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Jerry Jones is on the Sideline in Dallas tonight...Again.


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I think for all the comparisons Jerry Jones & Dan Snyder people give examples of, the one thing about Jerry Jones that is far and away worse, is the shameless self-promotion Jerry Jones puts out there of himself.

They aren't the dallas cowboys, they are Jerry Jones's Dallas Cowboys, and he can't let a cameraman walk by without making sure he explains that. WHen they were winning in their glory days, Jones would always make sure to come down from the box and walk the sidelines as if he did anything to make the team win. Or when the Cowboys were behind in a game, he came down, strolling the sidelines clapping his hands as if he was the extra motivation they needed.

And then the frosting on the cake was the ridiculous little promo he recorded before MNF a few weeks back where he "apologized" for the team. I mean he does realize that at least 75% watching MNF are probably glad they are losing and don't want them to turn around.

The guy is a clown, and absent the Herschal Walker trade, hasn't done a damn thing for that franchise, but he will always get the benefit of he doubt from the Sports media because of what 8 draft picks and Jimmy Johnson did for the franchise.

I just hope Snyder gets his trophy soon so the media will STFU.

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I wonder what Jerry would want from us, to get Kitna?? There definitely going to have QB controvery on their hands when Romo sits to pee returns.. And whatever happens, I seriously doubt Kitna is going to want to go back to riding the pine.. He's showed the league he can play at this level, imo.. I actually think he's better than Romo sits to pee, from what I've seen in the few weeks he's been at the helm.. Certainly no worse..

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Kitna is almost 38 (right?) and has had time to learn their system.

Come on. Please take that back, GoDeep.

He's definitely old all right, but he just joined the Cowboys this year I believe (possibly last year but I don't think so).

Before that he was the starter for Detroit until they got Stafford and was demoted. I always thought he was a pretty good QB, though. He was just lost in playing for a god-awful Detroit team for many years.

I also like Shaun Hill, the 49ers definitely went with the wrong QB when they got rid of him for Alex Smith, whom Hill was better than (but Smith was a 1st round draft pick).

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