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Does Beck start next weekend? What about other backups?


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When Shanny made the comment about being eliminated and starting Rex, did he mean that other players would get more playing time also?

Why not see what these other younger guys can do the next two weeks?

Austin and Banks more time at WR early in the games

If they like Paulsen, then actually play more Fred Davis. Maybe he can be trade bait.

Riley, Harris, Barnes and Westbrook more time on D

Is there anybody else who should get time?

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No question..trade Cooley, he has more trade value. Its time for Davis fulltime. Should have been done last year.

I like Fred Davis. But he's getting no time in this system. You already made some bad trades that give away picks. We need to get some of those picks back, and Davis could be starting somewhere. Or, would you rather trade Cooley?
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I say keep Grossman in. He played well yesterday. We need to see him be able to play well over a span of a few weeks to really see anything. One week against a sub-par defense won't tell you much as far as him being a possible starter next season. Let Grossman finish out the year

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Yea, Shanny said Beck would be the #2, but he also said he wanted to see what Beck could do...without really saying he would start..

But Shanny wasn't shy in coming out with the announcement about Grossman, so don't be surprised if you hear about Beck this Wednesday.

I think Austin for sure. They need to get Roydell out of the lineup, or at least stop throwing to him, I don't think he's here for long.

I don't know with who exactly, but do some experimenting with FS, Kareem is not cutting it.

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I saw Austin getting quite a bit of time. He just never saw passes

Would like to see Rabach out of the lineup and Montgomery in at center

Jarmon, Riley, Barnes, Macho all need to see significant PT on D


Would also like to see Hansen, Davis (RB), and Selvish Capers.

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I love that we're just packing it in instead of playing for pride. These are preseason games to Shanahan at this point. Last year, Zorn was playing for his job, as many coaches are after a 5-11 season. The Redskins, however, don't have any looming coaching changes, at least not on the offensive side of the ball. It's all talent evaluation now against REAL teams who actually are playing for their playoff lives in Jacksonville and New York.

The season is a loss, but the way that we're using these three games makes them a win.

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