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NOW PLAYING ONLINE: 1987Redskins/Giants (Link included)


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Yeah that was awesome, he was like a 4th WR out there on that play.

The other Vikings Redskins game I have from 86 is actually a much better game. There were over 80 points scored total, but it's just regular season. People wouldn't believe how good Jay Schroeder could have been, he was unbelievable in that game. Too bad he was a head case because he made one play in that game that was probably the best I've ever seen a Redskins QB make.

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Yeah we never had good punters for some reason.

I guess we didn't punt a lot though and our defense created a lot of turnovers.

---------- Post added October-11th-2011 at 07:14 PM ----------

Thats who it was. In the other Vikings game I have Darrell Green chases down Leo Lewis from the other side of the field, and that dude is fast too.

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Was that Gano?

---------- Post added October-11th-2011 at 07:22 PM ----------

Oh hell yeah!!! Thanks for doing this!!!


Sure, no problem. I've been playing them for a while now I just didnt think about posting here. Eventually they ban the channel for playing games but I'm not sure about old games. It really shouldn't matter but I'm sure they won't like it.

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I have this game on DVD; it is quite possibly my all time favorite game.... It captured everything about those teams and my childhood memories.... Madden and Summerall, Redskins in a huge game on CBS, etc..

The 1987 team was a favorite of mine because honestly, they werent a great team. Just a superbly coached team that took advantage of their opportunities.

Few remember the favor the Vikes did for us the week before...went into SF and upset the Niners... Anthony Carter had a monster game. Had they lost, we would have traveled to SF that week for the championship game... And that would have been a tall order.

Gibbs was so instinctive... Schroeder was brilliant in 1986, but not as great in 87, so Gibbs has the guts to stick with Williams come playoff time.

That game ended with Gibbs on his knees on the sidelines and Darrell Green making the final play.... Talk about two legends (although it was really just a dropped pass :) )

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Do you think that you might put these games up as torrents for download? I sure would like to get a copy for my archive.

Thats where I got most of my games from on tenyardtorrents but it takes a while to get an account there since they limit the numbers. I just got lucky because I made mine 4-5 years ago early on.

I could create a new torrent though but right now I'm downloading a lot of games so I'd have to do it later.

---------- Post added October-11th-2011 at 07:38 PM ----------

Yeah this was one of the games I thought a lot of people didn't see so I wanted to play it.

That 86 game against the Vikings was crazy though. I've never seen 2 teams throw the ball deep as much as that game. It was just bomb after bomb it seemed.

---------- Post added October-11th-2011 at 07:43 PM ----------

Few remember the favor the Vikes did for us the week before...went into SF and upset the Niners... Anthony Carter had a monster game. Had they lost, we would have traveled to SF that week for the championship game... And that would have been a tall order.

Wasn't that the one where they smoked them 38-20 or something like that? I might have that game too. I have a lot of the other team games but didn't watch most of them yet.

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Thats where I got most of my games from on tenyardtorrents but it takes a while to get an account there since they limit the numbers. I just got lucky because I made mine 4-5 years ago early on.

I could create a new torrent though but right now I'm downloading a lot of games so I'd have to do it later.

---------- Post added October-11th-2011 at 07:38 PM ----------

Yeah this was one of the games I thought a lot of people didn't see so I wanted to play it.

That 86 game against the Vikings was crazy though. I've never seen 2 teams throw the ball deep as much as that game. It was just bomb after bomb it seemed.

Well if you feel like burning it to disc for me I'll pay you for your time or whatever. If you make a torrent for this game please let me know. Thanks

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Well if you feel like burning it to disc for me I'll pay you for your time or whatever. If you make a torrent for this game please let me know. Thanks

Sure, I'll make a torrent for the game but I'll have to do it after the weekends games slow down because they are eating most of my bandwidth. Probably tomorrow night.

I'll just bump this thread when I play a different game instead of making a new thread every time but the Super Bowl will be on next. I'm sure its going to be too late for most people who want to watch though.

---------- Post added October-11th-2011 at 08:39 PM ----------

The Super Bowl is going to be on after this.

Redskins about to stop the Vikings at the goalline on the final drive now.

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Tuned in just in time to see Timmy Smith run 58 yards for a TD :D

---------- Post added October-11th-2011 at 10:23 PM ----------

Sewell on the Broncos caught a pass 1 yard short of the 1st down marker and the ref immediately signaled a first down :ols:...I remember yelling at my TV when that happened, saying 'WTF!' real loud...

Williams throws a crappy pass, almost picked off. Wonder how the SB would have played out if it had been..

Doug Williams has a ridiculously pretty deep ball...Sanders scores again :)

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I LOVED those old CBS graphics. Brings me back to my childhood.
I used to love when the old pregame show would come on CBS back in the day..the one where Musburger would go...."You are looking LIIIVVEE at sold out RFK Stadium in Washington, where the NFC East-leading Redskins look to stay undefeated against the Dallas Cowgirls".:)
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You and I seem to be in the same boat in that I've had my YouTube account shutdown 4 times due to having old games on so I've decided to try posting games for a week or so and then pull them. Good Luck with your channel.

As for the game, the Vikes put up a good fight but the Skins D played some great ball that day. Olkewicz's goalline stop is one of the forgotten gem plays of the Gibbs 1 run.

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You and I seem to be in the same boat in that I've had my YouTube account shutdown 4 times due to having old games on so I've decided to try posting games for a week or so and then pull them. Good Luck with your channel.

The thing about JTV is that they KNOW that everything on the site shouldn't be legal to play, especially all the new movies that are out in the theaters or semi new movies and tv shows, but they don't ban you until there is a complaint but somehow some of those movie channels go for months without getting banned so I think you just have to watch out what you play. It was just strange to me because I went 3 months with 1/2 a million views and 6000 followers on there then BOOM, got banned for something with no explanation while about 500 people were watching what I was playing at the time.

Then 2-3 days later my new channel got banned too and they don't tell you why, so I'll just play football games and see how long that lasts, before I just played stand up comedy and older movies sometimes. Now I have a lot of old games so I can switch it up and play the 70's Raiders/Steelers matchups or some of the 49ers games, I just won't play Redskins losses since I don't download those lol. I do have a lot of Redskins regular season games too and all of the playoff games.

It's offline now but I can play more later probably in the afternoon/evening is best.

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