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Thoughts on Michael Vicks 2nd Chance....


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Thought I'de post something a little different here on the board. What's your opinion on Michael Vick's second chance in the NFL....I personally thought he was amazing when he first came into the NFL, it was great to see him, but then when he was charged and sent to prison I lost all respect for the man...however makes you believe that some people can indeed change given a second chance. He's done nothing but change his whole life around. Being that I dont want to see the Eagles in the Superbowl, but if they did go and happened to win, I'de be happy to see Michael Vick become MVP. The man still voulenteers to talk to kids about how bad dog fighting can be and has really turned into a role model. I dont see him showboat and looks very proffesional, something DeSean needs to look at. So if Michael Vick did become the 2010 MVP would you guys be proud of the man? I vote yes, he's really turned his life and NFL career around.

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I don't think this belongs in this forum, and I'll also say that its sure to spark a controversial, vicious debate.

My answer is that I don't think there's any way to really know if Micheal Vick the man has changed, as he's forced to do everything that he does now in the interests of, you know, not going back to jail, and improving his public image.

This resurgence of his career is very fun to watch, despite the fact that he's an Eagle, but anyone who says that they know for sure Vick is a changed man, and actually regrets what he did, rather than getting caught for what he did, is lying, and simply seeing what they want to see. Because there's no way to know. As long as he continues to walk a straight line in terms of the law and his parole, it will be impossible to ever know.

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I think this thread is in the wrong forum but I do agree with you.

I am an animal lover and I absolutely DESPISE what Vick was involved with, I hate it! But the man has paid his debt and will continue to pay it...he has done very well for himself given the 2nd chance he's been given. Major props to the guy.

One thing, Mike Vick is still crucified by a majority of the public for what he's done, but there is no outrage for a guy like Stallworth who friggin drove drunk, hit and killed a man, then only served 28 days in jail for it. I hate hearing that the guy was jay walking or whatever, if Stallworth wasn't on the road then he wouldn't have hit the guy, if he wasn't driving drunk maybe he could have reacted better.

If he hit the guy and wasn't impaired at all, then I could see 28 days or whatever... but he was drunk, hit and killed the man, yet Vick continues to get crucified while he gets nothing.

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Not to mention I'm just now getting over the second game (59 damn points). That hurt man. Vick is out of this world good. Going to be interesting to see what the critics and skeptics are saying when he beats The Patriots or The Steelers in the SB.

Make no mistake either. This is all Vick lol. Kolb wouldn't have the eagles making a SB push.

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Not to mention I'm just now getting over the second game (59 damn points). That hurt man. Vick is out of this world good. Going to be interesting to see what the critics and skeptics are saying when he beats The Patriots or The Steelers in the SB.

Make no mistake either. This is all Vick lol. Kolb wouldn't have the eagles making a SB push.

This is pure gold. There's not a chance in hell the Eagles get to the Super Bowl, much less win the Super Bowl. The city of Philadelphia and their fans do not deserve a Lombardi, and they won't get one this year. The Eagles are too reliant on Vick, and can only go as far as Vick takes them, and there are several teams in the playoffs that will be able to contain Vick and the offense. Also, their defense is in shambles, and if defenses win championships, then the Eagles won't be winning one this season.

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This is gonna get super ugly, so strap yourself in.

I will say that I'm not as viciously anti-Vick as I used to be; though I am disgusted by what he did. He did serve his time, though, and he's made the most out of this second chance. I can't fault a guy for doing that. Would I let him near my husky? No friggin' way. Do I wish serious harm upon him? Not at all.

It's all a little soured for me, though, since he is an Eagle. Can't like that too much.

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This is pure gold. There's not a chance in hell the Eagles get to the Super Bowl, much less win the Super Bowl. The city of Philadelphia and their fans do not deserve a Lombardi, and they won't get one this year. The Eagles are too reliant on Vick, and can only go as far as Vick takes them, and there are several teams in the playoffs that will be able to contain Vick and the offense. Also, their defense is in shambles, and if defenses win championships, then the Eagles won't be winning one this season.

As much as I loathe the Eagles and their fans (especially), you could make the same argument for Tampa, Oakland, and Dallas, yet they have 9 between them.

Having said that, I don't see them winning the whole thing, either. One hard luck tackle to Vick or Jackson and their season is finished. Also, their defense isn't exactly stellar. I think it's going to be either the Falcons or the Saints to come out of the NFC.

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As much as I loathe the Eagles and their fans (especially), you could make the same argument for Tampa, Oakland, and Dallas, yet they have 9 between them.

Having said that, I don't see them winning the whole thing, either. One hard luck tackle to Vick or Jackson and their season is finished. Also, their defense isn't exactly stellar. I think it's going to be either the Falcons or the Saints to come out of the NFC.

If Michael doesn't get hurt he will destroy both (NO, ATL) teams. Our Hardcore D (When he had everybody playing) was the only D to knock him out. He bounced back from broken ribs and went on to make our D look like it belonged in High School.

Tom Brady and Michael Vick are the best QB's playing the game today.

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I don't think this belongs in this forum, and I'll also say that its sure to spark a controversial, vicious debate.

My answer is that I don't think there's any way to really know if Micheal Vick the man has changed, as he's forced to do everything that he does now in the interests of, you know, not going back to jail, and improving his public image.

This resurgence of his career is very fun to watch, despite the fact that he's an Eagle, but anyone who says that they know for sure Vick is a changed man, and actually regrets what he did, rather than getting caught for what he did, is lying, and simply seeing what they want to see. Because there's no way to know. As long as he continues to walk a straight line in terms of the law and his parole, it will be impossible to ever know.

I agree with this. I say it all the time that you cant really know if he is a changed man because he is doing what he has to do. If he felt no remorse at all there is no way we would be able to tell because he wouldnt be able to show that side or how he really feels.

I believe he PROBABLY feels bad for torturing the dogs but i think he probably still feels that dog fighting is no big deal. Its just the culture. I never agreed with dog fighting but it was no big deal where i grew up because i knew people who did it...so i never agreed with him having to do 2 years in jail but I understand that he was being made a example of by the feds. But its hypocritical to me because there is no real outrage agaisnt **** fighting, or bull fighting, or hunting, or even the horse racing community. Its just what people feel about dogs that caused the outrage...but who is to be the judge as to which animals its ok to slaughter/torture and which ones shouldnt...who's place is it to decide the value of one animals life compared to another. Again i dont feel its right to torture/hunt/slaughter any animal. Its hypocritical Yea you guys were right this does belong in another forum lol.

Now as fas as Vick winning MVP and maybe a championship...like someone else said its definately bittersweet for me. When he came out of Vtech i said he has the potential to be one of the greatest if not the greatest qb of all time. I love to watch greatness so its good to see him finally reach and live up to his potential but the down side is that he plays for Philly...which sucks. Man we really should of signed him...he wanted to come here. Thats one more mistake Shanny made. But hopefully he will demand too much money and leave Philly (Wishfull thinking i know), philly usually doesnt like to pay too much money so thats all we can hope for. By the way am I the only one who has a feeling that we may somehow end up with Kold eventually if Philly does keep Vick?

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Bittersweet. He is literally going to lead our division rival to their first SB win. If it wasn't for Tom Brady playing out of his mind he would be MVP. He is going to vindicate Andy for making the D-Mac trade.

Philly is lucky to have him for cheap smh

Lucky? They were the only one willing to take a chance on him--that's not luck. I hate to say it, but it was a brilliant move by Andy Reid and co.

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Whether or not you think the punishment was too light or too heavy, the simple fact is that Vick was doing more than simply "fighting dogs" His property was basically a compound for where the dogs were tortured on a daily basis in order to change them from a normal pet, into a vicious killing machine. The process involved in this is vomit-inducing. A lot of people think of two dogs fighting as one thing, but they really fail to grasp the torture and pain and suffering that went into making the dogs get to the point of wanting to be a vicious killer in the first place.

Vick wasn't simply "showing up to a dog fight to fight dogs"

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If they win the ship Andy is hands down a HOF coach. Which starts all the D-Mac questions but thats another thread. Vick is the man.

This I agree with. Andy Reid is already a top 20 all time head coach. One Lombardi and he's a shoo-in for Canton.

For older fans, do you see a lot of similarities between Reid and Madden (who also had his troubles in the post season)?

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Whether or not you think the punishment was too light or too heavy, the simple fact is that Vick was doing more than simply "fighting dogs" His property was basically a compound for where the dogs were tortured on a daily basis in order to change them from a normal pet, into a vicious killing machine. The process involved in this is vomit-inducing. A lot of people think of two dogs fighting as one thing, but they really fail to grasp the torture and pain and suffering that went into making the dogs get to the point of wanting to be a vicious killer in the first place.

Vick wasn't simply "showing up to a dog fight to fight dogs"

Your right about that and you make a good point. Everyone does cruel things to train their dogs to fight but he took it to another lever. I cant argue that

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Whether or not you think the punishment was too light or too heavy, the simple fact is that Vick was doing more than simply "fighting dogs" His property was basically a compound for where the dogs were tortured on a daily basis in order to change them from a normal pet, into a vicious killing machine. The process involved in this is vomit-inducing. A lot of people think of two dogs fighting as one thing, but they really fail to grasp the torture and pain and suffering that went into making the dogs get to the point of wanting to be a vicious killer in the first place.

Vick wasn't simply "showing up to a dog fight to fight dogs"

And? He got charged for all of it, went to jail, lost millions, lost friends/associates, ruined a franchise and is on a short leash for anything else he does negative while in the NFL. He didn't kill one human being, get over it or go do something to stop the next man from doing what he did. Btw which is also what he's doing.

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I think this thread is in the wrong forum but I do agree with you.

I am an animal lover and I absolutely DESPISE what Vick was involved with, I hate it! But the man has paid his debt and will continue to pay it...he has done very well for himself given the 2nd chance he's been given. Major props to the guy.

One thing, Mike Vick is still crucified by a majority of the public for what he's done, but there is no outrage for a guy like Stallworth who friggin drove drunk, hit and killed a man, then only served 28 days in jail for it. I hate hearing that the guy was jay walking or whatever, if Stallworth wasn't on the road then he wouldn't have hit the guy, if he wasn't driving drunk maybe he could have reacted better.

If he hit the guy and wasn't impaired at all, then I could see 28 days or whatever... but he was drunk, hit and killed the man, yet Vick continues to get crucified while he gets nothing.

Exactly. Some people seriously need to put what he did in perspective. We have murderers playing in the NFL right up the road and Stall-moron and yet apparently dogfighting , sick as it is without question and it hit home cause I had a family dog for a decade, is apparently worse than killing someone?

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