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NY Restaurant suggestions


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I know we have a thread on New York already; I posted this in there and didn't get a lot of response, so I'm hoping to get a little more if I make it a separate thread. See below, and please note the underlined parts.

My wife and I are leaving for our New York weekend in 8 days. We've already got most of our activities planned, so what I'm really interested in is food. I already told her that we can't eat at any chain restaurants and look ourselves in the mirror, not with all the options available, but we don't know what's good. We're particularly interested in Thai, Indian, and Italian food.

I want to eat at a bunch of small family owned type places where the food is good and not overwhelmingly expensive. We're staying on West 52nd Street, which I'm mentioning because I'd like the recommendations to be within a walkable distance. I love walking new areas, my wife needs some convincing since she'd prefer to take the subway or cab, so if you can make recommendations relatively near that area, it would be appreciated.

Some folks were nice enough to give suggestions, but none of them really work. Milon was suggested for good Indian, but it's over 50 blocks away from our hotel. I'd love the walk but would never be able to convince my wife to do so. The same with Lombardi's, nice suggestion but it's also over 50 blocks away, that subway/cab distance.

Also suggested were a Ramen restaurant and a soul food restaurant, neither of which is what I asked for, unless we're shoe-horning Ramen in under Italian. Also, Sylvia's is 70 blocks away, but I will give Totto Ramen credit, it's very close to where we'll be.

So I'll try this again. We're staying around West 52nd Street/7th Avenue. Can anyone recommend good Thai, Indian, Italian that is generally in that area, not a chain restaurant, etc within a reasonable walking distance.

Oh also, a good Irish pub would be nice. I prefer darker, low light type places with an old guy singing hateful songs about the British, not the ones with a bunch of flat screen TV's and college kids.

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I'm assuming you'll be spending most of your time in Manhatten. Pardon the great distances between some of these spots, but if you really want to get a taste of what NY has to offer, then you're gonna have to travel a bit. The subway is cheap and worthwhile...

McSorley's is a New York staple in as far as Irish pubs are concerned.


North: Earthen Oven on Columbia Ave. and W. 72nd

South (mostly veggie): Saravanaas on Lexington and E. 26th

Italian: There's a million of them. I'd suggest google.

Pizza Subcategory: Again, a million of them. Although, if you're trying to get a taste of history, both Ray's and Lombardi's (yes, it's far away, but it's Little Italy!) are on Mott Street. Otherwise, you're not gonna find a terrible difference in quality, in my opinion.

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I would suggest PJ Clarke's as I always do, but I've recently realized that I think there's one in DC now.

For something cheap (maybe a quick lunch one day), you could try the Chipotle in Chelsea which is supposed to be the best Chipotle there is.

Every other good place I've been to in NYC was just completely random and I don't remember their names :(

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There's a Japanese place called Ninja in TriBeCa I heard about that looks really cool. It's all the sushi you can eat and all the beer you can drink for 40 bucks. Inside it looks like a ninja castle during feudal times. Ninjas wait on you as well as threaten you. The rooms are set up like a maze and there are contraptions to deceive the eyes. Not a place for a quiet meal. Lots of groups go for a rollicking good time. Never been but I'd like to hear from someone who has.



Edit: I see it's nowhere near where you're staying, it's not small and family owned, it's not Thai, Italian, or Indian as you prefer. But other than than, hey, it's a spot on recommendation! :thumbsup:

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