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OWS: Let's Focus on the Protestors and Just Ignore Wall Street!


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... and once again we are ignoring Wall Street.

I don't think someone can ignore Wall Street's influence on politics, to be honest.

---------- Post added October-9th-2011 at 11:25 PM ----------

And someone will probably dismiss this and tell me it's irrelevant but Obama is the biggest recipient of Wall Street cash last election cycle.
Yeah, but isn't it also true that Wall Street cash is leaving him this election cycle?
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Am for reducing all gov't.
Yeah, we can get rid of Congress, right? Oops!!

I think arguing over the size of the government is somewhat of a red herring. I want better government, I want Constitutionally guaranteed open government (as in there are video cameras in every nook, cranny and hall of Congress, and Congressmen must log their visits the same way the President log's his visits, plus any presentation they receive must be shared with their constituents.).

I don't see how smaller government helps battle what I'd call a corrupt-like government.

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but isn't it also true that Wall Street cash is leaving him this election cycle?

Don't know what Wall Street cash is doing this next cycle, but I can confidently project that Union money ($1.1Billion) will more than make up for it.

---------- Post added October-9th-2011 at 11:42 PM ----------

I don't see how smaller government helps battle what I'd call a corrupt-like government.

It involves lessening the bureaucrats who make arbritary decisions that affect citizens. You start making gov't smaller, more transparent and less arbritary and you start reducing corruption.

---------- Post added October-9th-2011 at 11:44 PM ----------

red herring.....

Yeah, we can get rid of Congress, right? Oops!!

Straw man

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Hard for me to understand the defense of the incestuous relationship of Big Money and Big Government that's going on here. Mossomo, I doubt you even realize that's what you are doing, but that's what it amounts to as you defend the status quo or rail against the occupiers.

Then again, maybe you are for the way the system currently works and think that corporate American and political America are running smoothly and efficiently and in our engaging in behaviors that are in our best long and short term interest.

There's much similiarity in the core of what the "Tea Party" is saying. The two are just beginning at opposite ends. One is starting by looking at government corruption and the other is looking at private and government corruption. Hard to believe in a world of Enron, Haliburton, Solytron, Bank of America, Freddie and Fannie that you can't conceive of corporate misdeeds or collusion with the government to further their own wealth and power at the expense of others.

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Regardless these Government elected attorneys if so innocent should know how to write legislation without so many loopholes ;)

I mean really?

:ols: That's circular reasoning! LoL!

1. Wall Street controls politicians

2. Politicians make the rules

3. Wall Street wants rules with loopholes

4. We need politicians who will close the loopholes

5. See #1.

The protestors ARE right Wall Street DOES control too much with their money and influence, and no these major banks are NOT as innocent as their idolatrous worshippers on the Right would lead us to believe.

The system is broken and the prisoners are paying off the guards and we get stuck with the bill while they all get rich, just the way they want it. But the bank clergy would have us believe that electing one of their priests would ensure salvation for us all, when it will only serve to lead us further into ruin.

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I mean really, Wall Street didn't make the rules :) They just followed the leader.

The banks loved subprime mortgages even more than Barney Frank and lobbied the government not to regulate the CDO market. If you honestly believe the banking industry just follows the lead of the government and blindly does its bidding, you are delusional.

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Great thread. I'm not sure how anybody can continue to say "but what do they want?" without intentionally forcing themselves to not know.

I also don't understand how those on either the right or the left, can actually defend any of it. It's not a partisan thing, it's class warfare and we need to be united.

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"It's really important for us not to give any legitimacy to these people in the streets," King said. "I remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets, and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can't allow that to happen." - Rep Peter King

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"It's really important for us not to give any legitimacy to these people in the streets," King said. "I remember what happened in the 1960s when the left-wing took to the streets, and somehow the media glorified them and it ended up shaping policy. We can't allow that to happen." - Rep Peter King

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” Gandhi

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Obviously, corporate greed is a problem and Wall Street is in need of an overhaul, but I have to ask the OWS folks what they have in mind for solutions. How do they plan on fixing our financial problems? I'm not being a smart ass. I'm legitimately curious.

That's the point, they don't have anything in mind for solutions, in fact I'd argue they don't even know what they want. I had the pleasure of walking by this group on Saturday when I was in NYC, and I saw a bevy of signs ranging anywhere from "End the War" to "Execute Corporations" to "Peace" to "Legalize Marijuana" to "I Don't Need Oil, I Ride the Bus".

And anyway you slice it, it is about the have and have nots.

---------- Post added October-10th-2011 at 08:22 AM ----------

And to add...this "movement" is far more like the London Riots than the Tea Party or the Arab Spring uprisings. (edit: I'm aware thats not the best comparison, but the point is the same)

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One more thing. My impression is that GOP's strategy has been to get elected by saying "government sucks". Then, once elected, make the government even worse. Then scream "government sucks" even louder to get re-elected.

Yes the government sucks... Yes our government policies has led to a whole bunch of bad things. Does it have to be that way? Can we get a competent government which does good things? I think so. Well, ok, so first we have to drop the stupid "government always sucks and should not do anything" crap and start talking about what the government should do, and how the government should do it.

---------- Post added October-10th-2011 at 08:29 AM ----------

And to add...this "movement" is far more like the London Riots than the Tea Party or the Arab Spring uprisings.

Are you really comparing this peaceful and largely law-abiding protest againsts corporate influence in government to a bunch of flash mob looters? :ciao: :insane:

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One more thing. My impression is that GOP's strategy has been to get elected by saying "government sucks". Then, once elected, make the government even worse. Then scream "government sucks" even louder to get re-elected.
Yes, the Democratic response. "The government is great if the republicans will just get out of the way and let us prove it". Mind you, they even yelled this when they controlled the Presidency, and both sides of congress.

It's all rhetoric. One is no better than the other.

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Are you really comparing this peaceful and largely law-abiding protest againsts corporate influence in government to a bunch of flash mob looters? :ciao: :insane:

Yes because storming the National Air and Space Museum and ****ting on police cars is peaceful and law-abiding (But I'll admit the London Riots aren't the best comparison), but my point is still the same that the OWS is nothing like the Arab Spring Uprisings or the Tea Party Movement.

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Yes because storming the National Air and Space Museum and ****ting on police cars is peaceful and law-abiding (But I'll admit the London Riots aren't the best comparison), but my point is still the same that the OWS is nothing like the Arab Spring Uprisings or the Tea Party Movement.

Ah, so you admit that the Tea Party is wholly driven by racists with a racist agenda... because clearly the smallest minority speaks for all, yes?

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Arab Spring Uprisings or the Tea Party Movement.

Ok putting these two beside each other makes it look as if you are saying that they were both equals in their significance.

Better put; OWS and the Tea Party are nothing like the Arab Spring uprisings.

OWS and their Ivy League degrees complaining about the influence of money and the Tea Party with their Medicare scooters saying how bad the government is, these don't even hold a candle to the Arab Spring uprisings which toppled governments.

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Ok putting these two beside each other makes it look as if you are saying that they were both equals in their significance.

Better put; OWS and the Tea Party are nothing like the Arab Spring uprisings.

Fair enough, but those are two major movements that the OWS commonly seems to be compared too; I never implyed they were equal.

---------- Post added October-10th-2011 at 09:11 AM ----------

Ah, so you admit that the Tea Party is wholly driven by racists with a racist agenda... because clearly the smallest minority speaks for all, yes?


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They're frustrated with the terrible economy and fed up with greed and corruption.

If you listen to the OWS this is exactly what it's about.

Beyond that, I'm not really sure because they don't speak with one voice.

Because everyone wants to bring their own soapbox along to protest their pet cause, Tea Party was no different in that respect.

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exactly. They don NOT have a clear voice and like the Tea Party, are susceptible to being painted by the most extreme people at their events.

nothing wrong with their protest. But if these people aren't closing their accounts with BOA or the big boy banks to move their money to local credit unions.....then what's the end goal?

Close your accounts, find another business who's practices you are more comfortable with, and speak proudly of it.

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They're frustrated with the terrible economy and fed up with greed and corruption. Beyond that, I'm not really sure because they don't speak with one voice.

There are a lot of different people, focusing on a lot of different problems, but they're all just symptoms of one giant illness. Our bought and sold corrupt government.

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