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Snyder to be on Rome is Burning


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It is simple really. Jim Rome has been a big supporter of Snyder from day one. When everyone bashed Snyder, Rome came to his defense and continues to defend Snyder almost everytime. Snyder usually gives good interviews. I just hope tonight's interview isn't dominated with Milloy/tampering stuff. I want to hear Snyder's insight into the team and week 2.

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I caught it. Not too much to it.

Snyder always impresses me the way he handles to media when actually giving an interview.

- Rome tried to trip him up when asking about the Milloy thing, but Snyder just pretty much said "Look, Peter King wrote it, Milloy's denying he said... I wasn't there, I have no idea what its about."

- He said they were hoping Ramsey would continue to turn out well, and that he could be their Tom Brady in his year 2.

- Snyder reinforced he doesn't get involved in personnel decisions other than tiebreakers between Spurrier and Vinny. Said he doesn't grade talent or anything like that.

- Reinforced that there was nothing personal between him and the Jets, it just so happened the top free agents on their board were Jets players.

My wife had never seen Jim Rome before. She asked me, "Is he an idiot?"

It was hard to say no, but he's just like a Jim Gray, out to make folks angry to get ratings.

I can't say he's an idiot. Clearly he's not. But I don't like him.

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Well Dogg, I didn't like the lawyerish answers on the Milloy thing. Rome asked whether there had been contact with Milloy before he was released and the answer was "we did nothing wrong." Staying on the scent, Rome asked "did you talk to Milloy before he was released?" and Snyder said no. The followup question was narrow and asked only whether Snyder himself spoke directly to Milloy. That one he answered. The first question was clearly ducked. There was no unequivocal denial of pre-release contact by someone to someone. Now I don't know what the rule is, but I'm telling you the answers were given VERY carefully. Unless Snyder was playing around a little, there's a little more than just smoke here, I fear. I sure hope it goes away.

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Originally posted by carlsbadd

I was to pissed to remember most of what Lamps said. Most of it was how Spurrier was a spoiled Golden Boy who had everything handed to him, and who's ego is to big to be a decent coach in the NFL,blah,blah ,blah.

Are you sure Lampley wasn't describing himself.

Talk about a windbag! :rolleyes:

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