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Windows Phone 7


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Anyone pick one of these devices up today and have any thoughts?

I'm looking to get a smartphone again and am interested in these.

I used to have an iPhone 3g (plus macbooks and currently an iPad which i love), but i'm open to checking out android and win phone 7.

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They reviewed it on Fox 5 this morning. Basically said it wasn't as good as an iPhone or an Android. They liked that it didn't have "Windows all over it" but said it still had a lot of refinement needed in order for it to compete.

i'll be sticking with my vibrant running bionix... it's pretty much the jammy jam.

although i put cyanogen6 on my friends nexus one... thats pretty damn sweet too.

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Samsung Focus for AT&T would be your best bet. It is essentially the Galaxy S series phone with some minor cosmetic changes plus Windows Phone 7. Some of the features it is missing, true multitasking and copy/paste feature, will be coming to the phone in an update in January.

Reviw from CNET, who are a real tech company and they are generally spot on with their reviews:


4/5 stars

The Good: The Samsung Focus features a brilliant 4-inch Super AMOLED touch screen. The smartphone has good quality, and the camera takes excellent photos and video. Windows Phone 7 brings a fresh and friendly user interface, great multimedia capabilities, and an improved browser.

The Bad: No copy and paste yet. Limited support for landscape mode. Xbox Live games slow to load. The phone feels a bit plasticky. No direct syncing for non-Exchange Outlook accounts; must go through the cloud.

Microsoft is going out of their way to court app developers.

They are trying to tow the line between iOS phones and Android phones. They want WP7 on as many smartphones as possible, like Android, but have stringent design policies and hardware specs, like Apple.

They have a strong lineup of phones for Tmobile and AT&T. Nothing for Verizon yet as they focused on the faster GSM/HDSPA market. It isn't an abject failure to begin with but has some flaws that are giong to be addressed soon. I have a feeling it's marketplace will suffer from lack of apps, much like Blackberry. Blackberry's App World has only around 9,000 apps, which is a large number but compared to the over 100,000 for Andoird Market, and whatever number the Apple App Store is at, it is paltry.

Windows Phone 7 is apparently getting hundreds of new apps per week and they are focusing on the big apps that people want. Twitter and Facebook were given demo units, software and all the access they needed to create an app that works flawlessly and fits the scheme of the OS.

It is going to take time to build a fan base as people are being trained everyday to hate MS for some reason or another. Plus they have to redirect the backlash that was against them with Windows Mobile 6 series.

I say try the phone out. You get 30 days with all cell carriers and if you do not like it take it back and get the phone you want. You will know within a week if you like the phone or not.

Everyone jumping on them for not having copy/paste or true multitasking need to remember back to when the iPhone did not have copy/paste functions. When Apple finally put copy/paste into the iPhone they highlighted it as a some life altering event in commercials and at their keynote for that years iOS update. Copy/paste isn't that big of a deal when dealing with cell phones but it is handy for business users.

Multitasking, in it's truest since, is not available on iOS devices yet not on the WP7 system.

I do not own a WP7. I was interested in one but the $299 upgrade price tag for me was way too high plus the Samsung Captivate was available for $99 which is an absolute steal. When my upgrade comes around again in 18 months I will look at them then. The OS will have matured a bit.

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not having multitasking is like putting stone wheels on your car.

It has some multitasking capabilities. You can run MS certified apps at the same time but not 3rd party apps. With the iphone you can run music in the background and 1 application if I remember correctly. My Captivate with Droid runs about 100 things at once according to Task Killer.

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Is it running Windows 7?

It's running Windows Phone 7 OS (which is not windows 7 as on the computer)

here is quick video showing what it looks like

Windows phones suck. My Tilt 2 is so slow its not even funny

That was old Windows mobile, this it totally new OS. Nothing about old OS is like the new one. No old programs work, and M$ is a lot more strict on hardware that is used. the OS is very fluid.

Why would it not have copy and paste???? Didn't the previous version of WM6 have copy/paste? I mean didn't they see how much hate the iphone was getting when it didn't do copy'paste? Just stupid if you ask me.

I think I heard something along the line they figured a way to add it but wanted to focus on other parts before for launch. The update to add copy paste is supposed to be out January I believe. Besides now they can brag, we changed a line of code in the OS to turn a feature on in the phone like iOS ;)

I am impressed with it so far. I like some of the overall integration in the phone. They have more apps then I thought they would on day one, nothing like the iphone currently has, but has some big basic ones like youtube, netflix, facebook (although the FB integration is good), etc... It's a solid OS, not sure if it's enough to bring M$ back into the phone market, only time will tell. There is some flaws they really need to work on, it's a good start to an OS but some of these issues need to be taken care of soon. For exable the copy paste issue is an issue with origanal iphones, M$ has to out do iphone 4 now not iphone 1 to get people back

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...


Mango is here, and seems pretty good. This is what WP7 should have been on release. Software wise seems like M$ has done a good job of catching up in one year. They are still lacking dramatically in market share, which in turns will lack in apps. If intrested in a phone I would wait til 2nd gen phones come out with faster processors and front facing camera.

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If Verizon had a larger selection of Mango compatible phones, I'd get one for sure. Instead, It will be either the iPhone 5 or HTC Vigor.

Pretty sure Verizon is pretty much locked in with Android and now Apple. They'll have a phone or 2 but probably not high end. I'm intrested in ti see how Nokia will play out.

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Pretty sure Verizon is pretty much locked in with Android and now Apple. They'll have a phone or 2 but probably not high end. I'm intrested in ti see how Nokia will play out.

Yeah, it's looking like AT&T is on the Windows wagon. That's fine, I love my current Android phone (the interface not the phone itself. **** the Droid Eris) and iOS5 looks awesome.

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Not a fan of Blackberry? The new Bold Touch 9930 looks like a real nice phone as well.

I really like the integration with Office and Zune in Windows Phone 7. I also think lots of good stuff is on the horizon with Windows 8 and the mobile OS. Of course the Trophy probably would be too weak to benefit from that down the road though.

I have nothing against Blackberry just never really gave it a thought. I may have to look at the Bold Touch though.

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