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I think Rogers would be a top CB in the league if he could make more INT, im glad he got one, maybe it'll get his confidence boosting again. As for Cooley, his TD drop i think screwed with his mind alittle, but you could tell he was trying to make up for it, especially on the hard run after the catch and stretching out to try and score the TD towards the end.

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Cooley drops are nothing new

yer kidding right?

the man has had an off year after years and years of producing for us and so many people here have stated wanting to see him gone. i know you arent saying that in this post but some of the animosity i have seen towards him this year just amazes me!

im beginning to feel that we arent a better team is because of that attitude.... with this fan base and the way we are so quick to pull the trigger on guys.... the truth is we DONT DESERVE to be successful!

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Cooley dropped 2 in the first half of the season.

According to the incredibly subjective and unreliable stats. Anyone watching every single game saw him drop many more than that. He isn't "old reliable" anymore. Not always. Which is fine, I'm just saying that he had more than two drops the first half of the season.

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yer kidding right?

the man has had an off year after years and years of producing for us and so many people here have stated wanting to see him gone. i know you arent saying that in this post but some of the animosity i have seen towards him this year just amazes me!

im beginning to feel that we arent a better team is because of that attitude.... with this fan base and the way we are so quick to pull the trigger on guys.... the truth is we DONT DESERVE to be successful!

I have no animosity towards him, I'm just being realistic.

The Skin need draft picks and young players, and he's one of the few older players we have who might actually be worth something, and we already have a young replacement. He also deserves a chance to play for a winner next year.

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I have no animosity towards him, I'm just being realistic.

The Skin need draft picks and young players, and he's one of the few older players we have who might actually be worth something, and we already have a young replacement. He also deserves a chance to play for a winner next year.

and that is a reasonable point of view... but i have been amazed at some of the hate i have seen for a guy who has been the epitome of a blue collar redskin.

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Well, lets be really honest here. The pass to Cooley was in his gut, and he has not had an accurate short pass thrown to him all season. He was probably surprised (shocked) to have a ball he could actually catch. Most have been at his feet, over his head, or bouncing.

I really like the guy, but it is obvious his motivation has flown out the window. Too much drama in the club house for him it would appear.

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yer kidding right?

the man has had an off year after years and years of producing for us and so many people here have stated wanting to see him gone. i know you arent saying that in this post but some of the animosity i have seen towards him this year just amazes me!

im beginning to feel that we arent a better team is because of that attitude.... with this fan base and the way we are so quick to pull the trigger on guys.... the truth is we DONT DESERVE to be successful!

Im not saying that over the years he hasnt been incredibly reliable. Hes one of the few weapons weve had. But this year he doesnt seem like his head is in it. Maybe its some of the injuries hes had. Idk. I just know that hes dropped quite a few this year. Some of which Im sure can be blamed on Donovan. But that dropped TD yesterday was embarrassing

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Im not saying that over the years he hasnt been incredibly reliable. Hes one of the few weapons weve had. But this year he doesnt seem like his head is in it. Maybe its some of the injuries hes had. Idk. I just know that hes dropped quite a few this year. Some of which Im sure can be blamed on Donovan. But that dropped TD yesterday was embarrassing

i guess im so used to seeing him get flamed on this board anymore i assumed there was a bit of that in your post. if not i apologize. like i tried to make clear though ... the rest of my post wasnt direct at you as much as the cooley hater club that has emerged this year.

there is no doubt that cooley has been out of sync all year and i dont know what could be the issue.... but you can rest assured that if you and i both found that drop embarrassing.... you know it surely chaps cooleys ass.

it happens though... some guys just have a bad year now and again.... im surely not going to hold this one season against a guy who has been by far one of if not the most reliable producer on this team the last 5 years.

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I know cooley was marked as having 4 drops in the first half but one of them i see as unimportant (might of been the 4th). the commentators raved on what a good throw it was from rex, and it was, and that cooley has to make the catch. but he was going to the ground to make it on 3rd down 4 or 5 yrds in front of the first down line with the defender on his back. so even if he catches it we are punting. and it wasn't enough yards to help field position for the punting unit. so while it's a drop and hurts stats/ looks bad, who cares. personally i want cooley to retire a skin. He's one of our only receivers that can get consistent yard after contact. and he's willing to do whatever is asked of him, team first kinda guy. what the skins need.

if carols can keep catching he's a top tier corner in this league with multiple probowl trips. here's hoping.

HTTR :logo:

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The Skin need draft picks and young players, and he's one of the few older players we have who might actually be worth something, and we already have a young replacement.

That's the way I feel, too. If the FO decides to keep Cooley, great. He's a productive player who is still in his prime. But the team badly needs more draft picks and Cooley is a marketable commodity. And like you said we have a younger replacement for him...one that has shown flashes.

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