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Babe Draft Round 1: Mountain Division Match 4: Slacky McSlackass vs. Mr. Sinister


Cast 4 votes, 1 for each category  

399 members have voted

  1. 1. Cast 4 votes, 1 for each category

    • Under 40 - Vida Guerra
    • Under 40 - Claudia Lynx
    • Over 40 - Araceli Gonzalez
    • Over 40 - Liz Hurley
    • Olympic - Linn Haug
    • Olympic - Francesca Piccinini
    • Reality Star - Audrina Patridge
    • Reality Star - Gia Allemand

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I'll let this one roll a little longer in case there is a major swing in one category, but Slacky appears very comfortable at the moment.

Might as well give it the full two days, it's not like the whole tournament is waiting on this contest. That said, it's looking pretty good for Slacky.


Oh, and unregistered users can't vote anymore, so the count is as displayed. Finally.

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