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wusa9: Redskins Hall of Famer Bobby Mitchell's house catches fire


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WASHINGTON, (WUSA) -- The Shepherd Park home of Redskins Hall of Fame player Bobby Mitchell caught fire Wednesday morning.

D.C. firefighters could be spotted inside the attic tossing out furniture and charred furniture and clothing.

Mitchell's wife, Gwen told 9NEWS NOW she and a daughter were inside the home on Locust Street NW when a neighbor spotted smoke coming from the attic.

"We're going to be fine" she said.

Firefighters had responded and escorted the occupants from the house.

Bobby Mitchell came to the Washington Redskins in the early 1960s after teaming with Jim Brown in the Cleveland Browns backfield. Mitchell was the first African American to play for the 'Skins.

By the time his 11-year Hall of Fame career ended, he had 91 touchdowns and the second highest total yards in NFL history.

The cause of the house fire is undetermined. The loss is estimated at $260,000.

For the past 20 years, Bobby Mitchell has hosted a charity golf tournament that has raised over $6.5 million for leukemia research.

Written by Bruce Johnson

9NEWS NOW & wusa9.com

Wow, that is just awful. :(

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I don't live in DC, but reading that was weird because I live on a "Locust Street" as well

BM and his family I'm sure has friends or families they can stay with until its rebuilt..but this time of the year really sucks! Wishing BM and his family the best

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