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ESPN - Doug Williams to Announce Skins 2nd Round Pick


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The other players are Aeneas Williams (Arizona), Jessie Tuggle (Atlanta), Peter Boulware (Baltimore), Andre Reed (Buffalo), Brad Hoover (Carolina), Richard Dent (Chicago), Anthony Munoz (Cincinnati), Paul Warfield (Cleveland), Charles Haley (Dallas), Shannon Sharpe (Denver), Jim Taylor (Green Bay), Aaron Glenn (Houston), Jeff Herrod (Indianapolis), Donovin Darius (Jacksonville), Willie Lanier (Kanas City), Sam Madison (Miami), Chris Doleman (Minnesota), Andre Tippett (New England), Willie Roaf (New Orleans), Joe Morris (Giants), Marty Lyons (Jets), Willie Brown (Oakland), Troy Vincent (Philadelphia), Natrone Means (San Diego), Dwight Clark (San Francisco), Cortez Kennedy (Seattle), John Lynch (Tampa Bay), Jevon Kearse (Tennessee) and Doug Williams (Washington).

I think it's very cool that Doug Williams gets to announce our 2nd round pick.

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I think it makes the draft a little more interesting to be honest. I expect more movement by teams because of needs that were not able to be filled through free agency this year. I believe they did the same thing last year with retired players in the second round.

What does surprise on this list is Troy Vincent from Philly being there. He was very big in the union for quite a while.

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That is kind of cool. A Redskin that was drafted before FA gets to announce our pick...........before FA.

I actually would rather have a draft before FA every year.

The draft is generally more of a crap shoot than FA so I prefer FA first so you can fill needs and then use the draft to either fill what you didn't get in FA or simply take the BPA. I could be wrong but I expect to see more teams draft for need this year instead of going their usual BPA route.

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I am proud to say that a very good friend of mine in Georgia bought me an number 17 jersey with his name on it, it is my prized possession and i wear it whenever i can being a redskin fan in australia puts me in the minority but wearing that jersey makes me smile with pride even if other aussies dont know what the jersey is or who Mr Williams is i know and thats all that counts

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Vinnie... Is that you?

Isn't Pouncey an olinemen?

No way Vinny drafts him. : )

As for Doug, I guess it's all nice and everything but couldn't they find a real Redskin to represent us?

What I mean by that is a longer tenured player? If you want the Super Bowl MVP angle, there's this guy named Mark Rypien who for some reason continues to get the shaft when it comes to his place in Redskin history. He won Super Bowl MVP AND actually played with us for a while (8 years with the team, 6 years on field action, 5 years led the team in passing vs Williams' 4 years with the team 3 years on field action, 1 season led the team in passing).

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