

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keep your inspiration to the stuck thread that's been on the top of the page for months.

Right now there is no stuck HogFest thread. Which is exactly why I didn't post anything HogFest and why I said what I did. With no stuck thread, there is no reason why I should think anything but a new HF post written by me would be moved or nuked. That is what history states would happen.

You were the one who seemed to be annoyed the most, which is why I said your name.

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so, after you meet eachother, do you call eachother by your "real" names or username?

"hey die hard, let me buy you a beer"

"thanks pcs. you da man."

"nice jersey blondie"

or is it....

"hey cecil, nice chug!"

"jimmy, pass the beer bong"

you get the idea. just curious.

and i'm there next year. come hell or high water (no isabel pun intended:) )

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If you lack the ability to think please don't blame me. Hogfest updates prior to Hogfest were consolidated into one thread to your benefit assuring it was always at the top of the page for anyone to see, rather than on the front page for 25 minutes where it would eventually be run down due to the volume of posting.

When Hogfest ended a recap thread certainly seemed acceptable since not a single thing posted about Hogfest has ever been nuked on this board because our board owner was one of the people who helped with the organization. Go play stupid someplace else. Just stop playing it here, now.

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