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What Have the Redskins Done Right In 2010?

Diesel Hog

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Mods, I searched but didn't find a thread like this already...if there is one, please merge.

So in the midst of yet another sub-par to crappy season, what are the positives? What are the things the team actually did right in 2010?

Here is my list:

1. Fire Vinny

2. Hire Bruce Allen

3. Draft Trent Williams

4. Move L. Landry back to Strong Safety

5. Putting B. Banks on the 53 man roster

6. Adding Torain to the 53 man roster

7. Bringing back the Gold Pants

I'm sure there are some others I'm missing, but just wanted to see what you all think are the positives from another disappointing season.

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I was going to add M. Shanahan to the list, but I think I'll hold off until we see how next season pans out.

As for McNabb, at first I was very excited, but at 5-8, I'm not sure J. Campbell would have done any worse...Here's hoping the team goes after some Linemen this off-season, and also brings in a true #1 WR.

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Firing Vinny was soooo 2009. As was hiring Bruce Allen.

You're right! It was Dec. 2009, I was thinking it was January 2010, oops. Well, the title should read "what have the Redskins done right over the past year".

---------- Post added December-13th-2010 at 01:20 PM ----------

got bruce allen

got mike shanahan

got kyle shanahan

installed a 3-4 defense

got mcnabb

drafted trent williams

found brandon banks

found anthony armstrong

made landry a monster again

made turnovers important

its gonna take time guys. 13 games is nowhere near enough time to judge what these guys are doing.

Agree 100%. I think the team is in the right direction, and this coming off-season will really set the foundation for where this team is heading in the next 5 years.

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Drafted Williams.

Allen, by getting rid of 2 picks for McNabb is no better than Vinny. He's also failed to address the kicking issue. Shane Graham has been available twice now.

The yellow pants are horrible. I hope to never see them again.

They finally got rid of AH.

That's about it for what they got right.

---------- Post added December-13th-2010 at 01:26 PM ----------

got bruce allen

got mike shanahan

got kyle shanahan

installed a 3-4 defense

got mcnabb

Uh yeah. None of those are looking stellar right now.

The 3-4? Really? You're bragging on the worst D in the league?

And Kyle? The guy who abandoned the run after one of the greatest first half's in Redskins history? The same guy who ran it on 3rd and goal from the 10?

Shanny? The guy who can't manage the clock or the AH situation?

I'm not calling them busts, but none of these guys have shown anything to be impressed about.

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It's nice to see all the positives lined up like that. Good personnel moves, mostly.

So, whast have they done BAD?:

-lose games..?

And that's about it. You could say changing the D was 'bad' for THIS YEAR, but it is the future of the NFL and it will grow/get better.

This team just needs everyone to get together, be on the same page, and 'gel' as they say. I really believe it can. It's key that the veteran guys, the ones a couple years away from the door, stay committed, help out the young guys, and play hard, even if they know they're not winning a SB.

Shanny has said, ONE thing about his SB teams was that everyone was on the same page. Everyone bought in to what he wanted to do. I take that as more than podium chit chat, I think it means a lot. Shanny's attitude here for the last 5 years would have meant no CP costumes, no Albert haynesworth,..no bad character guys. Somehow, it's a good thing for this team to get thoroughly embarrassed, and make sure they can stick together. It seems they are. Even Gano isn't all that worried.

To answer the OP question, I'll say they've done so much right, it's amazing. Fundamentally, this team needed an overhaul, and it got it. Step 1- done. On to step 2- win games...

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Wow. Now you are just ****ing for ****ing's sake.

Yeah, the gold pants look cool. I realize that fashion doesn't matter at the end of the day, and all that does is winning, but the White Jerseys / Gold Pants combo is the best uniform combo I've seen. It is far superior to All Burgundy, All White, and at this point, I'm so sick of the Burgundy Pants / White Jersey look, that I'd say it's better than that to.

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Uh yeah. None of those are looking stellar right now.

The 3-4? Really? You're bragging on the worst D in the league?

And Kyle? The guy who abandoned the run after one of the greatest first half's in Redskins history? The same guy who ran it on 3rd and goal from the 10?

Shanny? The guy who can't manage the clock or the AH situation?

I'm not calling them busts, but none of these guys have shown anything to be impressed about.

tough to run a 3-4 with no NT, no ILB, a backup SS, and a FS that cant tackle. i remember in 2006 when williams didnt have the horses either and everyone wanted his terrible scheme gone, yet he got some better players, improved our defense, then went to NO and won a superbowl ring with their defense. but hey, 13 games with some very good performances and some poor ones is enough to throw a guy away and go back to our 4-3, which was really not that great! lol

kyle, the guy who is hamstringed by little to no talent on offense? did you see the game yesterday? the bucs adjusted big time to the run and started stuffing it. heres torains 2nd half rushing line:

6 carries, 14 yards. one of those was a 12 yard run. it was clear as day that the bucs adjusted to stuff the run, and they did on 5 of his 2nd half carries. you dont just run a guy into a brick wall. the gameplan was fine yesterday. our garbage kicker/ST leaving 7 points on the field was why we lost.

shanny, the guy that thought he could get something out of haynesworth? lets crucify the guy for thinking that haynesworth wasnt the biggest scumbag clown in the universe. ever wonder why jeff fisher let him waltz out of tennessee? surely hes a bad coach too.

unreal. 13 games in, were 5-8 and getting younger, and people want zorn and campbell back. lol

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It's nice to see all the positives lined up like that. Good personnel moves, mostly.

So, whast have they done BAD?:

-lose games..?

And that's about it. You could say changing the D was 'bad' for THIS YEAR, but it is the future of the NFL and it will grow/get better.

This team just needs everyone to get together, be on the same page, and 'gel' as they say. I really believe it can. It's key that the veteran guys, the ones a couple years away from the door, stay committed, help out the young guys, and play hard, even if they know they're not winning a SB.

Shanny has said, ONE thing about his SB teams was that everyone was on the same page. Everyone bought in to what he wanted to do. I take that as more than podium chit chat, I think it means a lot. Shanny's attitude here for the last 5 years would have meant no CP costumes, no Albert haynesworth,..no bad character guys. Somehow, it's a good thing for this team to get thoroughly embarrassed, and make sure they can stick together. It seems they are. Even Gano isn't all that worried.

To answer the OP question, I'll say they've done so much right, it's amazing. Fundamentally, this team needed an overhaul, and it got it. Step 1- done. On to step 2- win games...

Excellent post. I agree, I think the fundamentals are in place, now it's a matter of getting "Shanny's guys" and building the team as he and B. Allen see fit. My prediction...Next season we're a 9-7 type team, and the following year a 10-6 / 11-5 type team.

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