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SOW | Feelin' "High"


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Welcome to Bizzaro World. That is where we must be because instead of looking completely lost the WashingtonRedskins are having a phenomenal preseason.

Currently leading the NFL in offense, and defense, and more happily sitting atop the NFC East (so there you go Rex Grossman), the Redskins have players coming up huge so far on both sides of the ball. Happily, some of the fresh faces in Ashburn are really standing out and making an immediate impact.

Among these standouts, newly acquired running back Tim Hightower’s star has definitely shined the brightest. Putting up impressive numbers against tough defenses in Pittsburg and Indianapolis. I know it’s just preseason, but even the greatest of the Burgundy and Gold Chicken Littles have to agree, this guy has been impressive.

I have to admit before he came to DC, in the late July “blockbuster” I did not know a whole lot about the guy. I was actually a little shocked that we made the trade due to the fact that I had always viewed Hightower as more of a “Short Yardage” or “Power Back”. I thought the guy would be a back up that had little impact on this offense. I thought it was a junk trade to get rid of Vonnie Holliday who wasn’t going to make this team anyway.

I just want to take this moment to say that I, am an absolute idiot. Honestly,never considered him to be able to do it all, nor did I think he was capable of being an every down back. But honestly why would I think he could?

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Wow - after two PRESEASON games?

Remember the good old days when no one gave a crap about preseason? B/C it is meaningless. Good teams dont really play b/c they want to save it for the season when games actually Count. Teams that go all out to win a meaningless game?

The Skins go 4-0 in pre-season.. WOW!

It will all be forgotten and You are a lame-o if you think any of this means anything until Sept. 11th. The Steelers didnt show up b/c they dont have to... they know they are going to be good without wasting effort in meaningless games. They did well against the Colts always crappy Defense and held the Manning-less colts offense, captained by some guy who is being replace this week by a retired Kerry Collins.

They did well in 2 meaningless games and 1 team that phoned it in and a shell of a team. Dont get your hopes up yet.

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Very good article... curious rd4, was this written by you or are you in charge of the website?

Ya man I run it and write, if I have any guest posts they are credited but so far just me Soup and Left have helped with some of the graphic stuff

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Wow - after two PRESEASON games?

Remember the good old days when no one gave a crap about preseason? B/C it is meaningless. Good teams dont really play b/c they want to save it for the season when games actually Count. Teams that go all out to win a meaningless game?

The Skins go 4-0 in pre-season.. WOW!

It will all be forgotten and You are a lame-o if you think any of this means anything until Sept. 11th. The Steelers didnt show up b/c they dont have to... they know they are going to be good without wasting effort in meaningless games. They did well against the Colts always crappy Defense and held the Manning-less colts offense, captained by some guy who is being replace this week by a retired Kerry Collins.

They did well in 2 meaningless games and 1 team that phoned it in and a shell of a team. Dont get your hopes up yet.

Someone piss in your coffee this morning? Yes, some may take the preseason with a grain of salt, but then why was Mike Tomlin so mad that his team had not prepared well enough for us? Sure seems strange if they dont usually care about preseason games right?

Mathis and Freeney are noteably the nastiest outside end combo in the league with multiple sack games, crappy defense!?

Our team has shown drastic improvement and the preseason allows time for our vets, and new guys to gel... so we may need more time than other teams, so we shouldn't care?

Not trying to derail the thread RD... good write up, loved Hightower in AZ and he's a high character guy as well. I know on 4th and 1 from the goal line we are getting the TD! HAIL

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I'm curious about something - you wrote 991 words and yet, only posted the first 77 of them here. Why wouldn't you give potential readers a bigger excerpt to try and entice more people to click the link? Even if you posted a third of the write-up there would still be plenty left for folks to read on your website and you'd give ES members more of a reason to want to finish the article.

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Wow - after two PRESEASON games?

Remember the good old days when no one gave a crap about preseason? B/C it is meaningless. Good teams dont really play b/c they want to save it for the season when games actually Count. Teams that go all out to win a meaningless game?

The Skins go 4-0 in pre-season.. WOW!

It will all be forgotten and You are a lame-o if you think any of this means anything until Sept. 11th. The Steelers didnt show up b/c they dont have to... they know they are going to be good without wasting effort in meaningless games. They did well against the Colts always crappy Defense and held the Manning-less colts offense, captained by some guy who is being replace this week by a retired Kerry Collins.

They did well in 2 meaningless games and 1 team that phoned it in and a shell of a team. Dont get your hopes up yet.

Did you even read? Typical Chicken little... The article was about the promise that Hightower is showing, and his potential in Shanahans System. Never did it say we are winning ANY games pump the breaks man and go eat some ice cream it will make you feel better.

---------- Post added August-24th-2011 at 12:48 PM ----------

I'm curious about something - you wrote 991 words and yet, only posted the first 77 of them here. Why wouldn't you give potential readers a bigger excerpt to try and entice more people to click the link? Even if you posted a third of the write-up there would still be plenty left for folks to read on your website and you'd give ES members more of a reason to want to finish the article.

Just was trying to not have a super huge post? Still trying to figure this thing out.

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Wow - after two PRESEASON games?

WOW, trying reading before posting. The article has nothing to do with the team and some success or possible 16-0 and super bowl bound.

It's about one guy and how he got here and what he brings to the table, and how this could be a great move by the FO, etc etc etc.

Get a grip man.

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Great write up. I said in another thread i was one of CP26s biggest supporters and actually hoped he resigned this year to play in a more limited role. I see now that i was wrong and we were way late in letting him go. These young guys look fantastic! Not tripping on themselves or losing their balance with no contact. Ill always love CP for carrying the team on his back in 2005 and 2007, but it was def time to say goodbye. Looking forward to watching Hightower this season.

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Great write up. I said in another thread i was one of CP26s biggest supporters and actually hoped he resigned this year to play in a more limited role. I see now that i was wrong and we were way late in letting him go. These young guys look fantastic! Not tripping on themselves or losing their balance with no contact. Ill always love CP for carrying the team on his back in 2005 and 2007, but it was def time to say goodbye. Looking forward to watching Hightower this season.

I agree man I have a special place for CP but it's time to embrace change

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I have no horse in this race but I am interested in seeing how Torrain looks with this OL. He's battling for the third spot after HT and Helu take 2 of them.

I must confess I'm enjoying watching the ZBS running game as it is this season. It's like synchronised swimming, OL wise in how they all move together. Add in the QB rolling out and it looks so simple yet so effective because it's hard to stop both consistently.

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Nice article RD.....great pictures.

Your site has everything, I can't wait to see what you'll put in the podcast area.

Wish you had some redskins creds, to take pictures and interview the players.

Already told a bunch of people at work about your site. They also dig it.

Keep it up man.....:point2sky

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I'm drunk on the red kool aid right about now :ols: Hightower and Helu can never replace my love for CP but I'm damn sure happy that they are Redskins. I think Torain will run like a man possessed when he gets in the game and raise the level of competition among the backs. I am truly excited about this season as I always am but it just feels different this year.

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